In his words, in one sentence: "There are so many handsome Chakras, there is nothing we can do about it!"

Feeling the situation on the battlefield, Li Qing just said calmly: "Out of a hundred clones, you have only defeated twelve. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to spread the word?"

With a sneer, he looked at his body again. This body was bearing the damage of more than a hundred clones at the same time, but under the healing technique, a Madara could be seen. He did not let the clones feed back the pain and other sensations, but only fed them back. Damage caused by blood loss.

But visual inspection!



The moment you receive damage, it will be full again. Unless the damage sustained by the clone in an instant is higher than the critical point of the clone, the clone will not dissipate.

This may be a little inferior to Pain Six Paths, but if he encounters Pain Six Paths with special ninja strength, then Li Qing can be sure that he will still be able to fight him. At that time, he will not have more than a hundred Instead of avatars, you only need six, and that’s it!


Li Qing was excited when he thought of the scene where the invincible Payne was defeated by him, but there was one problem that he quickly figured out. Payne was Kage-level!

Although the current plot of Hokage does not follow the original development structure, the basic system has not undergone any major changes. Except that Uchiha Ao has become extremely powerful, terrifyingly powerful, and terrifyingly powerful, there is nothing else. !

"In this world, only strength is the eternal thing. Only when you are strong can you ensure that the people around you can live a happy life!"

With a focused look in his eyes, Li Qing gave up the treatment and used a quick healing spell to cancel it.

"Mangekyō Sharingan..."

With a low groan, Mangekyō Sharingan appeared in his pupils for an instant, spinning slowly, and the things in front of him suddenly became particularly clear.

Making a seal with his hands, Li Qing chose the highest mountain here.


The space ninjutsu was activated silently, and a white light flashed on the spot. Li Qing's figure instantly appeared on the top of the mountain. Without any movement, he sat on the big rock on the top of the mountain. Under the Mangekyō Sharingan, in the distance Nothing escapes Li Qing's eyes.

On the battlefield, there was darkness nearly a hundred meters away.

Li Qing clearly saw a man sitting cross-legged on the ground, with at least six intermediate healing ninjas behind him taking action at the same time to maintain the normal operation of the Blood Succession Limit.

However, despite the situation, the fifteen Uchiha Qing still launched ninjutsu bombardments!




Li Qing gave up control of them and only imparted 20% of his combat experience and unlimited Chakra. The body no longer takes damage.

Although this ninjutsu is really, really powerful, what Li Qing wants is not this kind of result.

Even so, Li Qing still didn't know where the critical point of this ninjutsu was.

My protection has reached a certain level, my Chakra can be used unlimitedly, my ninjutsu is involved in all aspects, and even my current strength does not require any deliberate practice, I will be invincible.

In contrast, Li Qing felt very lonely inside. She really wanted to go to some village to compete with Kage-level.

But this expansion disappeared in an instant!

"After all, there are really outstanding players among the players, and they are not the kind of ninjas with ordinary talents who can compare. Even though this is the case, you still can't relax!"

On the field...

The big man pretending to be a detective was instantly happy when he saw the fifteen clones in the darkness. If Li Qing's true body was inside, even if he couldn't be seriously injured in an instant, he could still do some damage!

Thinking of this, he dropped the long knife without thinking, and with lightning speed, he slapped his right hand hard on his left hand!

With a "pop" sound, the Rizhang talisman was instantly generated.

The big man instantly formed a seal with his hands: "Roaring Thunder Technique..."

After the roar, the sky dimmed instantly, everything seemed to have become a foil in an instant, and black clouds were everywhere. Two huge thunderbolts struck down instantly and struck straight into the dark area.

Fifteen figures looked up at the same time and saw the terrifying white light. All Uchiha Ao instantly used their strongest methods.

"Space enchantment..."

An invisible halo is cast around them, and they have 15% of the results of the original body!

"But, this can't be resisted at all! Just wait until it is reduced to ashes!"

The big man excitedly spoke with a Beijing accent and was obviously from the imperial capital.

It was too late, but it was so fast, the thunder arrived in the blink of an eye. Before the boy could cancel the blood successor limit, the thunder penetrated through, the blood successor limit was shattered almost instantly, and the moment it was fed back to the body, the thunder also reached the fifteen figures. !



A loud roar. The boy who was sitting cross-legged just now and fiercely protecting the blood successor's boundaries suddenly exploded with a bang, and gold coins fell to the ground, as well as a book of blood successor's ninjutsu rules!

And the other fifteen figures vaporized instantly.

Seeing this Technique, almost everyone turned red-eyed for a moment and rushed to grab it.



For a moment, six ninjas took action at the same time. Before they could successfully form the seal, there was another thunderbolt, and the six people disappeared instantly. The big man in the detective disguise waved his hand, and the thunder light entered his storage with a pile of gold coins and magic spells. Stuff box!

See these people disappear in an instant. Everyone swallowed their saliva and did not dare to make another mistake, otherwise what awaited them would still be the result of returning to Novice Village.

But the big man was ecstatic at the same time.


Each clone gave him 1% of the experience, and the total of the thousand and five was 15%.

The next moment, he saw a terrifying figure in front of him in the blink of an eye.

"Summoning Technique: Ancient Giant!"

The yellow sand was flying, and the young man holding the blue sword bit his finger. A scroll appeared between his hands, and the young man completed the seals under the complex lines in an instant.

A giant beast instantly shook its head and appeared on the head of the man dressed as a detective.


With a huge roar, the boy's giant beast suddenly shook its head and hit the big man. A spiral shape appeared in the boy's eyes, and not far away, an Uchiha Ao clone squatted on the tree fork, and the Mangekyō Sharingan slowly rotated in the pupils. The figure looks very strange.

"Could it be that the boy is being manipulated?"

The big man felt cold in his heart, and lightning flashed on his hands!

“Lightning Style.…”

Lightning flashed around his body, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the place, attacking the young man's body.

Thinking of the past, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "While the summoner is being eliminated, are you still afraid of failing?"

But what was waiting for him was a low roar: "Gust Wind Sword Technique..."

Almost five clones took action at the same time, which made the big man's eyes freeze, his fear suddenly surged, and he gritted his teeth and backed away suddenly.

"Half of the Chakra is consumed, but still want to find some bargains?"

Li Qing sneered, and asked fifteen clones to form an array around the boy at the same time, while five people blocked the sweat, and the remaining ten took turns instilling Chakra into the boy, and the clones on the tree forks had less control!

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