She did not slap the hand away, but stood there obediently. The man next to her had always been stronger than them. When they met, he was very powerful, and then led the three of them to fight again and again. Our cooperation not only enhanced mutual trust, but also became the closest companions.

But later, silently, Cheng Mengmeng discovered that she fell in love with Uchiha Ao, this mysteriously powerful man. As long as he was there every time she fought, no matter how difficult it was, she could feel at ease. Feelings quietly sprouted, and she could no longer control her true thoughts. During the war, Uchiha Ao summed up an experience: "If you want to be strong, you must form a ninja village that Konoha hopes for!"

So she agreed without hesitation, including Lin Jiachen.

Later, more and more rumors about him came from the outside world. He was an invincible existence in the ninja world, the nemesis of players, and the killer of hell!

But Cheng Mengmeng just silently supported and worried about him. She didn't hate him because of his bad reputation, but was worried. She didn't congratulate him because of his strength, but was silently happy for him. It took a long time...even a very long time to see him again.

"You really don't have to do this, Mengmeng...

Li Qing stretched out her hand, carefully tidied up the hair that was messed up by herself on Cheng Mengmeng's forehead, and looked at Cheng Mengmeng seriously. If he was her companion, then she was not his most trusted one. Where are the people.

Does she like herself? Maybe, maybe it's just dependence. For Li Qing, he will become an invincible existence in this world. All the enemies he encounters along the way are enemies. Li Qing, who climbed out of the killing, longs for true love in his heart. Friendship, trust.

So after he met these people, he cherished them even more.

But for Cheng Mengmeng, Li Qing's heart was blank. Among Uchiha Qing's names, this was the only girl he could not express his feelings to. As for her confession, everything made Uchiha Qing helpless.

"How could it be, Uchiha Ao, I you from the bottom of my heart!"

Cheng Mengmeng smiled freely, worrying that Uchiha Qing's god-tier rejection did not appear. No matter how powerful he was, no matter how many people he killed, or the more powerful he fought, he would still be the man he met in his memory for the first time.

Thinking of this, she suddenly slapped Uchiha Ao!

"Pah..." A palm was placed on Li Qing's chest, but the latter did not dodge!

"Don't you always believe in me? But why can't you accept my feelings?"

Whispering softly, Cheng Mengmeng lowered her head, tears bursting out from her eyes. The hand that patted Li Qing's chest did not fall, and Li Qing's clothes were not willing to let go!

But after a moment, she suddenly raised her head and met Li Qing's eyes, straight into her eyes!

Cheng Mengmeng's hand was fiercely surrounded by a warm hand, and the latter looked into her eyes domineeringly: "I don't want to refuse. Likewise, as the most trusted person, I just need time to accept you. , and at this opportunity, I choose to accept you!"

After saying that, he smiled calmly and looked at Cheng Mengmeng's astonished eyes. Li Qing stretched out his right hand to gently wipe away the tears left at the corner of her eyes, and even stretched out his middle finger to gently scratch her nose!

"This is not my first relationship, but the most pure and beautiful love in this world starts from now on!"

The real voice in his heart drove his emotions and even made him make the final choice. Cheng Mengmeng was undoubtedly the best choice! And he no longer refused!

Cheng Mengmeng's cheeks were slightly red. When she heard Uchiha Qing's voice, she knew she had succeeded. What's next...

"Isn't it's time to kiss!"


In the breeze, dandelions were flying freely all over the sky, and the green grass under their feet gently shook off the dewdrops on their bodies, sprouting new buds. The light flashed, and the two figures kissed each other, under the sun.

The two figures kept overlapping and finally embraced each other.

Harmony came too suddenly, and Li Qing was not prepared. As expected, the system was single!

"[System prompt]: New footprints of target Orochimaru were discovered, location...."

In an instant, Li Qing opened her eyes, and at the same moment Cheng Mengmeng also opened her eyes. The kissing lips parted reluctantly, and Li Qing cast an apologetic look.

"Sorry, the system has a task, a task that members of the Akatsuki organization must perform!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a flashing red light spot appeared on the map in front of Li Qing's eyes. The light was intense. "As he expected, there might be some big event here!"

"What's going on? Is there any difficult task?"

0…Please give me flowers…

Cheng Mengmeng couldn't check Li Qing's map, but her eyes became serious the moment she saw Li Qing checking the map. Her heart also became serious. After all, the relationship is established now, and we are closer than before!

However, Li Qing realized that he had lost his composure in an instant, not to mention that this was his girlfriend, so he closed the mini map and kissed Haki again when the latter did not react!


Cheng Mengmeng's eyes were wide open, but she gave up resistance the moment she was kissed softly. She hugged Li Qing tightly with both hands, and her eyes suddenly collapsed, as soft as the moon!

About five minutes later!

"Ah, you still have something to do! How can you do this! Go and do your business!"

Cheng Mengmeng suddenly woke up and pushed Li Qing away. Her lips were a little red and swollen. This was not a beast of ordinary difficulty. If the fire was turned on and the major events of life were explained here, it would not be a joke.

"Well... well, take me back to the village. You should do your business first, and then come back when you're done!"

Cheng Mengmeng didn't dare to look at Li Qing and quickly lowered her head, her face was so red and so cute.

Li Qing was sensible and knew that the gain was not worth the loss. He smiled lightly and took Cheng Mengmeng's hand to activate the space ninjutsu. The moment the white light flashed, he pulled his hand and Cheng Mengmeng leaned against him instantly.

A masculine aura hit her, and before she knew it, Cheng Mengmeng had already returned to the village. She was greeted by the shocked looks of Lin Jiachen and a group of giants.

But the moment they saw Li Qing, everyone chuckled!

"Uchiha Ao, you bastard..."

Cheng Mengmeng blushed with embarrassment and yelled, only to find a white light flashing across her face, and Uchiha Ao with a mean smile on her face disappeared from her eyes!

After the roar, she quickly formed a seal with her hands, activated the Body Flicker Technique, and disappeared from the scene immediately!

Instead, a bunch of people were left behind!


"Confused expressions..."

"N face confused"

But no one knew that on the other side of the mark, white light flashed, and Uchiha Qing's figure appeared at the foot of a mountain.

There are restrictions on the mountain, even space ninjutsu cannot penetrate it!

"Then go up!"

Li Qing slightly estimated the height of the mountain and walked away!

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