"You can still laugh at this time, but I really don't see what's so funny." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes.

At this moment, the old ghost roared angrily.

"Uchiha Ao, we five ghosts deliberately led you to appear." The old ghost laughed.

Uchiha Qing looked shocked when he heard what the old ghost said. The Genin he met in the hidden village in China seemed a little reckless.

According to what Uchiha Qing knows, the ninjas in the village are well-trained and will not be so panicked even if they encounter enemies.

"You brought me here?" Uchiha glanced around with his peripheral vision.

As Uchiha Ao began to pay attention, the old ghost shook his shoulders and laughed.

"It's useless, you have no hope." The old ghost narrowed his eyes and said, "Five Ghost Resurrection Technique!"

As the old ghost roared, all the old ghost's companions who had been hiding in the dead ninja "587" appeared. There were four of them, and each of them began to form seals quickly.

Uchiha Qing was stunned and looked at the seals in their hands.

"Is it a sealing technique?" Uchiha Qing was shocked. At this time, a sealing technique appeared on everyone [even if Uchiha Qing's clone wanted to stop it, it was too late.

The clone disappeared immediately after touching the barrier, and at this time the five ghosts quickly formed seals and roared.

"Resurrection Technique!" With the old ghost as the center, the Chakra aftermath of the five people rippled around.

Uchiha Qing and the remaining clones covered their eyes, and the aftermath dissipated. At this time, the old ghost and others quickly laughed.

"What do they want to do?" Uchiha Ao frowned.

Precisely because of this, following Uchiha Ao's doubts, the corpses of dead navy players on the ground began to rise one after another, and their eyes turned cold.

"Resurrected?" Uchiha Ao gasped.

"This is different from the corpse turning technique, Uchiha Qing, you are dead." The old ghost laughed.

Uchiha Ao frowned. At this time, as the corpses on the ground began to resurrect one after another, even Uchiha Ao was shocked.

It was precisely because of this that Uchiha Ao laughed and said, "So you want to take advantage of these dead navy players?"

"That's right, only this group of players will be fooled by this kind of ninjutsu." The five old ghosts laughed proudly.

Uchiha Qing smiled slightly and said: "Since I can kill them easily, even if you are resurrected, I can easily kill them again."

"Really? Then you try it." The old ghost said disdainfully.

Uchiha Ao was stunned. He didn't expect the old ghost to be like this. This was beyond Uchiha Ao's expectation.

"Come on." Uchiha's eyes lit up, and the remaining clones began to step forward.

On the ground, Uchiha's green clone began to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the resurrected navy, but no matter how Uchiha's green clone attacked the group of sailors, they would not die. Not even a hint of pain.

"No pain, no death, no death, unless you kill the other party." The old ghost laughed.

Uchiha Qing was shocked and choked up in his throat. No matter what ninjutsu, these people would not be killed.

"There is such a disgusting ninjutsu." Uchiha Ao touched his nose.

Great Fireball, thunder and lightning, and destructive ninjutsu. Uchiha Ao's clone used them all, but in the end he couldn't destroy the resurrection navy in front of him.

"It's useless, Uchiha Ao, you can't kill these people." The old ghost laughed maniacally.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and watched his clones being beaten away by the navy soldiers one by one, but he was stunned on the spot.

"There is such a thing." Uchiha's eyes lit up and he quickly took back his clone. He knew that no matter how hard he tried, his clone would not do any harm to the clone in front of him.

"Take back" your body?" The ghost narrowed his eyes.

As Uchiha Ao took back his clone, all the resurrection navy troops looked at Uchiha Ao, their eyes full of hatred.

"No, you can see hatred in the eyes of these people, full of great resentment." Uchiha Qing took two steps back and looked at the resurrected navy in front of him, but Uchiha Qing also saw the leader of the navy next to the old ghost. Several people were still dead at the scene and had not been resurrected.

"Why are the navy leaders killed by the old ghost not resurrected?" Uchiha Ao frowned.

The old ghost and his four companions looked at each other with extremely sinister smiles.

"Uchiha Qing, you are going to die here today." The old ghost roared.

The resurrected navy army began to rush forward one after another, surrounding Uchiha Ao in the middle of the field.

Why are the navy leaders you killed not resurrected? What secret does your ninja have?" Uchiha Ao jumped up, and he did the same. No matter how he hit the resurrected navy in front of him, he could not kill these people. .....

Even if these resurrected naval forces are smashed to pieces, these resurrected naval forces will recover immediately.

"Immortal and unable to disappear at all, this is the most terrifying part of our ninjutsu." The old ghost roared proudly.

Uchiha Qing roared angrily, and a chakra gathered together, hitting the old ghost barrier.

"Nonsense, I'm asking you, why didn't you resurrect the navy leaders you killed?" Uchiha Qing's power hit the old ghost barrier, and a trace of rupture immediately appeared on the barrier.

The old ghost's expression changed with surprise and he couldn't help laughing.

"You are quite observant, but it's a pity that it's too late for you to know now." The old ghost saw the cracks in his barrier and quickly repaired them.

It's not that the barrier between the five old ghosts cannot be broken from the outside world, but when Uchiha Ao wanted to attack continuously, the resurrected navy army behind him attacked again.

Uchiha Qing had no choice but to quickly start to retreat.

In the sky, dark clouds covered the sun, and rain fell continuously. Uchiha Ao kept using his physical strength to delay time.

"Besides the sealing technique, there seems to be no other way. It's just that the number of people is so huge now, it's not something I can solve alone." A trace of sweat flowed from Uchiha Qing's forehead. He actually didn't expect that the United States and the island country would join forces this time. All the NPC players actually caused him so much trouble.

"Uchiha Qing, what are you going to do?" The old ghost laughed.

If Uchiha Ao begins to seal it at the scene, then the five old ghosts will definitely take the opportunity to attack Uchiha Ao.

"These resurrected navy corpses seemed to have no action at all after seeing the five old ghosts. It seems to be related to the secret of the old ghost's ninjutsu." When Uchiha Qing attacked the resurrected navy, he tried Breaking through the barrier between the five old ghosts, but they can only launch one attack each time, and it is impossible to break the barrier at once.

"Is it because I killed these people? Will the hatred in their eyes make them focus on me?" Uchiha Qing was shocked. .

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