Between Cloud Shinobi Village and the Chinese Hermit Village army, Uchiha Qing moved quickly and would soon be able to return to the Chinese Hermit Village safely.

Suddenly, a figure appeared, and a knife blocked Uchiha Ao's figure.

"Don't even think about leaving. With me, Mr. Killer Bee, you can't think about being arrogant here." Killer Bee's figure swept down and blocked Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Ao's figure took a few steps back and looked at the eight Jinchūriki Killer Bees.

"Eight Tails?" Uchiha Ao was stunned. According to intelligence, the Cloud Shinobi Village army had no intention of sending Killer Bee this time.

"Lord Killer Bee." Samyi and Ruika quickly stepped forward and came to Killer Bee's side.

Killer Bee pointed at Samui and said rudely: "You are so incompetent that you can allow an Uchiha Ao to freely come and go among tens of thousands of Cloud Shinobi Village troops.

"Lord Killer Bee, he caught Lord Omuyi." Samyi frowned.

Killer Bee snorted coldly, lifted the frame of the mirror, and said, "I saw it, Omuyi, please let me save it.

Suddenly, Killer Bee set his sights on Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Ao took a breath and looked at Killer Bee in front of him.

"Eight Tails? Aren't you in Cloud Shinobi Village? How did you sneak out? Aren't you afraid of being scolded by your brother Raikage?" Uchiha Ao frowned.

Originally, Uchiha Aoichi was in the Cloud Shinobi Village army, and with the appearance of Eight Tails Jinchuuri 407 Killer Bee, the situation was indeed not good.

Suddenly, with the appearance of Killer Bee, the scene burst into cheers.

"Killer Bee-sama." The ninja from Cloud Shinobi Village shouted.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and hugged Omuyi tightly.

"Let Omuyi go, and I will let you leave safely. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you." Killer Bee pointed at Uchiha Qing and said.

Uchiha Ao snorted, even if Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee appeared, Uchiha Ao would not let Omui go.

"What if I don't let go?" Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly, Killer Bee took out the knife from his back and said, "Then let me, Mr. Killer Bee, teach you a lesson."

Killer Bee is the first Jinchūriki who can completely control tailed beasts. The existence of Eight Tails has terrifying power. This is something Uchiha Qing knows very well.

In the Ninja League, there are not many people who can defeat Killer Bee. Besides, his brother is Raikage. Killer Bee rarely appears outside Cloud Shinobi Village.

"Teach me a lesson? I think you should worry more about yourself. If your brother knows that you are here, he will definitely become angry and cut you into pieces." Uchiha Qing snorted coldly.

Killer Bee immediately stepped back when he heard Uchiha Qing's words.

"You, how do you know? I sneaked out, what if my brother finds out." Killer Bee choked with sobs.

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Samyi's forehead, looking at Killer Bee beside him.

"Master Killer Bee, things are urgent now. Even if Master Raikage knew about it, he would not blame you completely." Samui stepped forward and said: "Take the opportunity to save Master Omuyi. It would be better if you can kill Uchiha Ao.

Samyi knew that even if Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee personally went into battle, he might not be able to kill Uchiha Qing himself.

"With us here, tens of thousands of ninjas surrounding Uchiha Ao, even in a wheel battle, we can kill Uchiha Ao himself." Ruika said extremely optimistically.

It is precisely because of this that following Ruika's words, Samyi looked at Killer Bee beside him.

Killer Bee became angry and glared at Uchiha.

"Uchiha Ao, you actually attacked me and used my brother to scare me. Fortunately, I had the lovely Samui by my side to remind me, otherwise I would have been really scared by you." Killer Bee said happily.

Suddenly, people around him shed a cold sweat. Killer Bee usually looked funny, so forget it. He must be Raikage's younger brother, and he is very caring. Who dares to be so presumptuous?

However, now that Uchiha Ao is an outsider, and Killer Bee still shows such an expression, he has indeed lost the face of Cloud Shinobi Village.

"You?" Uchiha Qing laughed and said, "I'm just reminding you."

Because of Killer Bee's actions, Uchiha Ao snorted, and precisely because of this, he followed Uchiha (afaj) Ao's words.

At this time, Killer Bee seemed to be pointing his hands at Uchiha Ao and humming continuously.

"Tens of thousands of troops are surrounding you, and I, Lord Killer Bee, am here. Let Omuyi go and leave obediently. Otherwise, I will leave you with no bones left." Killer Bee showed a proud look.

Uchiha's eyes darkened, and he smiled slightly as he listened to Killer Bee's off-key voice.

"No bones left?" Uchiha Qing snorted coldly, looking at Killer Bee under the Sharingan.

Killer Bee's body froze and stayed in place.

"Master Killer Bee." Samyi stepped forward nervously.

In just a few seconds, Killer Bee stopped dancing and stood still.

Uchiha Ao sneered, Killer Bee was really careless, and fell into Uchiha Ao's illusion all of a sudden.

"Leave here as soon as possible while Eight Tails is still in the illusion." Uchiha Ao moved quickly.

Samyi frowned and immediately waved his hand because of the appearance of Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee.

"Stop Uchiha Ao, don't let him leave alive." Samyi yelled.

Ruika quickly stepped forward and began to take the lead in attacking Uchiha Qing.

Uchiha Ao's figure kept dodging, and the ninjas from Cloud Shinobi Village swarmed around him.

There are tens of thousands of Cloud Shinobi Village troops. They are all brave and skilled ninjas in the village. No matter how powerful Uchiha Ao is, he cannot kill these people in front of him at once.

"Uchiha Qing, no matter how powerful you are, when the chakra is exhausted, I don't believe that you can kill tens of thousands of us by yourself?" Ruika roared.

During the scene, Lightning Style ninjutsu continued to appear, and Uchiha Ao was attacked from all sides, forcing Uchiha Ao to evade.

"Damn it, after Killer Bee came, the military morale of Cloud Shinobi Village was greatly boosted." Uchiha Ao frowned and quickly passed by Killer Bee.

Even though Uchiha Ao had the intention to attack Killer Bee, due to the obstruction of the surrounding Cloud Shinobi Village army, Uchiha Ao was unable to do so after arriving at Killer Bee.

"It's really annoying." Uchiha Qing snorted coldly and began to retreat.

Before Uchiha Qing left the range of Killer Bee, Killer Bee kicked him up.

Uchiha Qing was shocked. He put an arm in front of his chest and kept backing up, showing a surprised look.

"Killer Bee?" Uchiha Ao was stunned and sneered, but he forgot one thing. Killer Bee and Eight Tails are perfectly integrated and can be immune to illusions.

Uchiha Ao thought he was controlling Eight Tails Killer Bee with illusion, but he didn't expect that Killer Bee was looking for the most suitable time.

"Do you think your illusion will work on me?" Killer Bee said proudly. .

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