The breeze blew by, picking up a few fallen leaves on the ground and flying into the air, and then fell to the ground.


The passing ninja made a sound when he stepped on the fallen leaves. Under the ninja mask, a white man had a wretched face revealed. Looking at the quiet forest in front of him, he suddenly clenched his fist and raised his hand.

"Stop, stop..."

Suddenly, he roared softly, and the players behind him stopped one after another. The team was in disarray, but this also showed that he was strong. One or two Sakura flowers fell from the Sakura tree!

Li Qing's Mangekyō Sharingan opened instantly, and the strength of these players appeared in his eyes!

"The leader is a ninja from the United States, whose strength has just reached Jōnin, and behind him there are Russians, and a black woman... No."

Several player levels appeared, but Li Qing was not satisfied with this. Chakra consumed a lot under the illusion, but would he care about this Chakra?

The answer is no! After a moment, he reconfirmed his opinion: "This dark-skinned female ninja is not simple, and even has the strength to catch up with Cheng Mengmeng! From the beginning, his hand never left the handle of the knife on his waist. He is also calm enough, Sakura Sakura Even the falling flowers failed to disturb her nerves!"

After thinking for a moment, Li Qing, who thought she had become a public enemy of the entire server, had a smile on her lips!

"Then, let's start!"

Forming seals with one hand, the seals changed again and again. After three times, he placed a scroll between his two thumbs, closed his eyes and opened them instantly, and Mangekyō Sharingan slowly began to rotate!

Under the silent space, everything froze. Then, the falling leaves began to flow back. The moment the Sakura flower fell to the ground, it slowly flew up again, returned to the branch, and instantly turned into a bud, and then turned into a tiny speck!


The American ninja who took the lead quickly drew out his long sword, but after seeing that there was no danger, he withdrew the long sword, formed seals with his hands, and wanted to detect the surroundings!

"Why is there no response?"

Looking at his hands, he tried again. The order of the seals was correct, but the skill that had always been correct lost its effect for the first time, as if everything here was fake!

"This is an illusion, please be careful"[!"

The female ninja took out her Short Sword, placed it in front of her, said something coldly and looked at the Sakura flower tree!

Everything is turning around!

After a while, the wind stopped and the leaves stopped moving!


The wind roared, everything began to accelerate, and the flow of time began to develop in an abnormal trend!

The leaves were blown down from the trees and floated towards several people. They were surprisingly fast and they were in front of them in the blink of an eye!


The female ninja suddenly swung her knife to cut the leaf. The leaf was split into two, but the speed did not slow down and passed by the female ninja. Her clothes opened with a sharp sound! There were traces of blood on her body, which made her wrinkle. frowned!

"What kind of illusion is this?"

"How strong is Uchiha Ao, and why can he create such an illusion?

"Yeah, are we going to die?"

Several people nearby had large and small injuries on their bodies. There was even an island nation named Chūnin who was hit directly on the forehead by a leaf and died instantly without even reacting.

Their complaints naturally reached Li Qing's ears.

"Idiot, it contains the Uchiha Taijutsu: Wild Wind Sword, how can it be broken so easily.

While Li Qing sneered, he launched Chakra again without mercy.

Since you are going to kill, you must have the consciousness to be killed.

The female ninja ignored the wounds on her body and pulled out another long knife. On both sides, her eyes turned red.

"Interesting! Is this the legendary dual-sword style? Talented players are really different..."

Li Qing thinks he has average talent, but... as a man with cheats, he just needs to crush him!

Sooner or later, time began to turn around, and the leaves on the ground returned to their original path without any warning.

All the Chūnin present had almost no time to react. The moment they were hit, they turned into gold coins and equipment and fell all over the ground!

The leaves return to the trees and the wind stops!

Only the only female ninja and the leader of the United States are left!

"Are you just waiting to die? There is no way!"

The leader of the United States had sweat on his forehead, his arms under his clothes riddled with holes were shaking crazily, and his body was in a state of fear.

After the seal was completed, his figure appeared where he came from, what a pity.


The female ninja has yet to finish her words!

American ninjas have turned into a pile of gold coins!

"This is a dead end, there is only way in, no way out, there is death but no life!"

Li Qing's eyes contained no emotion as she launched the third wave of impact!

The wind blows and the leaves move.

"Ding ding ding..."

The female ninja's eyes suddenly changed, and she instantly used her double sword style crazily! The ninja sword collided with the sharp leaves crazily.

It's a pity that everything in the illusion is in vain.

The female ninja's two-sword style was defeated from within.

"That's it!"

Li Qing walked towards the female ninja step by step, picked up the shuriken on her right hand, and threw it lightly!

The female ninja could not express her hatred in her eyes, but she had already turned into gold coins.

With his hands forming a seal, everything disappeared and the messy ground was restored.

He took out the mask with the ghost face carved on it and put it on his face. Without any extravagant movements, he pulled out the long knife that he had never used before!

The Body Flicker Technique is activated, and the whole person has already rushed towards the pile of red dots!

"We must kill Uchiha Ao this time, and we must avenge this revenge, otherwise how can we in the Ninja League survive!"


The ninjas at the front looked serious. In their opinion, Uchiha Ao's torture was a shame that could never be erased, unless they could kill him with their own hands.

"Uchiha Ao..."

I don't know who yelled, and the scene instantly became chaotic!

Li Qing stopped, put the long knife on his shoulder, and pointed at the people present with his other hand: "Ninja League, Holy See, Four Seas..." Ten seconds later, he suddenly sneered: "Ouch , not bad (Wang Qian’s)!”

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared instantly. He didn't care who he killed first and who he killed later. No one could stop him!

"Quick, use your strongest move!"

In the blink of an eye, Li Qing had slaughtered an entire area with his sword. The leader of the Ninja Alliance had red eyes and shouted quickly!


Li Qing quickly formed seals and shuttled among the players like a fish in water. The dead souls under the sword turned into piles of gold coins, and he also released the time ninjutsu!

Like a big millstone, it nooses the bodies of all the ninjas around it!

"[System Announcement]: Player Uchiha Ao is in the area... killing 2210 players like crazy. Please go quickly to support and save the Ninja Alliance!"

"[System Announcement]: Player Uchiha Ao is killing 3512 players in the area. Please go to support quickly and save the Ninja Alliance!"

This is...Feast Valley!

Killing Feast!.

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