After doing all this, Li Qing did not explore further, because there was no need to explore anymore, and what he wanted to get was already obtained. Although he did not know how powerful Sage Mode was when it was turned on, for ordinary ninjas This is something so terrifying that it couldn’t be more terrifying!

Imagine that in the middle of a battle, one party suddenly activates Sage Mode. Both their strength and chakra instantly surge to a terrifying level. Who else can survive without being defeated by a single blow?

"Of course, if this task is really that simple, it is definitely impossible. Otherwise, based on the system's urine properties, there would be something waiting for me behind it!"

After weighing and thinking, Li Qing chose the safest path!

"If there is really something waiting for me, then I will keep trampling on it all the way. In a world where the jungle is strong, without strong strength as a foundation, it is impossible to survive, and it is impossible to improve in strength, so... ."

Li Qing slowly stretched out his hands, completing the five seals instantly. The air around him became thicker at the moment of change, but he really never liked using this ninjutsu!

"Ninja Technique: Space Freezing..."

This is a space ninjutsu beyond the speed of time. It may be of great use in the future, but the consumption of Chakra is huge. Although Li Qing considers himself a rich and handsome man in Chakra, there is no rich man. To this extent! There is no expensive action, the next moment the ninjutsu is completed and the teleportation begins.

At the last moment, a wicked smile appeared on his lips: "Then keep going all the way! Who let me have a heaven-defying plug-in!"

However, Li Qing's heart warms when he thinks that there is someone who has been waiting for him and has become his support not long ago. Of course, at the same time, this also represents his desire for strength!

Only in the face of absolute power, everything is just a cloud. No one can guarantee that there will not be Kage-level experts who have begun to pay attention to Li Qing, and no one can guarantee that there will not be a second heaven-defying plug-in. Even, according to the current situation Judging from the development of the plot, there may be a high chance that the plot will be advanced.

When I think of the terrifying Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, with her powerful strength, countless players were instantly killed without even reacting, and I was able to defeat the latter with one move only with the help of a critical attack plug-in. Otherwise, you have to lie down like a dog.

Who can not guarantee that Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is not slowly waking up now!

At the same time as his thoughts flew out, Li Qing's figure had disappeared on the spot. In a blink of an eye, his figure reappeared in front of the transparent mask. He did not open his white eyes while forming seals with his hands.

"Bah, bah, bah...~..."

With three crisp sounds, Li Qing punched a hole in the soft, seemingly soft mask, and even one of the cracks spread to the surrounding area in an instant.

"Eight Trigrams Eight Palms!"

Under such a low-level ninjutsu, the transparent light shield that looked shaky just now was instantly broken, and with a bang, it turned into a stream of light all over the sky, and then spread to all directions.

"What a pity! Orochimaru's heart is filled with blood."

It's a pity that only Li Qing can enjoy such beautiful scenery at the same place, and he can't leave any memories.

If someone were here, they would definitely jump out, and the first sentence would be: "Ma Dan, a few top-quality scrolls that are comparable to SS-level confinement ninjutsu were cracked by you so easily, and you still feel disgusted at the moment. It doesn’t look good, because snakes here will make you mad to death...

In fact, he was right. At this time, Orochimaru naturally felt that what he fed back using the imprint made by his Chakra would definitely not be false!

With a cold snort, Orochimaru turned pale and instantly crushed the tea cup in his hand!

The moment the mask was broken, Li Qing decided not to stay anymore. What he did when he came out still needs to be continued when he comes back. As a junior brother like Uchiha Ao, Li Qing felt restless in his heart!

Everything is good in this world, except that there are few girls, good-looking and capable ones, and only a few powerful ones!

Besides, my current...

Before he could succeed in his narcissism, his face instantly turned cold, he instantly opened the system with his left hand, and punched him hard with his right hand!


The display screen was broken, and the system made sounds again and again, but then it recovered on its own.

"I didn't expect that the legendary Uchiha Ao god-tier wasn't that powerful!"

The trees five meters away suddenly squirmed, and a man in green clothes instantly emerged from it. "The refined power of the ten bodies looks very powerful.

"What's the meaning!"

Li Qing had a cold face and was no longer angry, but there was a chill in his cold words. In reality, he was angry, but in reality, he subconsciously released the Chakra!

The Khan on the opposite side just made a small gesture with four fingers: "`" Extremely careless!"

Before he finished speaking, he had quietly made a handprint in the distance, but Li Qing didn't pay attention.

Unexpectedly, he was severely tricked by the system here. At the same time, he also knew that the system was not that easy to be defeated, so he shut down the system. At this time, nothing could control him.

On the contrary, he also admired the Khan opposite, "Brother, although I don't know where you got the courage to come here to challenge me, but I advise you to turn around and leave now, and I can forget about it!"

Before he finished speaking, Li Qing's figure instantly appeared in front of the sweat: "Unless you really want to die!"

Li Qing wanted to see something from the expression of the great Khan, but Li Qing failed. The great Khan snapped his fingers very cleverly: "The space here has been blocked. Even the SSS's space ninjutsu can make you slightly sleepy, and even It can be said that it has a suppressive effect on your strength!"

Li Qing did not deny it. He raised his shoulders to indicate that he was sweating and continued.

"Thunder, thunder, lightning!"

Four roars, the sound passed through the clouds, and the scene that was harmonious just now became full of danger. The woods collapsed instantly, and Li Qing raised his hand to form a seal.

At least a hundred Uchiha Ao jumped out with a bang, each one exactly the same, with the same level of strength.

"In this case, there is no need for me to hold back!" With a low roar, Li Qing's figures disappeared instantly. He already knew the number of people here from Chakra's feedback, and it seems that not all of them have come out yet. scholar!

There was just one thing that he really couldn't figure out!

"Why are you so stupid?"

The long sword slashed across a man's neck, and when he saw his headless body falling down and turning into a pile of gold coins, Li Qing's nerves became active instantly!

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