Lin Jiachen heard Uchiha Qing's words and said extremely seriously: "Don't worry, leave the safety of the village to me. I will not let anyone attack the village."

Uchiha Qing smiled. After Uchiha Qing defeated the island country and the United States several times, I believe that no one who comes from the stick would dare to invade the Huaxia Hidden Village here.

"Let's set off." The real enemy of Huaxia Hidden World Village is Cloud Shinobi Village. The foreigners have gathered, and Kimimaro also rushed to the foreigners.

At this time, Uchiha Qing was about to lead Jujiro, Sasuke, and Cheng Mengmeng to go outside the border.

Outside the border, Kimimaro felt excited with the arrival of Uchiha Ao.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier is finally here." Kimimaro said.

Suddenly, with the arrival of Uchiha Qing, the people in Huaxia Hidden World Village were extremely excited. It is precisely because of this that the people in Hidden World Village at this time began to become extremely cautious.

"Uchiha Aingo is really fine. Those NPC players are really unreliable." The people from Cloud Shinobi Village stood outside the border, and the army pressed on the border. The Hidden World Village also sent all the ninjas.

Omuyi sneered and responded: "I knew that Uchiha Ao would not be easily killed by those NPCs. At most, it would only cause some trouble for Uchiha Ao.

The people in Cloud Shinobi Village began to sit there, almost without any temper.

"Uchiha Qing?" Samyi frowned and said, "But now even Uchiha Qing has arrived. It seems that it is not easy for us to enter the Huazhong Hidden World, right?"

"Why not send an elite force to sneak attack their village?" Karui took a step forward and started to propose.

Suddenly, the people present kept nodding their heads, watching Uchiha Qing bring all the ninjas from Huaxia Hidden World Village, so the village must be empty.

"Do you think the Uchiha Youth Club will let someone attack their village?" Omuyi sneered.

Following Omuyi's words, everyone at this time felt puzzled.

"Sasuke, Kimimaro, and Jujiro are all on the opposite side. There is at most one Lin retainer left in the village. How much combat power can the Huaxia Hidden World Village have? Now that all the ninjas in the village have come here, I believe there are only a few Genin left in the village. Karui analyzed it.

Omuyi narrowed his eyes and said, "Everything you said is right, but you forgot one thing."

"What happened?" Karuyi asked in confusion.

Omuyi took a deep breath and said: "The moment Uchiha Ao comes in person, it means that the war may start at any time, unless you are sure that you can defeat Uchiha Ao or delay him."

"Except for Raikage-sama, it seems that among us, we are no match for Uchiha Ao." Samui said.

Omuyi nodded and said: "That's right, Raikage-sama cannot go to the battle this time because of something, and Eight Tails can't go to the battle either. It's very difficult for us to fight Uchiha Ao."

"Then why are we gathering so many people here?" Karuyi asked angrily.

Omu Yi narrowed his eyes and said: "Waiting for the reinforcements from Mist Ninja Village."

"Reinforcements from Mist Ninja Village?" Even Karui and Samyi didn't know about this.

Omu Yi nodded and said: "That's right, if the reinforcements from Mist Ninja Village can arrive in time, things will definitely be different."

At the same time, all the people in Cloud Shinobi Village were watching Omuyi, the commander of the army.

"I have also thought about the idea of ​​a surprise attack on Huaxia Hidden World Village, but thinking about Lin Jiachen's personal guarding, Uchiha Qing knew very well that with his arrival, the village would be empty, so he wanted to launch a surprise attack on Huaxia Hidden World Village at this time. I hope Not very sexual,” Omuyi said.

"If the NPC players of the Ninja League were not so impatient and dared to attack the Huaxia Hidden World Village at this time, we might still have a chance. Now our only chance is to defeat Uchiha Ao's army in front of us." Omuyi stepped forward. He took a step forward and showed a troubled expression.

The army from Huaxia Hidden World came to the border. (afdb) Uchiha Qing and Sasuke and others boosted the morale of the army.

"When are you planning to launch the attack?" Kimimaro looked at Uchiha Ao and asked.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and said, "Tonight."

"Tonight?" Almost everyone present was shocked.

Uchiha Qing walked to the border and sneered.

"That's right, Cloud Shinobi Village gathered so many people this time and started to declare war on our Chinese Hidden World Village, and the commander-in-chief is not Raikage. Don't you think it's strange?" Uchiha looked at Sasuke and others beside him and asked. stand up.

"We didn't analyze it at the beginning. Raikage didn't dare to lead the army hastily. He was supporting from the rear. According to our intelligence, Raikage and Eight Tails Jinchūriki are behind Cloud Shinobi Village." Cheng Mengmeng said.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes, took a step forward and said: "That's right. Apart from this reason, I believe it is a tactical strategy of Cloud Shinobi Village. They hope to make us take it lightly, and there is one more important thing for Omuyi to be the real commander. The reason is that people from rural areas are also gathering."

As one of the five major ninja nations, Cloud Shinobi Village secretly cooperated with the people of Cloud Shinobi Village from the beginning, as if to completely destroy this rising village.

Uchiha Qing of Huaxia Hidden World Village leads the village to rise, which has already made them restless.

"There is such a thing." Cheng Mengmeng and others were shocked.

Uchiha Qing looked at Jujiro. According to reports from Jujiro's cronies, people from the Mist Ninja Village were quietly gathering and had begun to move towards here.

"When people from two major ninja villages gather together, it will be difficult for them to lose." Tianjiro said.

Uchiha Qing stood on the spot and said: "So we must win this battle quickly. I don't know how many villages will participate.

The Allied Forces of Light, Cloud and Mist are already quite terrifying, and with the influence of the Ninja Villages of these two great powers, not only the NPC players in the world, but also other Ninja Villages will be on their side.

"This battle is not only about Cloud Shinobi Village, but also about the rise of our Chinese Hidden World Village, which has made other Shinobi Villages feel uneasy." Uchiha Ao took a step forward and said with great certainty.

It is precisely because of this that when Uchiha Ao spoke, everyone's expressions became serious.

"Uchiha Qing?" Cheng Mengmeng frowned, looked at Uchiha Qing in front of him, and said, "No matter what, we will be around you."

Sasuke stepped forward and said, "Yes, let alone the Cloud and Mist Alliance, we will not be afraid even if they are enemies of the entire ninja village."

"The matter is not serious yet, and the people in Cloud Shinobi Village are not fools. If the people in Cloud Shinobi Village suffer an early failure, Cloud Shinobi Village may not dare to take action against us, but once we fail, let alone Cloud Shinobi Village. , other villages will definitely share the results of the victory." Uchiha Qing said. .

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