The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 274: Mangekyō Sharinganvs The Strongest Dead Bone Pulse!

"You are Uchiha Ao, right? Your talent is still higher than Sasuke's, and you are still Sasuke's older brother." At this time, Kimimaro slowly spoke: "I don't care what you are doing here, but...since It’s what Orochimaru-sama wants, so I will definitely get it for him, even if it’s a rose with thorns!”

After saying that, Kimimaro's fingers suddenly shook, and with a sharp roar, his bones were shot out like bullets at a speed that exceeded the speed of sound.

His speed is so fast that even Li Qing, who possesses [Mangekyō Sharingan], would still need a certain amount of strength to capture the trajectory of his bullets.

But after all, Li Qing was a person who had gone through countless battles. With a single leap, he avoided the terrifying bullets that pierced his fingers, and the next moment, his body appeared behind Kimimaro.


Kimimaro obviously didn't expect Uchiha Qing's speed to be so fast. He was slightly startled when a bone sword appeared in his hand, and the next moment, behind him quickly

As Orochimaru's killing machine, he is almost the strongest among all his men. If he had not died of a terminal illness, with his talent and strength, he would have definitely caused an uproar in the entire ninja world. 880


The grass pheasant sword and the bone sword collided violently, making a crisp metal collision sound. Kimimaro was slightly startled when he saw Orochimaru's familiar sword, and then his eyes burst out with strong anger: "It turns out that Mr. Orochimaru's grass pheasant is You took the sword, I will get it back for Orochimaru-sama!"

In fact, Kimimaro was also a poor child. He lost his family at a very young age and was used as a tool by the ambitious Orochimaru. Even until his death, he felt very happy that he had dedicated his life to Orochimaru...

Li Qing was naturally too lazy to pay much attention to such a secondary patient. The moment he was knocked back, he unleashed an overwhelming attack with explosive droplets and long knives and stitches.


Countless detonating symbols exploded next to Kimimaro. Although Kimimaro used a bone shield to defend against most of the damage, only causing more than 1,000 points of damage, the steel wire of the long knife and needle took this opportunity to quietly The attack wrapped around Kimimaro's hands and feet, making him unable to move and falling into a "restraint" state.

Before Kimimaro could break free from the shackles of the steel wire, Li Qing suddenly appeared in front of him and slashed out the Grass Pheasant Sword.

Uchiha Ninjutsu: Wild Wind Sword!

Carrying the fighting spirit of a storm, the Grass Pheasant Sword shrouded an unimaginable terrifying force, covering Kimimaro like a cover. Facing such a subtle attack by Li Qing, he, entangled in the steel wire, could only watch helplessly. Watching myself being hit by the Pheasant Sword!


Just when the Grass Pheasant Sword was about to hit his body, a bone sword suddenly stretched out from his body, blocking the Grass Pheasant Sword's attack with a clang. Two metal-like things collided, and another sound was heard. There was a deafening sound of metal collision, and the next moment, countless explosive bombs bombarded one after another, pointing directly at Kimimaro.

Boom boom boom!

This move is exactly the Explosion Style: Explosion Fireball combo!

Countless explosive fireballs filled with explosive power instantly set off extremely terrifying power, forming flames that engulfed Kimimaro.


In an instant, it actually dealt nearly 700,000 points of damage, taking down one-seventh of Kimimaro's health.

Kimimaro, who was knocked away, rushed towards Li Qing again with an angry face.

Dead Bone Pulse: Dance of the Maidenhair Flowers!

Suddenly, he pulled out the spine from his back and wrapped it around Li Qing like a long whip. The next moment, (afbe) the strongest bone launched a swift and violent attack, aiming directly at Ji Gui.

This move was so fast that no one could react, not even Li Qing who had Mangekyō Sharingan!


Just when the strongest bone was about to pierce Li Qing's chest, a surprising scene happened. The bone that exploded towards him hung in the air, stopped, and could no longer move. The situation is very strange.


Kimimaro's face changed slightly. He couldn't understand why his bones actually stopped in the air. His face was full of surprise. Then he discovered that although his connection with the bones was still there,

I can no longer buy it.

Yes, I just can't move.

But just when he was surprised, he saw Li Qing grinning and naughtily ducking aside. Then the bone of the spear, which was known as the strongest, flew out and leveled a mountain in the distance. Countless smoke and dust stirred up and raised Waves of dust and mist arose, and everyone's eyes were lost.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?" Kimimaro asked in surprise. He had never seen such a strange sight.

However, Li Qing obviously didn't give him a chance, and appeared in front of him in an instant, preparing to kill him with another four-stage slash. Kimimaro didn't panic, and dozens of bones suddenly grew around his body, increasing his attack power at the same time. , and strengthened his defense.

In the original work, after Xiao Li opened the first door, Kimimaro was not injured, which shows his strong defense.


Seeing the bones on Kimimaro's body, Li Qing smiled coldly, and the grass pheasant sword flew out instantly, heading straight for Kimimaro's chest.


The Grass Pheasant Sword was blown away. Kimimaro took this opportunity to leap behind him, and when he was about to launch an attack, he was shocked to find that Li Qing disappeared without a trace. Instead, the Grass Pheasant Sword that was blown away changed into It became Li Qing's appearance.

In an instant, Kimimaro felt a strong life threat, which was an unprecedented feeling.

He gritted his teeth: "Dead Bone Pulse: Dance of the Early Fern!"

At this time, Li Qing sneered, and [Mangekyō Sharingan] quickly spun, [Susanoo]!

I saw countless huge and sharp bones growing on the ground one after another, and at the same time, a huge God of War with purple flames all over his body descended into the world!

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