"Brother, let's not talk nonsense with this kid. We can just go up and snatch him away. There is no way this intermediate ninja doesn't have anything. After all, if you go out, you have to gain something to be justified."

The fat ninja didn't hesitate at all when he saw the scene. I can't wait to carry out the robbery. After all, I am an intermediate ninja. It's not because I don't have a little bit of connections to make a fortune by becoming bandits here. After all, we are all adults.

And he is already considered a strong person among ordinary people. But with such a poor status, others will definitely look down on a few of them.

"Have you ever thought about whether you should take out your things now or whether we should snatch them out? It won't be so easy to talk about it then. Missing arms and legs is common!"

The tall and lanky ninja lost his patience and didn't want to use Chakra to fight. It would be embarrassing if some ninjutsu didn't come out, but the kid in front of him was obviously dishonest and his eyes were looking around.

"If you have the ability, just kill me. If you don't have the ability, just shut up and let me go!"

Although Jujiro's appearance is not much more mature than Naruto's, his character is indeed not comparable to that of ordinary people. Just like now, he can still calmly analyze such a dangerous situation.

If it weren't for the crowd behind him, he could have turned around and left. The Huaxia Hidden Village, which had been paying attention, believed in the principle of peace and justice and was more famous than Konoha.

It is more true that the legendary Uchiha green god-tier is in charge, so now many ninjas from other countries have decided to join this organization. On the one hand, they are seeking a new asylum, and on the other hand, it also shows that Huaxia Hidden Village has this strength and can Giving the tribesmen a happy life, even peace, is no problem.

However, he did not expect to encounter this situation now.

Jujiro's legs are extremely powerful and his speed is faster than that of ordinary people. There is no difference in the speed of reaching the superior Jōnin, so it is easy to leave, but for the sake of his tribe, he cannot really do it.

"Since you want to do something, just start it. I'm not afraid of you!"

Under the hand seals, green Chakra spurted out, and Jujiro disappeared from the spot in an instant. In the next instant, he used Taijutsu and launched a fierce attack on the tall and thin ninja.

"How can this kid be so powerful?"

Amidst the little questions, the tall and thin man was actually taken a step back. The fat man next to him suddenly hugged his arms tightly. After a seal, his speed suddenly doubled and he rushed forward in an instant.


Jujiro's eyes tightened for a moment. Unexpectedly, the fat man's physical skills turned out to be close attacks. Jujiro had no defense and was knocked away in the next second.

After hitting a tree, he felt that his back was about to split, which showed that Fatty's ninjutsu was powerful.

"If we just talk about physical skills, I'm afraid we can't match you, and we can't match you in speed, but we are not stupid. Since we know that we are not as good as you in this aspect, we will definitely not go head-to-head with you!"

The tall and thin man snorted coldly and curled his lips: "Mist Shinobi: Mist Technique..."

After a moment, everyone saw a blur in front of their eyes, as if covered with a thick layer of fog. When he couldn't see his fingers, Jujiro only felt a strong force coming from him, and then his body was knocked away again.

Ice Escape:Ice Thorn Technique..."

With a low roar, the fog dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, but in the next moment something like an ice pick appeared in the empty place.

Jujiro quickly made a seal: "Body Flicker Technique..."

I learned this from Naruto, but the speed was still a bit slower. There was a cut on my arm and blood was flowing.

The next moment, the figure appeared behind a tree, leaning against the tree and panting. He forced to use this unfamiliar ninjutsu and the Chakra he used in an instant was beyond his range.

"Damn it, how could this happen!"

Gritting his teeth, Jujiro suddenly pulled out his kunai. If he continued like this, he would really be finished, not only his clan members!

"Boy, come out quickly, we don't want to waste time."

The tall and thin man's sharp voice came, and he could see his hands forming a seal: "Ice Release: Frost Technique..."

Within ten meters, a thick layer of ice formed on the ground, which was a restriction on Jujiro's legs.

Sure enough, the next moment, he ran out, but his feet slipped.


After falling to the ground, Jujiro gritted his teeth and looked at the tribesmen who were getting closer.

"Leave us alone, this is our last property, please, sir."

One of the old men took the lead and was about to kneel down, but Jujiro suddenly shouted: "No, don't ask them to help the robbers!"

Amidst the roar, the tall and thin man just now was about to reach out and take the treasures, but the next moment he suddenly turned around and ran away, as if he had encountered something terrifying.

The fat man next to him even formed a seal and crashed directly into the uncle, feeling a bit unhappy that he was going to die. As for the short man at the end, he also looked horrified and completed the seal in an instant.

"Master Ao, I didn't realize that he is still a high-level ninja."

Seeing a puff of black smoke leaving, Du Ying chuckled, watching Uchiha Qing retract her hands easily, and Mangekyō Sharingan closed instantly.

I didn’t realize that Mr. Qing is still a person with a strong sense of justice.

However, Uchiha Ao didn't say anything and walked straight out of the haystack and walked towards the people not far away. 363 As for Jujiro's eyes, he instantly became indifferent, and the young man in front of him could not tell his strength at all.

Seeing the latter slowly stretching out his hand, he immediately touched the kunai.


Green light flashed, and the injuries on Jujiro's body disappeared instantly. This made him look shocked and he stood up instantly: "What do you want, Your Excellency?"

"Not so good. Since we are going to the Hidden Village of China, why don't we go together? I happen to be going too."

After saying that, Li Qing looked at the people behind him. All the ordinary people, none of them were ninjas. Maybe they were seeking asylum in the Hidden Village of China.

Before the old man could speak, Jujiro still stood in front of Uchiha Ao without letting his guard down: "Excuse me, sir, what happened to those bandits? Did you do it?"

The voice was cold and emotionless, because he couldn't understand the person in front of him. He was at least a top Chūnin. As for Jōnin, he really didn't believe in such a young Jōnin.

However, Li Qing did not speak. Du Ying on the side chuckled: "Those people may be crazy, but since we want to go together, you should be more serious.

"Oh, okay!"

After taking back the kunai, Jujiro still did not let down his guard. He looked along the map and found that he was indeed approaching the Hidden Village of China!

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