The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 305: The Advantage Of Crushing


A layer of air flow was visible to the naked eye, and it was in front of them in the blink of an eye. Before Naruto could make a move, Hatake Kakashi behind him had already performed a Body Flicker Technique in front of the eyes of all the ninjas!

"You all focus your Chakra, Uchiha Ao in Sage Mode should be invincible!"

Without any hesitation, Hatake Kakashi peeled off his mask.

"Sharingan, open!"

With a low groan, Hatake Kakashi suddenly opened his closed eyes, black light flashed, and a Sharingan slowly rotated, without activating the ability to see through, because in his opinion, there was no time.

Not far away, Uchiha Ao was floating in the air, with golden light in his eyes, and his body was covered with a layer of golden light. He looked like a god of war.

The ground shook under the terrifying pressure.

However, Hatake Kakashi's heart was full of fear, because when the legendary Sage Mode was turned on, he could look down on the earth and overlook everything. After all, it was an ancient magic.

"But where did Uchiha Ao learn this skill, and even if he learned it, how long would he be able to use it?"

Many questions 753 filled his heart instantly. Hatake Kakashi didn't dare to ask, and he didn't have the chance to ask. He exploded with all his strength in everyone's shocked eyes, and imitated Uchiha Ao's move just now to open the space retention area. It looked impressive, but he knew that this could not stop Uchiha Ao's strong power, and many ninjas behind him formed a knot at the same time.

They were blessing this blocking ninjutsu together, but after an instant, they were shocked!

Feeling the constant burst of Chakra in her body, Li Qing couldn't help but moan softly and open her hands!


The power of space was injected instantly, and the next moment, white light flashed through the space, as if there was invisible power of law, and almost everyone on the opposite side fell to the ground uncontrollably at the same time.

Five seconds is really pitiful in the eyes of ordinary people, and it is only a short moment and cannot accomplish anything else!

But Uchiha Ao doesn't think so. In his eyes, everything is getting bigger and clearer!

Mangekyō Sharingan also appeared appropriately in Li Qing's pupils, spinning in a swipe (affe), making her look extremely charming. The illusion was conveyed invisibly, and even Du Ying next to Li Qing fell into an illusion!

Even all the figures not far away fell into hallucinations. The huge place seemed very quiet for a while. Only Uchiha Ao was still floating in the air in Sage Mode and constantly exerting appropriate pressure. Everyone tried their best to resist. !

"Let's go, it's time for us to leave!"

Sage Mode only lasts for five seconds. The system does what it says. Although it has great power, Li Qing doesn't know what it can bring to him. If it is not for the power that keeps getting stronger, it will become a kind of dependence.

In this world where strength is the dominant force, if there is no pursuit of strong strength, Li Qing can't think of anything that can make him a strong person. The legendary special ninja and even Kage-level have not yet shown themselves in the plot. strength, so now I can't act rashly at all.

"Chakra consumption is completely negligible. The infinite Chakra cannot be used up at all. Unless it is drained out instantly, the Chakra will always be at 100%!"

Feeling that Chakra was still full and unchanged in his body, Li Qing checked his data and opened the system panel, which had completely returned to normal. The data showed that Li Qing's level had reached level 498, which was getting closer and closer to the intermediate Chūnin. The closer you get, the more kills you get, and the experience you gain is very rich.

But when he thought that millions of people would come to hunt him down because of the system in the future, he laughed!

"A lot of experience, if you can, come and do it!"

Du Ying on the side also looked over, not understanding what Li Qing meant, but thinking about her previous words about leaving here, she did not refuse and nodded.

"Then let's go."

The hands formed seals, the marks on the ground floated, and the figures of the two people suddenly disappeared from the spot.

" could this happen!"

The illusion collapsed the moment Uchiha Ao left. Without the provision of Chakra, and without Uchiha Ao's control, nothing would be left except the traces of the madness just now.

Even after the sandstorm passed, everything returned to calm, and the breeze blew by. Hatake Kakashi pulled back his mask again and said coldly: "Although I don't know where Uchiha Ao got the Sage Mode transformation method, but it looks like this It should be the legendary ancient Sage Mode."

Naruto rolled up from the ground and stood on the ground, staring closely at the surroundings to find any trace of Uchiha Ao's departure.

However, after a while, he rubbed his hair and said, "Ah... why is he so powerful?" He exclaimed in helplessness.

"I'm still not strong enough to defeat him..." After pondering for a moment, Uchiha Sasuke sighed: "I still have to go back and get stronger. There are still new things worth exploring in Orochimaru!"

Thinking of this, he suddenly clenched his fists!

At that moment, I was ready for anything but was knocked down by this force, and I fell into an illusion in an instant.

I just don’t know which one is stronger, Uchiha Itachi’s Tsukuyomi or Uchiha Ao’s Phantom World.

With doubts, Sasuke left the place in a flash.


Naruto's hand reached into the air but could no longer be stretched out. The image of Sasuke who fought with him with Sharingan's stubbornness appeared in his mind. What was he working hard for now, his partner who had made progress together?

Strength! Not only Sasuke said this word, but also Uchiha Ao just now. The three rebel ninjas are constantly working hard to become stronger, but they are still standing still! If you want to talk about it, I am afraid that I am the weakest now. That person!

Naruto, who had always been cheerful, couldn't be happy anymore.

"If you really want to work hard, there is a place that is really suitable for you!"

Hatake Kakashi's slap hit Naruto's yellow hair.

At this time, he should also go to that place!

"Kakashi-sensei, what's so great about that?"

Naruto asked directly without any pause.

Kakashi didn't speak. He was silent for a moment and slowly uttered two words: "Very strong!"

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