But what she has now makes her feel so unreal!

Silently walked to Uchiha Ao, who stopped urging him and just stood there quietly!

After a while, he looked diagonally ahead and said calmly: "If you want to leave here, but don't hurt them, what choice do you have?"

He just kept staring ahead, his eyes indifferent as if there was nothing in front of him that could move him.

In fact, this is also true.

Du Ying didn't speak, she just stood there quietly, working as a waitress dutifully, her eyes wandering under the big black hat, no one knew what she was thinking, "Not even she herself knows!"

"Do no harm..."

This word actually came out of Uchiha Ao god-tier's mouth. This was unexpected by anyone. This is an existence that aspires to be invincible in the player world. One person can kill the entire ninja world. It is unknown in the plot. NPC, it can be said that Uchiha Qing is invincible at this time.

But he was able to say this word. You must know that in her eyes, she usually kills directly, and strong strength is everything. But after a while, her thoughts dimmed! It could be said that she disappeared directly.

The wind howled, and Li Qing's clothes swayed slightly in the breeze, while Du Ying had already retracted her clothes, not because she was cold, but because of a habit.

About a quarter of an hour later.

"Uchiha Ao, I didn't expect that you are really here. I didn't expect that the person who would have a serious impact on the entire ninja world would be you!"

Daiai in a kimono appeared instantly, and his figure was as fast as the intermediate Jōnin! After arriving, he never put down the seals with his hands. He looked at Uchiha Ao with an angry face. The young boy from Furui Fuha in front of him was a terrifying existence.

But even so, Uchiha Qing still didn't make any move, not even defensive at all.

Du Ying on the side suddenly took a step forward, ready to solve the unnecessary trouble for the master in front of her.

"Wait a little longer~~..."

Li Qing gently stretched out her right hand to block Du Ying, seemingly indifferent but extremely difficult to refuse.

Du Ying had no choice but to take a step back and appeared obediently next to Uchiha Qing.

Although she didn't know what Uchiha Qing meant, but thinking about it, there might be someone who hadn't arrived yet. The strength of the mid-level Jōnin, Dahe, in front of her was really not a problem.

"We are now on the eve of Hokage Naruto's practice of celestial beings. There is an obstacle that must be overcome for him to improve his strength. If he does anything excessive, it may affect the development of the entire plot."

After thinking for a while, Li suddenly discovered that there was such an important thing at this moment.

When he thought about Konoha Village, Naruto and himself, he really didn't want to take action against this group of people, but the current situation in Konoha has determined that there will be more rebellious ninjas in order to break the current balance and create strong ones.

"The powerful secret of the Uchiha family is also applicable to the outside world!"

The possession and power of Sharingan is not only the gathering of Chakra, but also the desire for power. If we were in a stable era, I would not have any worries!

Thinking of this, Li Qing said lightly: "Perhaps it was a mistake to establish Konoha Village in the first place. The comfort imagined will not exist forever. If the strength stagnates, it can only be compared to the soil under the feet by the strong. No one can Trample, bully at will”

"Shut up"

With a scream, the orange-haired boy suddenly jumped out. Uchiha Ao seemed to have mastered the Body Flicker Technique to the point of proficiency, and his Shadow Clone Technique had also reached a certain level. In the future, he would go I'm practicing magic.

"Long time no see, Uzumaki Naruto..."

A cold expression covered his face, Li Qing looked at Uzumaki Naruto two meters away with a faint smile, but unfortunately there was no smile at all!

"You're wrong, Brother Uchiha Qing..." Naruto spoke again, taking a step forward and still chattering: "Konoha was established to be a shelter for the weak, not a useless thing, why, why Brother Uchiha Ao is going to become a rebel ninja of Konoha and join the Akatsuki organization, do you know what you look like now?"

Rubbing his forehead, Li Qing was speechless for a while, but he still waved his hand: "Okay, okay, be good! What's wrong with me being like this? It's you, Naruto. After so long, you're still just a Chūnin, but your strength is There is no progress at all, you are a big step behind Sasuke."

As soon as he finished speaking, another voice suddenly sounded!

"Oh, is it so?"

Sasuke, who was cold and emotionless and pretended not to care about anything, appeared from the other side. He was dressed in a black ninja costume. He seemed to be about the same height as Naruto, but Uchiha Ao didn't even look at the latter.

`w Uchiha Brother Qing, please come back to the village with us. As long as you can admit your mistake to Mr. Fourth Generation, I believe you can come back!"

Naruto clenched his fists and looked at Li Qing hopefully, wanting to see even a glimmer of hope.

But Uchiha Ao just waved his hand lightly.

"Space isolation..."

The space ninjutsu was suddenly activated, and everyone's figures flew back in an instant without knowing it. Sand grains flew under their feet, and a huge storm formed in an instant.

"Damn it, why is he still so powerful?"

He wanted to defeat Uchiha Ao, but as soon as Sasuke saw the big move at this moment, his confidence was greatly reduced. He originally thought that he had obtained the second level curse seal and his strength was barely reaching the upper level of Chūnin, so he could fight with him, but he didn't expect that he was not so helpless to fight back. History!

The storm came and went quickly. Naruto put his hand in front of his eyes and could barely see Uchiha Ao's figure.

Between thousands of households, he flew to the rear (Li's) with the female ninja who was covered in clothes.

The wind and sand stopped, everyone stepped back five meters, and the middle area turned into a sand ditch.

Li Qing looked at the mess in front of him coldly!

"Naruto, since you want to know if that's wrong, see clearly!"

"Enable Sage Mode..."

A low roar spread throughout the place, almost like a thunderclap.

The sound suddenly exploded in everyone's ears, and the pupils of the masked white-haired ninja behind Naruto suddenly tightened!

"Could it be...could it be the legendary magic..."


Sure enough, the next moment, a terrifying aura emanated from Uchiha Qing, and a storm suddenly formed in the area, sweeping out. The sand blown by the aura was flying wildly, and Li Qing's figure was like a thunder and golden light from the sky. Under this, Uchiha Ao's pupils and entire body showed a Chakra explosion!.

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