Chapter 320 Attack

Under the night sky, Uchiha Qing knew this very well. In this battle outside the country, the first battle must be won.

No matter what the price, Uchiha Ao will lead the people of Huaxia Hidden World Village to beat the people of Cloud Shinobi Village, so that no one can easily get involved in the war between Huaxia Hidden World Village and Cloud Shinobi Village.

"Attack at night, while it's dark, I will lead a surprise attack force." Uchiha Ao showed a determined expression, because he knew that if this battle lasted too long, there would be serious consequences for the base camp village. crisis.

"I'm willing to stay with you, brother." Sasuke was the first to stand up.

Kimimaro, Jujiro, Cheng Meng and Meng all stepped forward.

"No, this surprise attack does not require so many people. Cheng Mengmeng and Kimimaro stay here and lead the army to be ready for any eventuality." Uchiha Qing said.

Suddenly, following Uchiha Qing's words, Cheng Mengmeng was shocked on the spot.

"Uchiha Qing, why did you make such a decision?" Cheng Mengmeng asked in confusion.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and said: "This time, the main purpose is to severely damage the Cloud Shinobi Village army, not to annihilate it in one fell swoop. You and Kimimaro will stay here."

"Uchiha Qing god-tier, it is enough for Cheng Mengmeng to stay where he is, I will follow you." Kimimaro said.

Uchiha Qing waved his hand and said: "This is an order."

At this time, Uchiha Ao only needs Sasuke and Jujiro by his side. In this night surprise attack, Uchiha Ao will severely damage the Cloud Shinobi Village troops in front of him.

"Our goal is to severely damage the Cloud Shinobi Village army. We must not fight for a long time. All obey my orders." Uchiha Ao looked at Sasuke and Jujiro and said.

"I lost to Sasuke last time, and I won't lose to you this time." Jujiro looked at Sasuke and said.

On the mountain south of Huaxia Hidden World Village, when Jujiro and Sasuke killed the old ghost together, they lost slightly to Sasuke himself, so now Jujiro wants to take revenge.

"I'm always ready to challenge you. No one can win against me except my brother." Sasuke stood there, and the members of the Eagle Team behind him looked in high spirits.

"You all go down and prepare. We will set off as soon as it gets dark." Uchiha Qing said.

Jujiro snorted coldly, Sasuke was very powerful, and the members of the Eagle Team were indeed powerful, but after such words, it only aroused Jujiro's desire to win.

"I will definitely win this time." Jujiro snorted coldly.

As Jujiro finished speaking, he also started to go down to prepare, and the sky began to get dark. At this time, the army of Huaxia Hidden World Village and the army of Cloud Shinobi Village opposite were facing each other, and the two spies continued to investigate.

It is precisely because of this that Cheng Mengmeng leaned against Uchiha Qing.

"Do you really want to take the risk to attack Cloud Shinobi Village?" Cheng Mengmeng asked in confusion.

Uchiha Qing nodded slightly and took a deep breath.

"That's right. Now that we have attacked the Cloud Shinobi Village army and given them a heavy blow, those who are eyeing our Chinese Hidden World Village will not dare to take any action." Uchiha Qing said.

If it is just a war between two villages, Uchiha Ao is not worried, but he is afraid that more villages will be involved.

By that time, Huaxia Hidden World Village would become a target of public criticism. No matter how powerful Uchiha Qing was, he would not be able to compete with everyone.

"If things are so bad that we have to go to war with the entire Ninja Alliance, what will you do then?" Cheng Mengmeng looked at Uchiha Ao beside him and asked.

Uchiha Qing snorted coldly and said: "At that time, I will kill gods when I meet gods, and kill Buddha when I meet Buddha."

Uchiha Ao is not afraid of confronting the whole world, even if he gets to that point.

Immediately, Cheng Mengmeng showed a look of relief. This is the behavior of a man.

"I will follow you." Cheng Mengmeng fell into Uchiha Qing's arms. At this moment, no one thought that Cheng Mengmeng would follow Uchiha Qing so firmly.

Uchiha Qing was stunned, but he didn't expect Cheng Mengmeng to be so determined.

"It's great to have you by my side." Uchiha Qing touched Cheng Mengmeng's face and said with an extremely positive look.

At this moment, following Uchiha Qing's actions, Cheng Mengmeng softened and began to show a look of relief.

"Uchiha Qing, if people from Cloud Shinobi Village hurt you, I will never let anyone go from Cloud Shinobi Village. Even if I try my best, I will destroy those who go to Hidden Village." Cheng Mengmeng thought to herself.

0…please give me flowers…

Suddenly, as the sky darkened, Uchiha Qing raised his head and took a deep breath.

"It looks like the time has come." Uchiha Ao stood up. The people in Cloud Shinobi Village must have sent many spies. Under such circumstances, Uchiha Ao would have to take extreme risks if he wanted to raid the Cloud Shinobi Village army.

"Brother, we are ready." Sasuke and the combat team behind him said energetically.

Jujiro also led his team members, showing a proud look.

"We are also ready." Jujiro snorted coldly.

Uchiha Ao smiled. With both Sasuke and Jujiro's teams ready, Uchiha Ao knew very well that as long as he gave the order, he could launch an attack on Cloud Shinobi Village.


"Cheng Mengmeng, where are we going to attack Cloud Shinobi Village?" Uchiha Qing turned to look at Cheng Mengmeng beside him.

Cheng Mengmeng pointed to the entrance not far away and said: "This is the weakest point in Cloud Shinobi Village, but it is also guarded by a large number of ninjas.

Uchiha Qing smiled and said: "As long as Omuyi can't stop us in time. 17

Uchiha Ao has a total of nine people, Sasuke and Jujiro's team have four people each, a total of eight people, plus Uchiha Ao himself.

"Let's go." Uchiha Ao and the remaining eight people tried their best to hide the Chakra and began to attack the entrance of Cloud Shinobi Village.

At night, when Uchiha Ao was hiding behind the grass, the ninjas of Cloud Shinobi Village on the opposite side were constantly patrolling.

There are hundreds of people guarding this place, but for Uchiha Qing, it is simply a piece of cake.

"The opposite side must have deployed a super strong barrier." Uchiha Ao frowned and said, "I will go forward and destroy their barrier first, and you will quickly start to enter and gain a foothold in the Cloud Shinobi Village army."

Suddenly, following Uchiha Ao's words, Sasuke and others around him almost nodded.

"No one from Cloud Shinobi Village will be killed this time," Jujiro said.

Uchiha Ao's figure jumped up. In the dark night, with Uchiha Ao's arrival, the Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas were surprised.

"Someone is coming to attack." The ninjas of Cloud Shinobi Village immediately blew the warning sound. .

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