When Uchiha Ao's figure came to the barrier in front of the Cloud Shinobi Village army, he started sniping with the Chakra in his hand.

"Broken!" Uchiha Ao roared.

Suddenly, a hole appeared in the barrier, and Uchiha Ao stood high in the air.

"Come in!" Uchiha Ao shouted.

The sky full of ninja darts and ninjutsu began to attack Uchiha Ao. Uchiha Ao stood in mid-air, showing a contemptuous smile.

At this time, Omuyi and others quickly became alert as Uchiha Ao arrived.

"Uchiha Ao has come to attack the army." Anyone from Cloud Shinobi Village who came forward reported.

"How many people are there in total?" Omu Yi frowned.

The ninja from Cloud Shinobi Village said: "There are nine people in total, including two team members, Sasuke and Jujiro.

Aumuyi swallowed with sobs in his throat, seeing the battle in the southwest corner "Two Zero Zero".

"It seems that Uchiha Ao finally couldn't help but launch an attack." Omuyi turned to look at Iruka.

"Do you have any solution?" Iruka knew that Omuyi must have something to say.

Omuyi went up and said: "Uchiha Qing came in person to give us a severe blow. Only Kimimaro, Cheng Mengmeng and others are left in their army. Now is a great opportunity to attack them head-on."

"What do you mean?" Iruka froze on the spot.

Omuyi sneered and said: "Uchiha Ao is very smart. He doesn't want to see us unite with Kirigakure, so at this time, we need to give the Chinese Hidden World Village army a head-on blow to let them know that our Cloud Shinobi Village sharp."

Okai smiled and said: "What a good idea, then let's start attacking Cloud Shinobi Village.

Following Omuyi's suggestion, Rukayi and Okayi around him agreed.

"Since you already have a plan, I will follow your instructions and rush to Uchiha Ao immediately to entangle him." After Omuyi said such words, Karuyou had already begun to know what Omuyi wanted to do. Send him to deal with Uchiha Ao and other intruders.

Omuyi nodded slightly, and when Rukayi was about to leave, Omuyi stepped forward.

"Wait a minute, you just need to get entangled with Uchiha Ao, it's nothing more than too many head-on confrontations." Omuyi said to Rukayi.

Rukai snorted coldly and said: "I understand what you mean, but if I have the chance, I will still leave Tezhiha Ao's body here.

Although Uchiha Ao is powerful, there are only nine people. There are tens of thousands of Cloud Shinobi Village troops present, and they are all warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles.

Rukai left, and Omuyi looked at Okayi next to him.

"Let's lead the army to march towards the Chinese Hidden World Village army opposite." Omuyi said.

The army of Cloud Shinobi Village suddenly launched an attack, and Cheng Mengmeng and Lu Majun on the opposite side began to be shocked.

"What? People from Cloud Shinobi Village launched an attack on us at this time?" Cheng Mengmeng took a step forward and looked at the approaching Cloud Shinobi Village house.

Lu Majun took a deep breath and said: "They must have known that Uchiha Ao god-tier was attacking, so they attacked us head-on."

"The commander on the other side is very smart and calm." Cheng Mengmeng waved her hand and shouted without hesitation: "In order to protect our village, drive out the intruders.

Under Cheng Mengmeng's shout, the ninjas behind him began to fight back at the approaching Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas.

Outside the Huaxia Hidden World Village, the two armies of ninjas began to fight fiercely.

The sneak attack Uchiha Ao floated in the air, facing the counterattack of the Cloud Shinobi Village ninja in front of him, he snorted coldly.

"Boom" several figures flew down, and the two team members, Sasuke and Jujiro, landed in front of the ninjas of Cloud Shinobi Village. Under the powerful attack, the ninjas of Cloud Shinobi Village began to lose one after another.

"What?" The ninjas in Cloud Shinobi Village began to tremble and said, "There are only nine of them, but they are so powerful."

"No, they can cause heavy damage to us because Uchiha Ao is here." The expressions of the ninjas in Cloud Shinobi Village changed with surprise.

As the ninjas of Cloud Shinobi Village stepped back, Uchiha Ao showed a proud smile.

Even though the defense of Cloud Shinobi Village is solid, it still tries to get in in the face of Uchiha Ao's powerful strength.

Now as long as Uchiha Ao leads Sasuke, Jujiro and the other eight people behind him to start fighting in Cloud Shinobi Village, Uchiha Ao will know that the Cloud Shinobi Village army will soon become chaotic.

"Let's fight." Uchiha Ao took the lead and started flying towards the Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas in front of him.

Sasuke and Jujiro looked at each other and said, "Don't forget the bet between us."

After Sasuke finished speaking, he followed his brother Uchiha Qing. Jujiro waved his hand and said to the team members behind him: "We must not lose to Sasuke's team."

A fight started. Even though there were only nine Uchiha Ao, their super personal abilities were hardly matched by the Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas.

The jealous Sasuke kept forming seals on the spot and shouted: "Susanoo."

Suddenly, a huge Susanoo appeared, Sasuke stood inside, and the team members around him attacked all around.

Under the powerful attack, Uchiha Ao immediately used Clone Technique, and countless Uchiha Ao appeared.

"Tch, no matter how hard we work, we can't kill as many as Uchiha Ao god-tier." Jujiro had a trace of cold sweat on his forehead.

Sasuke snorted coldly and said: "Jujiro, I never thought I could beat my brother, but for you, I can beat you casually.

Jujiro couldn't help but snorted when he heard Sasuke's words.

"What a stinker." Jujiro said rudely.

From Jujiro's point of view, Sasuke really talks a lot nowadays.

When the Cloud Shinobi Village guards were retreating steadily, they saw a group of people coming not far away.

Uchiha Qing sneered and said: "Omuyi and the others must have arrived too late. Now we have not only established a firm foothold, but also pushed forward 5.1 more slowly, breaking out from the army."

At this time, it was precisely because of Uchiha Ao's words that Sasuke and Jujiro stood up straight.

Omkar did not appear, but Rukayi came with some people.

"The defenders here were almost completely wiped out?" Rukayi froze on the spot.

After Rukai quickly brought people over, he discovered a pile of corpses at the scene, and there were not many Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas left guarding the place.

"Omuyi didn't come?" Uchiha Qing was stunned.

Suddenly, there was a huge noise on the front battlefield not far away, and Uchiha Qing's face changed with shock.

"Omuyi?" A trace of cold sweat broke out on Uchiha Qing's forehead.

Jujiro was shocked, turned his head and looked in the direction not far away, and quickly came to Uchiha Qing's side.

"Are we fooled?" Jujiro said. .

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