The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 317: The Secret Of Resurrecting The Navy

Uchiha Qing suddenly understood that the secret of the ninjutsu used by the five old ghosts lies here.

"Old ghost, I noticed the secret of your ninjutsu." Uchiha Ao's eyes lit up. Now that he has figured out the secrets of resurrecting the navy, there is no need for Uchiha Ao to be beaten so passively.

As Uchiha Qing began to form seals quickly, the clones around him began to attack the five old ghosts at the same time.

"It's useless, you can't break our barrier at once." The five old ghosts laughed.

In the world, as the five old ghosts caused great trouble to Uchiha Ao, the five old ghosts became even more excited and started shouting.

"We are going to kill Uchiha Ao. From now on, there will no longer be an Uchiha book god-tier in the Ninja League." The five old ghosts spoke ragingly.

However, the situation suddenly changed, and Uchiha Ao's clones attacked continuously, breaking the barrier between the five old ghosts on the spot.

The expressions of the five old ghosts were astonished, and their bodies quickly took dozens of steps back.

"Uchiha Qing?" The old ghost narrowed his eyes.

Uchiha Ao stood there, laughed, the barrier disappeared, and heavy rain fell on Uchiha Ao.

"Your ninjutsu is to use the hatred of these 05 navy players to resurrect them." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and said, "That's why these people will be immortal unless this hatred is separated."

Separation hatred, the secret of this ninjutsu exists in the eyes of the resurrected navy, and it is precisely because of this that Uchiha Qing thought of deciphering the secret of ninjutsu.

"What? How did you know?" The old ghost took a few steps back.

Uchiha Aoya once thought that if the old ghost really wanted to use the human sea tactic, he could find ninjas from the Ninja Alliance. Without these NPCs, the number of these players must be limited.

However, the old ghost did not do this, because only these players will generate hatred value. It is precisely because of this that Uchiha Qing knows very well that the real way to crack the old ghost's ninjutsu is to give hatred to the resurrected person in front of him. If separated, this ninjutsu will be broken.

"Uchiha green god-tier!" Jujiro and others rushed over.

When the people of Huaxia Hidden World Village noticed that Uchiha Qing was missing, they began to worry. After looking around, they found the sound of fighting coming from the mountain. Jujiro, Cheng Mengmeng, and Sasuke led their men.

"Brother, someone actually hurt you, let me kill these people." Sasuke took a step forward and said.

Uchiha Ao stopped Sasuke in front of him and said: "My silly brother, I can deal with these people by myself."

The resurrected navy attacked Uchiha Ao himself, completely ignoring Sasuke's existence.

"What's going on? What happened to these people?" Cheng Mengmeng was shocked.

Sasuke started fighting madly in the crowd, but it had no effect at all.

"Sasuke, get back." Uchiha Qing's body flew into the air, and all the Chakra in his body gathered.

After hearing Uchiha Ao's words, Sasuke retreated quickly.

"Broken!" Uchiha Ao roared, and a powerful suction force appeared. The resurrected navy hatred was drawn out one after another, and the corpses fell down again on the scene.

The five old ghosts were almost pale, and their bodies kept retreating.

"Impossible, how could our bodies be cracked by you like this?" The five old ghosts asked in confusion.

Following the old ghost's question, Uchiha Ao smiled and looked at the five old ghosts in front of him.

"Old ghost, you are a coalition of five people from the United States and the island country, but you underestimate me too much." Uchiha Qing took a breath.

The ninjutsu of the five old ghosts was finally broken, and now the five old ghosts stood where they were, surrounded by everyone.

"It's not good, Uchiha Ao god-tier is too powerful. Let's get out of here quickly." The old ghost's remaining friends started to shout.

Uchiha Qing took a step forward and smiled.

"Do you think Huaxia Hidden Village is a place where you can come and leave whenever you want?" Uchiha Qing laughed.

The resurrected sailor fell down, and Sasuke and Jujiro looked at each other.

"Brother, let me help you get rid of these people." Sasuke Sharingan appeared, and before Uchiha Qing could respond, he immediately attacked the five old ghosts.

At this time, it was precisely because Sasuke and Jujiro came that the five of them were almost frightened.

"No, how could it be like this?" With a miserable cry, the old ghost was killed by Sasuke and Jujiro on the spot.

"It's just one person, it depends on who sees more." Jujiro said unconvinced.

Sasuke roared angrily. When the two faced the five old ghosts, they actually killed more than anyone else.

It is precisely because of this that, along with the five old ghosts, Sasuke and Jujiro are eager to kill.

"Tch, originally I wanted to teach these players from the United States and the island country, but I was not beaten by Sasuke and Jujiro." Uchiha Ao smiled bitterly.

Cheng Mengmeng came to Uchiha Ao, looking worried.

"How could you do this? You didn't know to notify me if something happened." Cheng Mengmeng said to Uchiha Qing.

Uchiha Qing touched Cheng Mengmeng's face with one hand and said, "Am I not intact?"

In the Ninja League, with Uchiha Ao's strength, not many people can hurt him. Uchiha Ao is still very confident about this.

"You are intact, but I am very worried, you know?" Cheng Mengmeng said coquettishly.

Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly. He knew that Cheng Mengmeng was worried about him, so he didn't say anything more.

"I know." Uchiha Qing hugged Cheng Mengmeng's body tightly in front of her. 320

Following Uchiha Qing's actions, Cheng Mengmeng immediately softened her heart and hugged Uchiha Qing in front of her.

"Uchiha Qing." At this time, following Uchiha Qing's actions, Cheng Mengmeng almost didn't hesitate, and her body fell softly into Uchiha Qing's arms.

The five old ghosts were successfully killed by Sasuke and Jujiro. When Sasuke put away the weapons in his hands, he said: "You are still not as good as me."

Suddenly, Jujiro's expression changed.

"Tch, you're lucky this time, don't look too complacent." Jujiro said politely.

Following Jujiro's words, Sasuke barely responded.

"This is not a fluke, it's strength." Sasuke said bluntly.

Jujiro stepped forward, suddenly looking angry.

"Sasuke, don't be too arrogant." Jujiro said angrily.

When Sasuke and Jujiro turned around, they saw Cheng Mengmeng and Uchiha Ao hugging each other tightly.

"Brother, we have killed five of them." Sasuke said.

Uchiha Qing frowned, Cheng Mengmeng blushed and stood up slightly.

"Well done." Uchiha Qing raised his head. As the old ghost's ninjutsu was broken, the hazy weather disappeared and the sun appeared.

"More people will come, and we are always ready to fight." Uchiha Qing said. .

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