The purple mist began to spread, filling the entire space in an instant, making the open space look extremely coquettish, while Li Qing stood there quietly, with Sharingan and white eyes. Although he did not return to Rinnegan, at least this was the first time. The fusion of dual-opening is also smooth.

"Ninja Technique: Spider Mark..."

Before the sound came out, the figure of the Earth Spider had already rushed over, aiming directly at three important parts of Uchiha Ao's body. The little spiders were also ready to move. Seeing the attack of the Earth Spider, several little spiders shook their heads and did not respond. attack.

Under Chakra's suppression, the order actually appeared, with three on the left and two on the right.

"Is this all you have? Did you consume too much just now?" Uchiha Qing snorted coldly. Under the observation of his eyes, the figure of the earth spider was slowed down countless times.

"Ninjutsu: Eight Trigrams Four Palms!"

Under the blessing of Sharingan, Uchiha Qing formed a seal in an instant, his figure was divided into four, and he easily dodged in four directions. The wind howled, and his figure disappeared instantly without leaving a shadow.

"You only know how to hide? You kid!"

The Earth Spider slapped the ground with its right hand, and the next moment all the spiders were scattered around, and the sound of squeaking spread all over the place. Before his second wave of attacks came, four figures of Uchiha Ao appeared instantly, and they hit four palms at the same time, but the same moves were hit in different positions.

"how so..."

The Earth Spider instantly activated its third eye, and a purple beam of light shot out.

With a bang, a figure of Li Qing broke through, but after completing three palms, the Earth Spider felt that the Chakra in his body was instantly sealed at several acupuncture points, and the flow rate instantly slowed down. He did not dare to fight hard, and the Earth Spider's figure retreated instantly. .

At the same moment, two little spiders jumped directly to the three remaining clones of Uchiha Ao. At the moment of the explosion, the three figures jumped to three directions at the same time.

"Ninjutsu: Phoenix Fire Technique々"..."

The fireball spell erupted instantly, and the huge Chakra at the moment the little spider exploded was directly compressed without causing any damage.

However, the next moment, I saw a flash of white light, a piece of white paper directly crossed a clone, and the sound of the touch turned into clouds and disappeared.

The man on the side swung the paper knife, and a piece of white paper flew towards him again, but Shadow Clone would not dodge.

"Ninpo Technique: Great Fireball Technique..."

A magic circle instantly appeared on the ground, flames rose, and the paper was instantly ignited. The breeze blew by and turned into ashes.

Unfortunately, no one expected that the third and fourth Uchiha Ao pounced directly on the spider and Zigiri.

They didn't expect that Uchiha Ao would pounce directly on him and launch a strong ninja technique.

"Ninpo Technique: Great Fireball Technique, Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique..."

With two low roars, Li Qing's figure instantly formed a seal, and the two people who could not hide under the Uchiha Ao Ninjutsu immediately stopped hiding.

"Ninja Technique: Spider Barrier!"

"Ninpo: Paper Kingdom!"

As the two voices sounded, the blood inheritance limits of the two people were activated at the same time. If there are two left, it means that the remaining one must be true and launch the strongest attack.

But Uchiha Ao seemed to be joking: "Ninja Technique: Wild Wind Sword Technique..."

The long sword was drawn out instantly. In different camps, the two figures of Uchiha Qing did not make the same movements. Instead, they continued to carry out rapid strikes under different offensives.

"Little Spider (Explosion Technique..."

The Earth Spider gritted his teeth. If he didn't activate now, he would be hit directly sooner or later due to his huge size. If he connected with a follow-up ninjutsu or the like, he would be seriously injured. In this state, he has incomparable strength, but his huge body makes him The only weakness.

"As expected, this is your weakness..."

A smile appeared on Uchiha Qing's lips, and the ninjutsu was activated, instantly appearing five meters away. At the same time, Mangekyō Sharingan was activated, the illusion was activated, and the figure of the earth spider stopped in place instantly.

On the other side, paper pieces were flying within the limits of Chikiri's blood, but Uchiha Ao didn't have any wounds on his body. He also used his Byakugan to activate Eight Trigrams Palms from time to time, constantly sealing acupuncture points on Chikiri's body. The pieces were flying, and now there are only some fragments of paper left.

Damn it, this is really not the way to go. "

The paper cutting directly increased the Chakra output. Although the acupuncture points were sealed, the Chakra in his body was also very rich, which directly opened the defense.

The piece of paper stuck to his body in an instant, and a dozen pieces of paper were flying around it. Under the fireball technique, it was able to hold on without burning. It drives the air current while flying.

"It's now..………"

Shadow Mouse instantly activated his strongest ninjutsu: "Ninjutsu: Transformation Technique..."

His fat figure instantly became slimmer, and at the same time, his face shape was constantly changing, becoming little boy.

In an instant, four wings appeared behind him.

The poisonous water splashed everywhere and smoothly erupted behind Uchiha Ao.

"It's done!"

He whispered in the mirror, but he did not relax his vigilance and directly carried out venom bombing, and a stream of venom exploded (good money).


With two sounds, the two students Zhibo Qing were instantly covered.

"Did you make it?"

The fog dissipated, and Sannin's expectant eyes only saw an empty place.

Shadow's pupils instantly tightened: "Not good!"

"As expected, if you underestimate the enemy, then.........the illusion world!"


The three people's minds went blank for a moment. After a while, Sannin woke up.

Only to find that everyone had at least two shurikens hanging around their necks!

"We are actually fighting Shadow Clone!"

Ying Zhu smiled bitterly, but the next moment he saw Li Qing stretching out his hands.

“A pleasure to work with!”

"Will you cooperate? It's not a bad idea!"

Under the sunshine, the palms of the three people were pressed together tightly!

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