"Master...Master, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Isn't even the legendary special ninja your opponent?" Jerky words came out of Du Ying's mouth, and the bodies of the two people Windless automatic. Under the leadership of Uchiha Qing, Du Ying can continuously move towards the distance without consuming a trace of strength.

Although she didn't know where the two of them were going, Du Ying didn't resist at all and was even a little happy in her heart.

At that moment, she was the closest to Uchiha Ao. After seeing a burst of golden light, Uchiha Ao's strength burst out instantly, and she was not allowed to use Chakra to resist unless she could control it.

At that moment, before she could react, she saw the moon-red world. After being plunged into it, even though she knew it was a fake, she had no strength to resist, which made her feel uncomfortable.

If Uchiha Ao hadn't lifted the illusion of her at the last moment, she might still be where she is now.

"But since you can take me with you, it means that Master Uchiha Qing really regards me as one of his own, otherwise he would not have said those words to me." Feeling this powerful existence beside her, Du Ying felt a little like waking up from a dream for a moment. : “But, what kind of person is he really, to believe me so easily.

"Just because I begged for mercy?"

While asking the question, she felt her own insignificance.

Li Qing didn't know what the latter was thinking, but after hearing Du Ying's compliment and the words "Master", he couldn't get used to it. In his previous life, he was a very smart loser, but now he sees this one The beautiful lady endures all the hardships and is so well-behaved by her side.

"Don't call me Master anymore, call me Uchiha Ao-."

After making a faint sound, the marks on his hands changed, and the speed of the two people suddenly increased a few points.

"Wind Style: Wind Technique..."

As the famous technique of the wind ninja, it turned into a good A-level ninjutsu and entered Uchiha Ao's storage box. Naturally, he could not let go of this rare opportunity.

During the transformation of the hand marks, the green Chakra is automatically converted, and Chakra with different attributes bursts out instantly. As infinite Chakra, there is no need to worry about the Chakra being exhausted. It would be great if there was a ninjutsu that could drain out the Chakra in an instant.

That shows how powerful this ninjutsu is, but there is no such thing so far. Even summoning the Dark Bone Dragon only consumes a small part of the Chakra, and his Chakra is automatically restored in less than a second.

It's as if there is no consumption at all.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this may be a very remarkable thing. After all, no one person's Chakra can support so many Shadow Clones with such strength in an instant.

But I didn't expect that the most terrifying person in everyone's eyes, Uchiha Ao, could do it easily without any other consumption, which made everyone confused for a moment!

Anyone who is familiar with a small part of the plot knows that the Uchiha family is born to be a fighting nation. Even so, as they grow older, their talents will continue to show. Chakra is naturally amazing, but I have never heard of anyone whose Chakra has such a terrifying star. ah.

Even Du Ying beside her had secretly thought that she had heard of the Shadow Clone Technique, but at that moment, she couldn't imagine that she could support so many clones in one moment and continuously transmit her own ninjutsu. In her opinion, to achieve these, you probably need to reach at least a high-level special nin, or even Kage-level, but it is not difficult to see that Uchiha Ao has done it.

Secretly smacking her tongue, she once again praised her choice!

But after hearing Uchiha Qing's voice, she didn't think deeply. She thought quickly and said instantly: "Since you don't like that title, from now on... I will call you Qing-sama! Please allow me."

The wind howled and kept slipping away from the two of them, blowing their clothes.

Du Ying waved her hand gently, and the staff disappeared automatically. Under the seal with her hands, the wizard outfit on her body also changed. She automatically transformed into a suitable ninja outfit, as if everything just now had disappeared.

She was within five meters of Uchiha Ao. The thunder and lightning symbol on the sword became the only flaw, but she didn't seem to care at all, let alone Uchiha Ao.

The long hair on the head has no restraints. Under the fine decoration, the whole person is more agile. Under the cover of Uchiha Ao, the whole person's physique cannot be reflected. I can only vaguely feel that this person must be extraordinary, but specifically It can't be seen except for Jōnin's righteousness.

On the other hand, Uchiha Ao next to him really gives people the feeling of being a fuwa. Under the cover of his name, no one can see his name clearly, and it only vaguely shows the word "青", and absolutely no one can tell it. It is connected with that terrifying existence.

0…please give me flowers…

So now, except for Du Ying around me, I am afraid no one can recognize Uchiha Qing's true identity.

But he just laughed it off.

"Master Qing? Okay, whatever you like is fine.

Uchiha green lightly․ The voice was so small that only Du Ying could hear it, but the latter didn't notice the joy on his face.

"If I'm not mistaken, Uchiha Qing is just a normal man. Not only is he powerful, he is also very unusual in his behavior. Although his pursuit of strength does not seem so urgent, but from his behavior It’s not hard to see that this is the behavior of a strong person.”

Maybe I made the right choice this time.

With her long hair floating, she quietly looked at Uchiha Ao. From this angle, she could see Uchiha Ao's profile. Under the resolute and young face, there was an indifferent heart hidden, including the invincible will of the strong. Everything seemed to be There is no way to influence him.


"It's not far from Huaxia Hidden Village. It's about 10,000 meters away. Wind Style is no more than that. If we can, just use space ninjutsu."

The two people stopped, and Uchiha Qing's sudden movement made Du Ying lose her balance, and she was about to fall off the branch if her feet slipped.


With a scream, Du Ying stepped on the green platform, her feet suddenly slipped and she fell towards the tree.

Uchiha Qing suddenly stretched out his right hand and grabbed Du Ying.


The next moment, Du Ying was suddenly pulled back by Uchiha Qing. The force was so strong that Du Ying suddenly hit Uchiha Qing's chest.

"Brush..." Du Ying's face immediately turned red. Uchiha Qing was also embarrassed and took back her right hand at a loss.

"Ah... Master Qing is right, let's just... do this."

She promised softly and turned around quickly, fearing that the latter would see her embarrassment.

But the next moment, her eyes suddenly opened wide, and she saw Uchiha Qing's figure suddenly running toward the woods, with a serious look on his face. The speed was so fast that she didn't even react

The empty Chakra was slowly released, but the seal between Uchiha Qing's hands was of the wind element.

"Ah? Ninjutsu can still be used like this?"

With doubts, she also suddenly activated her ninjutsu and ran towards Uchiha Ao. But in the faintness, she could only see a blurry figure jumping around three times. .

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