The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 300: The Terror Is Irresistible

"Unexpectedly, Uchiha Qing is much stronger than the legend..."

With a sigh, the woman dressed as a wizard pursed her lips, and suddenly swung out the long staff in her hand, spreading a blue poisonous gas around her. The flames and thunder and lightning nearby could not break through, and even protected a large number of people behind her!

Even so, she pretended to be a wizard and glanced at the people behind her with a cold gaze. If given a certain chance, these people would become victims of Uchiha Ao's men, and these Uchiha Ao clones would become his experience. .

Strong experience and strength are what she has always pursued. She doesn't care about these, and even...

"I don't care about everyone!"

With a cold snort, she formed a seal again, the blue brilliance of her body faded, and she issued defenses from time to time, blocking everyone behind her.

The detective dressed as a ninja just now gritted his teeth and looked at the scene in front of him. The clothes of the big man with two swords were torn, and a lot of blood imitated by the system was spread all over his body.

The white-haired boy is still fighting against several green clones of Uchiha. Invisibly, he only feels more and more difficult. If it weren't for the player's Chuck being much higher than the NPC.

But Wataru was like this, he was also very injured, and the Chakra in his body had been consumed very little, but Uchiha Qing's clone was still releasing ninjutsu one after another, as if he never knew how tired he was, and he was doing it with an expressionless face. A killer move! 777

If it weren't for the followers behind him who were constantly using ninjutsu to disrupt him, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to resist for such a long time.

The clone's endless killing moves are constantly adapting to the ninjutsu [even the ninja in the last room and the front who has the ability to write a paper are constantly imitating and resisting in all aspects!


A Shadow Clone was instantly destroyed by his long sword. The strength of the Shadow Clone became more and more fragile in the later stage, but its combat effectiveness became stronger and stronger!

However, the pattern they discovered not long ago suddenly appeared again!


There was a clear sound, and almost eight figures in the field closed their eyes at the same time. The figure stopped in place, motionless!

"Quick, take advantage of now..."

Almost at the same time, hundreds of ninjas launched their strongest attacks in an instant, even the lowest one was at Chūnin's position. Their eyes were glowing green, as if they had seen the best supplement!

But the next moment, the clones next to him formed five clones to protect the summoner, and the others rushed over one after another!

Almost at the same time, they released the strongest defensive formation!

"Frost Technique..."

"Fire Barrier"

Several marks are formed instantly!

All the crazy ninjutsu reached the eyes of several clones instantly, but the next second they were shocked...

Fiery red, dark, blue, and aqua-green Chakra erupted in an instant, attacking from different directions. The power of the riot even reached a certain terrifying level, but the Uchiha Ao clones showed no expression. Standing there coldly, without timidity or dodge, he went straight to greet him.

In everyone's expectant eyes...

No costly collisions, no explosions.


All the defensive formations shook almost instantly, all the Chakras of all colors were blocked, and all the green clones of Uchiha behind the protective formation were trembling without any difference!

The originally fragile Shadow Clone resisted tenaciously. After a moment, all the energy was resisted!

Only a few clones had varying degrees of damage, and two ninjas had cracks on their swords.

I saw that almost all ninjutsu were blocked by a few protective ninjutsu! And not a single ninja disappeared anymore!

"The benefits are here, brothers, you can only go in shallowly but not in depth! Take your time..."

Li Qing, who was thousands of meters away, had a sneer on his lips, his eyes were full of playfulness, but his movements were not slow at all!

The few ninjas who closed their eyes opened their eyes at the same time.

"eye roll"

It comes with judo, the seals of Eight Trigrams Palms, and ninjutsu!

And the ninja clones that resisted the attack were all replenished, and their body strength increased instantly. (affg) The cracks on the ninja swords were merged together, and there was not even a trace on their faces. They looked intact. !

The smiles on almost all the ninja's faces condensed, and no one knew what this meant!

"Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms..."

Getting started is the biggest attack method. Almost all ninjas made the same move at the same time, leaning forward with their right hand and retracting their left hand to make a push palm!


The next moment, all the white-eyed ninjas attacked at an incredibly fast speed, leaving only afterimages behind!

In the movements that no one could see clearly [Li Qing was carefully observing You Yan’s movements!

All the abilities are instantly minimized under the blood-succession limit white eyes. It is no problem to hit sixty-four palms at the same time. Only when the Eight Trigrams Palms are used to Ultimate can the final one hundred and twenty-eight palms be hit!

at the same time!

All the ninjas were shocked...

The tinkling bells kept ringing in my ears, and gold coins kept falling to the ground.

"Damn it, how could I let you succeed!"

Just when he was about to show off his strength, the next moment, a huge burst of dragon's breath came out, and a huge crater penetrated the ground with a huge roar in his ears.

He had no choice but to dodge, but he escaped the dragon's breath but not the power of the law of destruction!


Amidst several corrosive sounds, the long hair of the white-haired boy no longer flowed!

"hurry up……"

With a loud roar, several purification ninjutsus arrived in front of him instantly, but the white-haired boy was no longer handsome!

At the same time, the double-sword ninja's eyes turned cold and he pounced directly on the lowest ninja among the ninja clones.


Holding her chin, Li Qing looked at the field intently as if watching a show. There was basically no weakling among the remaining people, and almost all of them were stronger than Chūnin!

However, this does not affect the picture of Uchiha Ao Shadow Clone "Uchiha Taijutsu Style: Wild Wind Sword Technique!"

"Why is this happening? Why are the clones of Uchiha Ao Shadow Clone strengthened at the same time? What is the principle?"

The woman dressed as a wizard screamed, and when she saw the clone rushing towards her, she immediately formed a seal with her right hand, a black light flashed, and the figure was ten meters away!

"Sir, how could this be possible?"

"You can't abandon us..."

However, the voices became smaller and smaller, and finally a few people gritted their teeth and looked at the wizard pretending to be a woman. Then it turned into experience unwillingly and dissipated in space!

At the same moment, the system prompt sounded again...

"[System Prompt]: Player Uchiha Ao is going on a killing spree. He has killed 9,000 people so far. The ninja world is in crisis. Talented ninjas are invited to come to the rescue. Ninjutsu casualties are increasing!"

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