System prompts sounded all over the world, and all players heard the reminder about the Uchiha Ao massacre almost immediately.

"Uchiha Ao started killing again, which really attracted a lot of hatred!"

"Isn't that right? Not long ago, ten thousand people were killed, and recently he was besieged by players. It seems that he can't stop killing anymore. Isn't it possible that no one can deal with him?"

Almost at the same time, all players in the camp or scattered players issued their truest screams, some were shocked, some admired, and even some were disdainful.

One breath..…………

"[System prompt]: Player Uchiha Ao is continuing the killing to the end. The current number of kills is: 12450. Players from all over the country are summoned to attack him. Please support quickly and save the Ninja Alliance!"

"[System prompt]: Player Uchiha Ao is continuing the killing to the end. The current number of kills is: 22470. Players from all over the country are summoned to fight against him. Please support him quickly and save the Ninja Alliance!"

The moment the system prompt sounded in their ears, all the players were excited.

Uchiha Ao is very powerful, but when many players join forces, he can carry out such a ferocious counterattack, and can counter-kill so many people. "But the 520 itself is really powerful.

People who are familiar with the name Uchiha attribute the reason to blood.

"The natural advantages of the Uchiha family created him, maybe it's really just luck."

In Konoha Village, an old man in Chinese tunic suit looked shocked and looked out the window and murmured softly. There were several bodyguards in suits standing behind him. Their strength was around that of Lin Jiachen, and the old man's strength was also at level 340.

However, Li Qing didn't care about these, and took away another person the moment he swung his sword.

With a bang, a pile of gold coins and a pair of black and gold daggers were revealed to this person.

"Automatic pickup starts automatically, and priority filtering can actually store useful things first. As a system storage box, these are limited. If you really want to collect everything, then stop playing."

After all, Uchiha Qing's strength has really reached a certain level! Seeing that most of the ninjas who came to surround him were dead or injured, Li Qing looked coldly at the remaining ninjas, surrounded by Jōnin.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Technique!"

"Fire Style: Giant Fireball Technique!"

"Water Style:Water Dragon Technique!"

One life after another was harvested by Uchiha Ao, and the darker and calmest players on the periphery gave each other hints!

While waiting (afaj), Uchiha Ao's figure appeared instantly.

And at the next moment, several ninjas roared at the same time, forming seals with their hands quickly. The chaotic sounds covered up their voices, but this could not block the fluctuation of ninjutsu in the space.

"If you really only have this little strength, then you Jōnin have no right to survive."

Li Qing did not stop the small moves of these ninjas. He did not even dodge, but rushed towards the crowd, within the attack range of those ninja techniques.

Because no one wants to know his own limits and weaknesses more than him.

"It's this guy, Uchiha Ao! We...we...fighted."

Watching Uchiha Ao's figure keep wandering around, several ninjutsus keep surrounding him, and everyone's movements seem to be slow under the time ninjutsu!

A player gritted his teeth, roared, and activated his ninjutsu!

It’s a great feeling to defeat the BOSS!

The next moment, he became the next soul to be killed by the sword!

No one is unmoved, no one can do anything. Within one meter of Uchiha Ao, surrounded by his swordsmanship, you will be hit as long as you get close. The attack power is terrifying!


Suddenly a flash of light fell from the sky, and I was stunned!

"Well, yes, this S-level ninjutsu can cause two thousand points of damage to yourself when used!"

Li Qing did not dodge. He felt a current flowing through him. He checked his blood volume and estimated that he could withstand hundreds of lightning strikes. After that, he threw the Short Sword he picked up in his hand in one direction!

A ninja fell to the ground, his whole body turned into a pile of gold coins, and nothing else!

Li Qing curled his lips and looked at all the remaining ninjas!

However, the next moment, he felt a strong ninjutsu!

The ninjas hiding in the crowd shouted loudly at almost the same time: "Combined attack ninjutsu!"


The sky roared in response! The reaction was quite big. Compared with the thunder and lightning just now, it is even more powerful.

These S-level ninjutsu double the risk after a combined attack, reaching the SS level, which is no weaker than an ordinary tailed beast's attack!

Several ice crystals appeared out of thin air, and the coldness ensued. In less than an instant, Li Qing's figure was frozen to the spot!

He crossed his arms and gave up using ninjutsu to defend himself.

Huge thunder and lightning fell on him in an instant, and the blue lightning that brought destruction and madness directly split the ice crystals.

"Look, I hit Uchiha Qing. The power of the legendary SS combined attack ninjutsu can be imagined!"

"Yes, Uchiha Qing will definitely be killed instantly this time. No matter how powerful he is, he can't resist it!"

"No, look!"

The ninjas in the back row saw Uchiha Ao give up his defense and directly faced Raiden. Instantly, joy filled my heart, and I was afraid of being avoided by him!

But as the last sound sounded, everyone's breathing became rapid in an instant!

"How about it, surprise? Haha..."

Putting the long knife back into the scabbard, Li Qing walked out of the scorched darkness without any injuries on her body and with a smile on her lips!

The next moment, I saw him quickly forming seals with his hands!

"Ninja Technique: Shadow Clone Technique!"

"Since you want to compete with ninjutsu, let's do it. I, Uchiha Ao, haven't reached that level of fear yet!"

Bang bang bang... After a few sounds, Li Qing's side was instantly filled with silhouettes, all of them were exactly the same Uchiha Ao! Everyone moved in unison and formed a seal with their hands!

They all roared in unison: "Ninja Technique: Great Fireball Technique!"

As the lowest form of ninjutsu, the existence that should have been forgotten was suddenly released by Uchiha Ao!

At the scene, as the sound of continuously exploding equipment rang out, each avatar possessed Li Qing's average Chakra. The terrifying beings with 100% strength jointly released this ninjutsu, and no one could stop it!

Almost at the same time, Li Qing in the center formed a seal with both hands and took out a seal scroll!

“Body Flicker Technique!”

"Why not, ah! Instantaneous body!"

The surrounding ninjas with low strength tried to escape, but the sealed boundary could not be easily broken!

"Say goodbye!"

A beam of flame exploded, and there was no longer a second standing ninja on the field!

Li Qing looked at the messy place with a sneer, and the gold coins on the ground were constantly being automatically picked up by the system!

What he sneered at was the fear in the eyes of those players...

The dense red dots on the map struck again, but Li Qing unexpectedly discovered that the red dots marking his location had unexpectedly disappeared.

Although he was secretly happy, he did not forget the time ninjutsu to restore everything to its original state, and created a replica of Orochimaru's quagmire trap, only with a wider range and greater swamp traction!

After doing this, a Body Flicker Technique figure appeared a hundred meters away, and when he saw the dense red dots all pouring into the trap, he formed a seal to activate the trap.

"You deserve it!"

After saying this, he turned and left. .

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