In an instant, the place that was cold just now was now covered with various Chakras. Almost everyone tensed up in an instant, not because there were too many Chakras here that affected them!

Instead, their eyes came into contact with the figure who kept jumping in the middle of the field. Every time he made a move, a body must fall down! Almost no one was an enemy of Yihe, and they all drank in hatred on the spot!

In comparison, no one has ever been so relaxed. I am afraid that the ninjas present have no other ending than death!

"Uchiha Ao, are you really as invincible as the legend says? I really don't believe it!"

When the voice came, Li Qing followed the sound and looked over. Ten meters away there was a big man wearing a blue moon logo. His eyes were cold with a hint of viciousness. Unfortunately, Li Qing just snorted coldly and threw him away. A long sword!

The long sword instantly turned into a sharp weapon. It was extremely fast. With the double blessing of Li Qing's chakra power, it caught the eye of a big man in the blink of an eye!

"What?" Dahan's eyes narrowed, and he gritted his teeth and completed the seal in an instant.


The long sword was thrown at the big man. He was not killed in one blow as expected. Instead, after a burst of mist, the big man's body turned into a piece of wood, and the long sword 533 penetrated through instantly.

Without anyone paying attention, the sword penetrated through and immobilized the ninja behind him!

"how come!"

As a Chūnin, he instantly observed that his blood volume dropped by at least two-thirds in an instant. The blood volume bar in the red light was in danger. If someone else could take him away with a single sword!

However, after all, people with combat experience are different. He stopped the bleeding in an instant and stretched out his right hand. In the moment of hesitation, he gritted his teeth and made a decision.

Green light flashed, and everyone around him recovered to a certain extent!

"Huh, I won't be so lucky next time!"

The white-haired ninja, who was accustomed to close combat and unfamiliar with the control of ninjutsu, struck one of them, Uchiha Ao, with a single strike of his sword. He glanced at the boy, snorted coldly and started the bed again!

"Ninja Technique: Infinite Shadow Movement..."

His figure disappeared instantly.

Li Qing's Shadow Clone was indeed killed by his sword, but they didn't know that Uchiha Qing had diverted 80% of the damage he received.

It can be said that 80% (affg) of all the effects he received have disappeared. Although the clone can feed back scars to the main body, when the main body reaches a certain level, the Shadow Clone is not the kind of thing that breaks when touched. On the contrary The damage sustained by the main body can be shared!

"If I let you know how pervert I am, wouldn't you have such strange ideas?"

But then he gave up his idea, after all, there would be no fun in that! The increase in experience even has some components related to killing. The more people you kill, the faster the experience increases!

Although Li Qing is not a murderer, he doesn't mind this kind of game in order to increase his strength. The person killed is not really dead, but just returned to Novice Village.

The feedback back to the real body's strength has just shrunk. Of course, if he really respects his strength, he will not participate in some boring siege game. Instead, it becomes Li Qing's experience, and he finally returns to Novice Village helplessly.

However, the reality is so cruel!

They did not choose to follow the tasks given by the system to steadily upgrade and increase their strength. Instead, they wanted to take shortcuts!

"Actually, Uchiha Ao's Shadow Clone is not difficult to deal with, as long as you use a reasonable formation!"

The big man who was provocative at the beginning did not leave. He took out a detective suit and put it on himself. He also put on a blue straw hat on his head. Under the very avant-garde appearance, his The figure disappeared instantly.

Seeing this scene, Li Qing did not stop being shocked. Instead, he formed seals with his hands and used space ninjutsu to teleport away, leaving a Shadow Clone on the spot.

"In that case, let's have fun with you! All ninjas!"

A burst of white light flashed, and Li Qing's figure instantly appeared a thousand meters away from the scene. Although the distance was so far, you could still hear the loud sounds of the ninjutsu blasts, and the trembling of the ground!

He didn't do anything. After relaxing both physically and mentally, he ran errands and when he sat down to form a hand seal, a large number of scars came back, while Li Qing only made a faint hand seal.

"Ninjutsu: Great Healing Technique..."

The great healing technique originated from the melee in the ancient ninja world. All scars will disappear and even the broken body can be restored in an instant. However, Li Qing is only an intermediate level and has not reached the level used by Jōnin. In the past, when thousands of people were killed I have never had a chance to use the ninjutsu I acquired!

Thinking of this, Li Qing just wanted to test how powerful his clone was, so he used it!

at the same time.

On the battlefield, all the ninjas instantly felt the pressure doubled.

I even witnessed Uchiha Ao's grace when he killed ten thousand people for the first time. Now he was even more shocked: "How is it possible? In such a short period of time, I didn't expect that his strength would rise to this level. Using Shadow Clone can hold Jōnin back and even fight Chūnin directly during battle!"

This shocked everyone. You must know that this is just Shadow Clone, not the main body. The strength it carries is less than 40% of the main body. Thinking of this, everyone's brains short-circuited, and the only one who responded for a long time was In one sentence: "How powerful is Uchiha Ao's true form!"

"Ninjutsu: Blood Succession Limit (Shadow Space)..."

A black-haired ninja saw that the ninjas around him were instantly defeated. Uchiha Ao's Shadow Clone formed expressionless hands, and ninjutsu appeared one after another.

"Uchiha Taijutsu: Wild Wind Sword Technique..."

"Ninja Technique: Time Acceleration..."

Under the two ninjutsu, Uchiha Ao's figure was looming. No one knew where he appeared in the next moment, and his swordsmanship was even more terrifying. From the beginning of four swords per second, after turning on the time acceleration, it directly improved to one Six swords in seconds!

Everyone instantly understood that Ninjutsu at this time was a Ninjutsu above level 5. Just ask: "How can it be so strong? Why is it so strong? And it is so strong."


But there was no one who was far away from the battlefield, and no one waited for their answer. All they waited for was a flash of white light, and the moment the long sword passed by, they turned into headless corpses and fell!

The breeze blew, and with the whistling sound, they entered the Novice Village again.

Li Qing doesn't care at all about this.

Li Qing, who is a thousand meters away, is constantly glowing with white light. Even though this is just a B-level ninjutsu, depending on who cast it, the Chakra in his body is still full until this moment. .

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