White light flashed, and a burst of space trembled. A large number of people appeared in the open space in front of Huaxia Hidden Village for no reason, as well as some top-grade combat cavalry. The cumbersome marks began to be outlined, and finally turned into a huge white spot.

"This...is this the Hidden Village of China?"

Crazy Kojiro's eyes suddenly lit up. The huge building and the majestic momentum made him look tall and noble at a glance. It is even much larger than the former territory of the Wind Demon Clan.

Moreover, he could no longer see through the strength of the guards guarding the door.

That kind of tough temperament shocked him. He really didn't know that there was such a place. There was a plaque with the words "Huaxia Hidden Village" written on it.

The ninjas behind him were also shocked. Compared with the endless life of wandering and hard training, this place is simply a holy place.

"Is this the legendary Hidden Village of China? It's the place where Uchiha Ao god-tier talks about order and fairness."

"Yes, it looks even bigger than our previous Ninja Village. We will finally have our own place to live!"

There were whispers of talk, and most young people also showed yearning expressions. The past displacement is a scar that cannot be erased in everyone's heart, and the Feng Mo clan, which had always been powerful in 513, began to decline after the war between various countries. Other countries began to rise, and the Wind Demon clan began to become a category with low strength among these powerful races.

Although the wind demon Sannin is powerful, it is not invincible. Uchiha Ao is a typical example. In the end, Kage's agreement is not unreasonable. Even all of them overlooked one thing.

At the beginning, Uchiha Qing did not use his true body to fight them, but only used his multiple Shadow Clone Technique. Chakra went from the forbidden curse ninjutsu at the beginning to the constant consumption later.

Even in the limit of their blood succession, everyone gritted their teeth and retreated. In the end, Shadow Mole did not launch the strongest move.

Instead, he was trapped in the illusion in an instant, and was institutionalized in an instant. If in a real battle, Uchiha Ao would definitely be in an invincible position, and kill Sannin in an instant.

He didn't even use higher-level space ninjutsu.


Thinking of this, he felt very happy in his heart, but at this time, the shadow had also transformed into a little boy, and there was no possibility of recovery.

"Uchiha Ao (afeh) is really too powerful. Whether it is ninjutsu or assassination, he deserves to be the first person. Even... maybe his strength is still higher than that of special nin, even if he only has Jōnin at this time The strength may also directly confront high-level special nin. Even... Kage-level!"

Fuma Kojiro saw the shocked expression of Kage, the leader of the Sannin, for the first time, and the result was self-evident.

When he was about to ask, Jōnin just stretched out his hand to stop him, and said calmly: "If he wants to kill someone, the three of us combined can't make a single move in his hands! Even if we don't meet him, we will be wiped out. .

If Fuma Kojiro was shocked at the time, he was immediately replaced by the joy of rebirth, because he knew better than others what this signified.

"Strong strength represents a rich foundation, and the rise of the Feng Mo clan is indispensable for the tribe's need for resources and the teachings of powerful people. If the Feng Mo clan can enter the Huaxia Hidden Village, it will inevitably become a force. When the time comes, sincere cooperation will really revive again. !”

Fuma Kojiro's eyes shone with a strange light, and he was filled with excitement.

After waiting for a long time, the door opened. Lin Jiachen, who was taking the lead, saw Li Qing at first sight. Behind him was Cheng Mengmeng. As two giants, it was rare to see them together at the entrance of the village.

"Even the bosses came out. It seems that Uchiha Ao god-tier has brought good news this time.

The gatekeeper's strength has not increased much, but he has awakened the new attribute Chakra.

Lin Jiachen's strength on the side has not increased much. He has reached the level of a medium Jōnin. It is already difficult to go further, and he is busy with so many things every day that he will not have much energy to do well.

"You're back, Uchiha Ao god-tier!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Cheng Mengmeng jumped onto Uchiha Qing's body and clamped her legs tightly around Uchiha Qing's waist!

In everyone's shocked eyes, Cheng Mengmeng opened her arms and hugged Uchiha Qing tightly. He looked at the latter with burning eyes, looking affectionate.

Lin Jiachen took a step towards Bian Heng without leaving any trace, and patted Fuma Kojiro on the shoulder: "Seeing that my brother is so young and has such good strength, why not come in and have a few drinks!"

"I think so too!"

Noticing the look in Lin Jiachen's eyes, Fuma Kojiro nodded slightly knowingly, without any rejection.

In his opinion, this is the leader of everyone here. And it looks like the other woman is someone Uchiha Ao god-tier can mess with. And it seems that the relationship between the two is not simple!

As for the tribesmen behind them, there are dedicated personnel to guide them, and Huaxia Hidden Village is in the development stage, so it is great to have the current scale!

"Mengmeng, let's calm down a little!"

Li Qing tried to tug on Cheng Mengmeng's collar, but found that it was not pulled off her body. There was no other way, everything was dark in front of him, so he could only form seals with his hands to activate the ninjutsu.

The space fluctuated, the marks under the feet began to move, and the two figures disappeared here instantly.

“I go, Uchiha Ao god-tier what’s the rhythm!”

"Ah hahaha, this is very powerful!"

In the hearts of all the guards, Boss Cheng's strength has made Uchiha happy. As for teleportation, in their opinion, it is just a secret between lovers. Of course, some people don’t think so!

"Could it be that Boss Cheng's stalking didn't move Uchiha green god-tier, but after being rejected many times, he decided to be the overlord and took the initiative, but Uchiha god-tier...is this the rhythm of rejection? ?”

Thinking of this, his beard and sword turned red: "Could it be that he likes men..."

The chrysanthemums of many comrades felt cold...

A hundred meters away, in the wild.

A white light flashed and two people appeared in strange postures!

"It's time to come down now!"

Glancing at the huge thing in front of him, Uchiha Ao felt a burning sensation in his nose.

But Cheng Mengmeng reacted instantly, blushed, and jumped off Li Qing!

"That...that, I just miss you so much! You...don't blame me!"

Cheng Mengmeng stood there, a little unsteady, her face was red and quite cute in line with the cute girl's face, and she was hesitant to speak!


Cheng Mengmeng felt a hand fall on her head, gently rubbing her hair. .

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