The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 301: The Prototype Of Banning Technique!

"Dragon Breath..." contains the laws of darkness

After one blow, the ground cracked, splashing up a large amount of flying sand.

"What a pity..." Li Qing, who was thousands of meters away, sighed, but he saw it when no one else could.

Half a second later, the Chūnin Summoner's body collapsed!

With a clear sound, the huge Chakra went berserk in an instant, and several Uchiha Ao clones nearby disappeared instantly, disappearing into the mist! But the controlled Uchiha Ao clone retreated for a moment, because this intermediate ninja clone could detect it immediately. Unfortunately the rest of the ninjas were unlucky!

"Alas... I can only blame you for your bad luck!"

Li Qing doesn't know where Shadow Clone's limit is, because he has never experienced it before. There is no battle that can make him do this, but it is so tiring to fight by himself.

It's definitely not as easy as this.


"Humph, you asked for it, didn't you?"

With a cold snort, he formed seals with his hands, leaving eighteen Shadow Clone. The scars on his body recovered instantly. Without using ninjutsu, he could tie with all the Jōnin present, but if he was bombarded by ninjutsu, he would show There was a disadvantage.

But ten of them Shadow Clone are close to collapse, and ten breaths and the like will definitely collapse.

"But this is enough..."


In the huge storm, the huge dark bone dragon collapsed instantly. In the huge mist, the dark breath in the bone dragon's body instantly spewed out, and flew towards the ninja crowd for a while, without any rules. There was only a scream left in the madness, and the scream lasted only for a moment. After a moment, with the sound of hiss, everyone turned into gold coins.

Opening the panel, Li Qing found that the system had returned to normal and was picking up automatically. Gold coins on the battlefield turned into data and entered Li Qing's system panel. Only the low-level ninjutsu lay alone on the ground, while some special ninjutsu and advanced ninjutsu turned into light and entered the Shadow Clone. , and finally entered Li Qing's pocket...

Of course, our Lord Li Qing has a sense of moral integrity. Ninjutsu and others like these are very difficult to obtain for ninjas and they are reluctant to take them. But who made the system too greedy? They just looted them.

Although Li Qing educated me many times, the results were obviously not very good!

" did you..."

Taking out a red Fire Cloud Boundary from the storage box, Li Qing sighed and continued, "You're so greedy!"

Then he threw the scroll in his hand into the storage box with a look of disgust!

Looking back at the scene, the fight was still neck-and-neck.

"Combined attack ninjutsu..."

Several Jōnin looked at each other and took advantage of their own advantage to huddle up quickly. Without any movement, the double-sword ninja threw three scrolls in an instant.


A low growl. The outermost ninjas instantly worked together to launch a blockade Technique composed of different Chakras!

Hundreds of chains burst out of the ground in an instant, and the chains attached to the colorful Chakra took on a new state. Each one was so strange. Hundreds of chains were instantly entangled together, "crash..." The chains They were all connected together with the sound of collision, forming a huge encirclement, covering the fifteen clones!

“Eight Trigrams Palms: Revolving Heaven…”

Four ninjas who had awakened their Byakugan blocked the surrounding area instantly, blocking all attacks in a white light. Unfortunately...


A clone was broken in an instant, not because it could not withstand the battle, but because the pressure on the clone was too great, and the body's endurance had reached the limit. Seven or eight cracks appeared on the face in an instant! The clone was broken in an instant!

But at the same time!

Three ordinary ninjas, one Byakugan ninja, and one Sharingan ninja!

Instantly gained new abilities!

"Space Ninjutsu......"

At the moment of activation, several space ninjutsu are instantly superimposed, several Jōnin activate the ninjutsu in the scroll at the same time, and Chakra is instantly gathered. Several huge shadows appeared instantly, their long tails swaying continuously, instigating the flying sand beneath them, stirring up a cloud of wind and dust, and this huge figure turned into four huge figures under the four different Chakras. figure.

"Four Tails!"

Li Qing's eyes became sharp when he saw this huge figure, but this aroused his amusement, and he did not make any movement, but put his hands together.


Four kinds of giant creatures with one tail slowly merged together with this roar and turned into a huge shadow.

The tail fanned and it fell to the ground instantly!


The long fangs came out and roared, as if everything in front of it made it crazy. There were a large number of ninjas forming seals, and these expressionless Shadow Clone were in front of them. Terrifying strength emanated from it, and it opened its mouth instantly.


The Tailed Beast Bomb condensed instantly and rushed towards several Shadow Clone with a roar.

It's a pity that the few Shadow Clone didn't panic at all, and their eyes didn't change.

The Tailed Beast Bomb containing four kinds of Chakra rushed towards the Uchiha Ao clone with four different auras.


With a click, the sound of space breaking came from around several Shadow Clone, and a fractured zone appeared in the void, appearing in front of several people in an instant.


Amidst the loud noise, the Tailed Beast Bomb slammed into the broken space!


Unfortunately, the most powerful ninjutsu in their opinion did not have the desired effect.


There is a Shadow Clone broken!

The dual-sword ninja is not happy at all. Less than 10% of the Chakra is left in his body. Moreover, under the huge support of this tailed beast, his body has also suffered varying degrees of internal injuries.

The amount of blood dropped!

Except for the wizard dressed as a female ninja, whose expressions were hard to see clearly, the expressions on the swords of the others were not good-looking, which meant they had reached their limit!

"The last shot..."

The Tailed Beast Bomb was activated, condensing the power of the explosion, and instantly hit the void earthquake!


Several deafening sounds penetrated the ears of all the ninjas, and how many people lost half of their health at the sound!

The system prompt sounds instantly!

"[System prompt]: The player Uchiha Ao is going crazy and killing 10,000 people. The ninja world is in crisis. Talented ninjas are invited to come to the rescue. The number of casualties in ninjutsu is increasing!"

"[System Prompt]: Player Uchiha Ao is going on a killing spree. He has killed 10,000 people so far. The ninja world is in crisis. Please have talented ninjas come to save him [Ninjutsu casualties are increasing!"

After three consecutive calls, everyone's expressions instantly became extremely ugly, because the huge Four Tails fell apart in an instant.

The remaining green clones of Uchiha, whose faces were covered with cracks, opened their eyes instantly!


These were their first and last words eight!.

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