Seeing Uchiha Qing's figure speeding up in an instant, Du Ying gritted her teeth, the staff appeared in her hand, and she changed the seal with one hand. The figure finally sped up again.

"Hua Hua Hua..."

In the woods, two figures were like two phantoms, constantly moving in one direction at an alarming speed.

The leaves fell down as the breeze blew, and while the figure passed by, it brought up a large number of fallen leaves on the ground.

"Master Qing, what happened?"

After finally catching up with Uchiha Qing, Du Ying patted her chest. Although the consumption of Chakra was one thing, as a magic ninja, her physical condition was naturally much different. It was already good to react instantly.

On the other hand, Uchiha Ao, the latter's facial expression has not changed at all, as if he has been playing "Two Zero Three" all the time.

That's right, it's just like playing.

Uchiha Ao's Ninjutsu, Chakra, and Taijutsu are all strong to a certain extent!

It can only be described with two words: horror.

"Don't be brave, just practice hard next time. Even if ninjutsu is respected in this world, you have to know the physical strength of the practitioner. If it is very poor, then some advanced ninjutsu will not be released in the future. , can only be beyond our reach!"

Uchiha Qing looked at Du Ying seriously, hoping that the latter would remember it seriously.

Because this is his own experience, as well as the summary of the power system in the Hokage world in his previous life. You must know that the source of all power is yourself, and you must be hard on yourself to make iron, otherwise everything is empty talk.

"This is my own experience. Since I have decided to take you with me, I will not be perfunctory. Do you understand?"

She asked in return, but Du Ying, who had a slightly red face, nodded lightly with a little womanly attitude, but she didn't resist at all against Master Uchiha Qing's words.

Since Uchiha Qing can say these words to himself, it means that the latter still has himself in his heart. Maybe it's just concern.

At the same moment, twenty meters away.

"I built this mountain!"

A tall and thin man, dressed in tattered uniforms, his body reflects the strength of a top Chūnin, and his voice is sharp. As soon as he finished speaking, the fat man beside him suddenly spoke.

"I planted this tree. If you want to live from now on..."

The last short man said calmly: "Leave the money to buy the road! Please bring out the ninjutsu secret book."

Du Ying suddenly realized that she was actually a robber, but where did such a low-level person get the courage to become a bandit here?

But why on earth did Lord Uchiha Ao come here just to deal with a few bandits?

I glanced at the latter with doubts, only to find that the latter's eyes had been on someone else.

One of the young men is indeed very powerful, having reached the intermediate level of Chūnin. His pants are rolled up on his legs, and his short hair technique looks so refined on the back of his head.

He suddenly bent down and said seriously: "The adults let us go, but we are just low-level ninjas. We just want to seek refuge in the Hidden Village of China. Please let us go."

Hidden Village in China?

It’s this word again. If I guess correctly, Master Qing may have come here because of this.

Having made up her mind, Du Ying was ready to take a step forward to deal with these people.

But the next moment, Uchiha Qing suddenly stretched out his hand to stop him and said: "Don't worry, just take a look.

But in the next moment, both of them blushed.

Because Uchiha Qing's hand happened to be placed on a soft surface, Du Ying's body was shocked.

This feeling was only experienced by Cheng Mengmeng, so Uchiha Qing also knew what it was, and quickly looked away, suppressing the embarrassment in his heart.

But Du Ying didn't say anything. She blushed slightly and took back her staff.

"It turns out, Qingrenren, I'm just a little man!"

Under secret observation, Uchiha Aoya was particularly embarrassed.

at the same time.

I heard the fat ninja suddenly say: "As a symbol of the rise of Huaxia Hidden Village, we'd better stop, I always feel uneasy!"

The words just fell.


The tall and thin ninja slapped the former in the face: "Why are you so worthless? You have to know that you are an intermediate ninja... Even if you know that it is a hidden village in China, what if you have Uchiha Ao to protect you?" So what about gods, since they haven’t gone yet, it means Huaxia Hidden Village doesn’t know them yet.”

"What's more, we haven't revealed our identities yet."

After saying this, the fat ninja stopped talking, because what the tall and thin man said really made sense, and for him who was big-chested and brainless, this was the best idea.

But in this case, the tall and thin man still looked at the short ninja who seemed to be the most senior: "Boss, what do you think?"

However, the short man didn't have much emotion. He just squeezed his crutch gently: "You can make the decision. This is how we are bandits. I will not participate."

"Adults, I really beg you to let us go. I really don't have anything."

The young man had a timid expression on his face, as if he really had nothing at all.

But Li Qing clearly saw that there were still some gold coins in the young man's arms. But this young man is also very courageous. Those three are all intermediate ninjas. If they really try to fight, the young man will probably be done with it.

But Li Qing was not worried at all, because he was very familiar with this young man. In the original work, he was a legend in a certain place in the Kingdom of Wind.

The wind ninja Jujiro who had fought with Naruto and others did not expect that he would also want to develop the Hidden Village of China at this time. 1.7

Just now Uchiha Ao saw Jujiro's figure, but he felt some strong aura from a distance. He locked the area in an instant, and unexpectedly a few bandits actually popped out.

Although the two people have no intersection, as a smart being in the original work, Uchiha Qing did not want this genius to die like this.

Especially when he knew the latter's destination, Uchiha Qing wanted to help. What's more, there was a large group of people behind Jujiro. His actions could be said to be a friendly sign to Huaxia Hidden Village.

Of course, this also reflects the bottom line in my heart.

It's obviously impossible to just sit back and watch, so there's nothing wrong with helping.

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