After giving thirty-two palms, Li Qing walked towards Lin Jiachen, the leader of Huaxia Hidden Village and his best friend in the world.

"Eight Trigrams Palms is a unique ninjutsu technique of the Hyuga family. Together with their Byakugan, they can maximize the power of this boxing technique and seal the Chakra acupuncture points in the opponent's body. It is also known as an even more powerful absolute defense! "

Li Qing was confused when he saw the original anime. After seeing Hyuga Neji's offensive, he also studied the Byakugan for a while! This blood successor has a very strong limit, but it is a pity that Hyuga Neji does not have enough aura.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong now. Even my sneak attacks have no effect on you!"

Lin Jiachen stood up after Li Qing offered his hand!

Li Qing took out a pill from her body: "Here, it's the holy medicine for healing, nourishing the kidneys and spleen!"

This is a pill that is good for the body. It was ejected from the ninjas of the Mist Ninja Village when thousands of people were killed. It was a pity that he did not have any good 05 equipment, but this thing is very effective!

Sure enough, Lin Jiachen did not hesitate. After taking it, a bright light flashed across his body!

"Congratulations to the player: Lin Jiachen has gained experience**, current level: 350!"

"Level 351!

"Level 352!"

The system prompts sounded three times in succession before disappearing. At this time, Lin Jiachen had recovered from the shock. He didn't know who Uchiha Ao was. He only knew that he was his friend.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw Uchiha Qing's god-tier hands forming a seal, and there was a space fluctuation, and he himself had disappeared.

"You are... Kimimaro!"

Looking to the side, the dull Kimimaro was still looking at the position of Li Qing just now. As for where he went, no one knew. But no one noticed that not far away, a girl hiding under the shade of a tree quietly stood up and left.

"Cheng Mengmeng, I'm not ready yet. I'm sorry!"

Fifty meters away, Li Qing put on a hat, covering her face, and left here in a few jumps.

Kimimaro's settlement can only be regarded as the backbone. Huaxia Hidden Village will definitely develop in the future, and Kimimaro's strength will not improve faster than the players!

"[System prompt]: Found signs of Orochimaru, the current mission has been changed! Main line: Explore the signs and destroy all enemies who come! Mission reward: Unknown..

The system prompt sounded, and a map appeared in front of Li Qing's eyes. There was a place marked with a big red mark and a red light!

"The system's tasks are indeed so deceptive. If it weren't for this heaven-defying plug-in, I'm afraid I would have been overwhelmed by tens of thousands of players!"

Li Qing complained a little in her heart. The figure shuttled between the woods not slowly but quickly. Although the reward is still unknown, if there is any additional reward, then!

However, you must be on guard, as the discovery of the game world is unpredictable!

"[System Notification]: The coordinates of the player Uchiha Ao are XX. During this period, many players can form a team to complete the task together or choose to compete for the task!"

"[System Notification]: The coordinates of the player Uchiha Ao are XX. During this period, many players can form a team to complete the task together or choose to compete for the task!"

"[System Notification]: The coordinates of the player Uchiha Ao are XX. During this period, many players can form a team to complete the task together or choose to compete for the task!"

The system tasks are indeed the same as before, and they are competitive, but it is obvious that Li Qing does not take this to heart!

"Since you can come, let me show you what fear is!"

He formed seals with his hands again, and in an instant, Li Qing's figure appeared five hundred meters away. "In this way, the use of Chakra is within the minimum range, but the recovery unit is larger."

Of course, the same thing...using it too many times will double the fatigue on the body and double the Chakra consumption!"

"But, this is enough... isn't it?"

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Qing's mouth, and his eyes gradually became sharper. The red dot on the system map was getting closer and closer!

A hundred meters away, Li Qing slowed down, surprisingly slow.

The blood-red Mangekyō Sharingan slowly rotated, forming seals with his hands. Under the fluctuation of space, Li Qing's figure appeared within a radius of fifty meters, and returned to the starting point after jumping many times.

"Impossible. Orochimaru will definitely set some traps based on his temperament. He is cautious and cruel to both himself and his enemies! So there must be something wrong here!"

Li Qing is not the kind of person who takes things lightly, so he knows that neither is Orochimaru.

Slowly approaching the red dot, Li Qing's eyes turned cold!

In a green forest, a few stones half the size of a man were randomly thrown there, the breeze blew, and there was harmony!

But...there are four killer moves under this harmony!

"The first one is the densely packed explosive talismans in the woods. The moment the dodge technique enters, it can deal a devastating blow. The danger is no less than that of the Tailed Beast Bomb!"

Li Qing just formed the seal silently and put her hands together.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Art!"

With a low groan, a dense fireball fell within nearly a hundred meters, the woods were destroyed, and the talisman was detonated!


There was a mess within a hundred miles, and the flames 240 rushed towards him, but Li Qing did not dodge. Looking coldly at the stone without any trace under the huge explosion!

Sharingan rotates, and the sealing technique on the stone is clearly visible.

"Huh!" Li Qing said nothing and didn't care!

As for the third and fourth killing moves!

"The power of the Phoenix Immortal Technique just now has revealed its true appearance. The muddy flat land is actually a sunken swamp, a purple-black quagmire with green bubbles!"

All of Orochimaru's ultimate moves are here, and these tricks from Orochimaru are very effective against low-level Jōnin!

But what he didn't expect was Uchiha Ao, the highest level and most awesome player to date!

"[System Prompt]: The current mission has been completed. Player Uchiha Ao has opened the code: See everything clearly. Mission reward: Orochimaru's latest whereabouts map!"


Li Qing was speechless. This may have been the most frustrating mission so far. He didn't get anything, but the trip was in vain.

However, there are always those regrets that don’t need to be made up for!

For example, the dense red dots on the map keep getting closer!

Li Qing instantly formed a seal with his hands, Mangekyō Sharingan appeared again, and the messy surroundings instantly returned to purity.

Li Qing hides all the aura on her body and quietly waits for the player to arrive!.

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