The moment Susanoo fell, Kimimaro's eyes froze!

Because this creature summoned by Li Qing was so terrifying that it even made him feel pressure, which was a tremor from his soul!

He gritted his teeth, but the movements of his hands did not slow down at all, and even the Chakra output was more than before. The kid not far away was a threat, but the threat in front of him was already fatal!


A huge roar came out of Susanoo's mouth, and she stepped down hard with her right foot. A layer of ripples formed on the ground in an instant, and the long right hand was thrown out instantly!

Li Qing moved.

The long knife was filled with the aura of killing, like a mountain bearing down on top, Kimimaro's pressure doubled!


Kimimaro urgently summoned his backbone and faced Susanoo's long knife. There were no expensive movements, only a primitive collision!

Huge air waves spread to the surroundings, and a small storm visible to the naked eye formed with Kimimaro as the center!


Susanoo is worthy of being a strong man born from blood death. Seeing that his unparalleled power was blocked, he roared and retracted the bone knife and swung it out again. The weapon condensed with huge power instantly reached Kimimaro's eyes!

The battle seemed to end in an instant!

"How is that possible!" Kimimaro ushered in the craziest power. He gritted his teeth and had to do his best. He no longer had the intention to guard against Li Qing. He had no ability to resist even if the opponent attacked again!

Li Qing stood quietly and did not continue to take action. Kimimaro had extraordinary fighting power in the original work, and he has not yet used his full strength at this time! It is better to take the opportunity to conquer.

"In that case! Then, let's give you some difficulty!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Li Qing looked at Kimimaro coldly. He didn't use any terrifying abilities, just a few simple seals, and the Mangekyō Sharingan started to spin leisurely!

"Secret Technique..."

Although it will not achieve the effect of killing with one hit, he believes that this can always increase the difficulty of the battle in front of him, and it does not count the cost of summoning Susanoo!

As soon as he finished speaking, Kimimaro's pupils shrank, and the things around him slowly began to rotate unknowingly. Spiral patterns appeared on the stone wall beside the cave, slowly rotating, and everything in front of him was spinning. Changes are happening.

"Damn it, is Uchiha Ao's ability really that terrifying..."

Kimimaro felt the rapid consumption of Chakra in his body. If he wanted to resist this artistic conception, he had to use the ability given by Orochimaru, and he also had to guard against Li Qing who did not appear outside!

Thinking of this, he narrowed his eyes, activated the curse seal, and his abilities instantly increased sharply, but...

When Li Qing saw this, Mangekyō Sharingan's illusion expanded further!

Silently, one or two whistles reached Kimimaro's ears, and then a feeling of sadness arose spontaneously, and his mood changed invisibly!


Susanoo's bone knife struck again. Seeing that the frontal attack was unsuccessful, she turned her body expressionlessly to remove the stamina brought by the knife, and roared at her again!

The strength brought by the curse seals is visible. Even Li Qing cannot underestimate these curse seals, so he has been looking for the secrets in them!

But at this time, even if Kimimaro's strength skyrocketed, it still wasn't as terrifying as the original Commander Suke!

He just looked at Kimimaro quietly, directing Susanoo to attack left and right, but the attack would retreat. He wanted Kimimaro to get lost in it!

The sky was full of whistles, and in the blink of an eye, Sakura flowers fell all over the sky, and the quiet wind carried the cries of children in Shiliang City!

"Stop it!"

Raising his spine, Kimimaro whipped the surrounding illusions crazily, but under Sharingan, let alone the artistic conception created by Mangekyō, how could it be so easily broken!

After taking back Susanoo, Li Qing stepped in front of Kimimaro. He stood quietly without saying a word, looking indifferently at the once powerful and messed-up person who was now lying there with disheveled hair. He could not accept the feeling in his heart. memory!

0…Please give me flowers…

After being rescued by Orochimaru as a child, he decided to follow Orochimaru wholeheartedly, and then worked hard to protect him, meet all his requests, and even exist as a reincarnation, which he accepted without hesitation!

But after becoming a failed experimental subject, he was abandoned. Such a resolute abandonment, Orochimaru-sama never looked back!

And in Li Qing's fantasy, what he saw was his past, even the memory of when he swore an oath!

This made him doubt his decision for the first time, and even disgusted everything in front of him from the bottom of his heart. Those beautiful Sakura flowers were yearning, that was the deepest yearning in his heart, rather than becoming a being. The forgotten body of man!


This was the first time that he had a new perspective on life, and the source of everything came from the cold-looking man in front of him! He put away his spine, wiped the Bloodline from the corner of his mouth, stood up in confusion, and looked directly at The young man was stunned, even though he said everything just now was just an illusion!

Kimimaro, who had messy hair and a delicate face, said coldly: "Why are you so strong? Even though Orochimaru had already ordered a few people not to provoke others when they were weak, he didn't expect that he was from a downstream position. Your strength is already so terrifying, it’s not difficult for you to deal with me!”

Li Qing smiled calmly: "The Chinese Ninja Village has freedom, equality, and is constantly rising. It needs strong people to defend it! If you are willing to follow me and enjoy freedom with me, then come!"

After saying this, he ignored Kimimaro and turned towards the cave, which contained the secrets Orochimaru studied!

Although Kimimaro's combat power is very strong, Susanoo's combat power is not weak, and even more terrifying, but he is not afraid of Kimimaro's sudden attack.

Rather than forcing him to surrender, it is better to let him think clearly on his own.

Kimimaro in the original work did die in the end, and died miserably. As the reincarnation of Orochimaru, what he longed for in his heart was actually his own freedom!

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