The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 265: The World Of Online Games Comes To Show Off? (First Update!)

Seeing the middle-aged man like this, Li Qing and Lin Jiachen finally understood. Their relationship was based on some power in the real world, and they came to the online game world to show off?

This tone and attitude completely made them look like unruly people!

Lin Jiachen suppressed his anger: "Sir, do you really think this is the real world?"

The middle-aged man smiled coldly: "Why, you still want to attack me? I have heard of Lin Jiachen and Uchiha Qing, they are very powerful players, but so what? In the real world, Laozi can do it with just one order. It can make your head move, so you'd better not provoke me, serve me tea obediently, and serve as my subordinate obediently. Although Laozi is in a mess when he comes here, he still has some power... Well, in addition Provide me with the most beautiful female players you have here. If you make me unhappy, return to the real world..."

Before the middle-aged man could finish speaking, Li Qing had already picked him up like a chicken, which only made the middle-aged man change his color.

"Hey, Uchiha Ao, you don't want to live anymore?" the middle-aged man roared.

When several of his subordinates saw this scene, they immediately rushed forward, but due to some unknown force, they stayed where they were.

"You are like a grandson in the online game world. You come here to show off to us. Do you really think your position and power in the real world are useful?" Li Qing said and punched him hard. Flying out, his front teeth were broken, "Huaxia Hidden Village is the home of all of us Huaxia players. If you are bullied by a leader like you who bullies the people's heads,

Humph, Huaxia Hidden Village can't even think about developing, nor can it go any further. Besides, do you really think that power in the real world is useful here?"

Li Qing walked slowly towards the middle-aged man. The latter finally felt a trace of fear at this moment when he saw the extremely evil pair of [Mangekyō Sharingan].

But when he thought that he was making all the changes in the real world, he couldn't help but curl his lips: "Uchiha Ao, right? Wait until I return to the real world..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Qing kicked him away with a heavy kick, and then picked up the middle-aged man whose face was covered with blood: "Huaxia is doing this because there are too many people like you. There have been so many unjust, false and wrong cases... Since you have bullied us today, I'm sorry... In addition, I'm very rude to tell you that in the real world, there used to be countries like the United States and Japan. The kings of soldiers and special forces formed by me came to assassinate me, but I easily killed them all. Even the head of the military region is my friend. If you want to do whatever you want, you'd better find another place, thank you. 17

After saying that, Li Qing punched him hard again.

In the middle-aged man's shrill cry, it turned into a lump.

Yes, everyone else exploded the equipment gold coin scroll or something, but this guy exploded directly into a pile of flying objects, and also exuded bursts of stench.

At this time, several bodyguards in the distance saw their boss being sent back to Novice Village, and they subconsciously rushed over to take action. Li Qing smiled coldly, and the grass pheasant sword flashed an icy cold light, and took these people away by the way. .

He doesn't have the slightest fondness for this group of guys who only rely on their own rights to dominate and accept other people's hard work.

"Someone, please tidy up this place!"

Lin Jiachen greeted his subordinates, and several players immediately came over to clean up.

Li Qing smiled at Lin Jiachen: "I hope this episode did not affect our mood."

Lin Jiachen smiled and shook his head: "How far is Cao Ninja Village from us?" He asked his subordinates, and his subordinates subconsciously replied: "The news just came.

The ninjas in Kusanagi Village are less than 15,000 kilometers away from us. "

"They are very fast." Li Qing smiled coldly, "But since they are going to die, I won't be polite."

"Lin Jiachen, please bring some people to follow. I'll go meet these ninjas from the Grass Ninja Village first." At this point, Li Qing's whole body turned into a ray of light, and under the seal of the Body Flicker Technique

Flying out of the castle in an instant.

0...Please give me flowers...

"Okay, so fast..."

Several subordinates didn't even see clearly how Li Qing left. They felt that nothing was gone in a blink of an eye, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Uchiha Qing god-tier... We won't hold you back!" Lin Jiachen clenched his fists, and his sharp eyes fell on several subordinates: "Hurry and prepare!"


The subordinates nodded repeatedly and quickly turned around to prepare to go. I don’t know why, but with Uchiha Ao god-tier around, they feel particularly at ease, their whole bodies are boiling, and their blood is burning.

They had not felt this way for many years. The appearance of Uchiha Qing allowed them to see the future and the hope of China's rise?

Regardless of the reason, they decided to follow China to the end!

Li Qing moves very quickly. With the help of Body Flicker Technique and Lightning Style Chakra Mode, his current speed can only be described as rapid. Although he is still more than 10,000 kilometers away from the rushing Kusanagi Village ninjas, For him, this distance is only a few minutes.

Swish, brush, brush!

A few minutes later, Li Qing stepped on the branch of the tree with her feet, and her cold eyes fell in the distance.

And in his gradually shrinking eyes, he saw more than a thousand ninjas wearing grass ninja village costumes moving here quickly in the distance. The leader was a group of Jōnin, and those behind were basically Chūnin. kind.

Needless to say, for a team with such strength, it would definitely be a huge disaster if they entered the Hidden Village of China. Among the grass ninjas, he also saw several players, and the name prefixes of these players were With several familiar names [Island Alliance].

Yes, that’s right, these must be players from the [Island Alliance]. Judging from their menacing appearance, even a fool can guess what they want to do!.

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