The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 330: Battle With Eight Tails

Uchiha Qing was stunned and smiled.

"It seems that I underestimated you." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes. The arrival of Eight Tails surprised Uchiha Ao, so that he who could have left smoothly seemed to have great difficulties.

At this time, the eight Jinchūriki stood there with proud expressions.

"Uchiha Ao, your illusions are of no use to me, feel free to use whatever tricks you have." Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee said proudly.

Uchiha Ao frowned and looked at Killer Bee in front of him.

"Don't be proud of yourself here just because you have Omuyi in your hand, otherwise you will fight back?" Uchiha sneered.

Suddenly, Samyi looked excited and stepped forward and said: "Rabbi, you are not afraid of Uchiha Qing's illusion, so why don't you hurry up and save Omuyi first.

Killer Bee's "940" counterattack made Samui and others even more excited, because Uchiha Ao's most powerful thing is the power of his pupils.

It is precisely because of this that Killer Bee has become almost everyone's hope at this time.

"Samui, even though I'm not afraid of Uchiha Ao's genjutsu, Uchiha Ao's strength is not easy to deal with. You go down first." Killer Bee showed a serious look.

Killer Bee, who usually has a playful demeanor, became serious.

It is precisely because of this, with Uchiha Ao still hugging Omu Yi, Killer Bee knew that saving Omu Yi was not an easy task.

Samui stretched out his hand, knowing that Killer Bee would use all his strength to deal with Uchiha Ao.

Everyone left and evacuated the scene, leaving only Uchiha Ao and Killer Bee. Uchiha Ao still had Omuyi in his hand.

"Uchiha Ao, you captured the second tail Jinchūriki of our Cloud Shinobi Village. You are unlucky to meet me today." Killer Bee picked up the knife with both hands and began to prepare for a fight with Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha Ao's eyeliner turned dark, and everyone else said it well, but now he met the Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee, who perfectly controlled the tailed beasts in the ninja world, "it really made Uchiha Ao feel a little stressed."

"If that's the case, I don't think I need to conserve my strength. Uchiha Qing raised his head and held his hands tightly. Now he seems to be unable to leave the scene without using all his strength.

Killer Bee roared: "Lightning Style: Supersonic Lightning Style Knife."

Killer Bee's broadsword has a layer of Lightning Style, which keeps attacking Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and kept hiding.

"As expected of Eight Tails Jinchūriki." Uchiha Qing sneered and looked at Killer Bee in front of him.

Killer Bee saw Uchiha Ao's quick dodge and was almost unable to hit him.

"No one has been able to catch my ten moves. You are quite powerful after all. Killer Bee was shocked.

Uchiha Ao laughed, and it seemed that Killer Bee had forgotten one thing, that is, Uchiha Ao captured the second tail alone.

"Have you forgotten that I captured the second tail of your village?" Uchiha Qing grabbed Killer Bee's wrist with one hand.

Under the blood wheel eye, Killer Bee's movements had already been seen by Uchiha Qing, and Uchiha Shu kicked Killer Bee hard in the chest.

"This is a kick back at you." Uchiha Qing roared angrily and kicked Killer Bee to the ground.

Suddenly, as Killer Bee fell to the ground, there were thousands of Samyi and others.

"Lord Killer Bee?" Samyi was shocked. No one had ever kicked Lord Killer Bee to the ground before.

Killer Bee fell to the ground, the sound of Eight Tails.

"Killer Bee, you idiot, the other party has a blood eye, he can see your movements." Eight Tails said.

Killer Bee raised his head and looked at Uchiha Ao in front of him.

"I see, it seems that the only option is to use the eighth sword." Killer Bee said with serious eyes.

Eight Tails The tailed beast was shocked and laughed.

"Eight Tails?" Almost Eight Tails tailed beast laughed.

Killer Bee narrowed his eyes and said: "Eight Tails, be ready to fight at any time. "It seems that I may not be able to deal with this guy alone."

Killer Bee stood up and pointed at Uchiha Ao.

"I was not paying attention just now, and you plotted against me." Killer Bee said rudely: "I will not show mercy now."

The eight swords appeared, and Killer Bee's body began to dance very quickly.

"The eighth sword appears!" A trace of cold sweat broke out on Uchiha Qing's forehead, knowing that once Killer Bee's eighth sword appeared, it would be extremely dangerous and quick.

Under the light of the sword, even though Uchiha Ao could clearly see Killer Bee's movements and judge what to do next, Killer Bee's speed was obviously much faster...

"Killer Bee." Uchiha Qing took a deep breath, but he didn't expect that Killer Bee would become so powerful now.

Suddenly, as Killer Bee quickly came forward, Uchiha Ao's figure retreated.

"Uchiha Ao, so what if you can see through my movements?" Killer Bee roared.

Uchiha Ao turned his body slightly, and after avoiding countless knife attacks, he smiled.

"Go to hell!" Killer Bee's eyes lit up [Ten thorns at his feet were stabbed at Uchiha Ao's chest.

"Killed Uchiha Ao." Samui was shocked.

Uchiha Ao, who was still holding Omuyi in his hand, suddenly disappeared. It turned out to be the Body Replacement Technique. Even Killer Bee in front of him was shocked.

Suddenly, there was a sound from the ground, Killer Bee lowered his head, his face changed in shock.

"What? Is it down there?" Killer Bee stepped back slightly.

Uchiha Ao's figure emerged from the ground and punched Killer Bee. Killer Bee rose into the air. In mid-air, Uchiha Ao continued to punch and kick at such a speed that the people around him were dazzled.

"Lord Killer Bee." Samyi stepped forward and said.

No one has ever taught Killer Bee such a lesson. This is the first time Sam has seen him.

"Killer Bee, you are no match for me, Uchiha Ao." Uchiha Ao roared angrily, and with only one fist, he hit Killer Bee hard on the chest.

Killer Bee fell to the ground on the spot, with knives scattered around him.

Uchiha Ao took a deep breath and slowly landed on his feet. With the strength of Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee, he would not die like this, Uchiha Ao knew very well.

"Twice, Xiaoba, you are really incompetent, let me help you." Eight Tails said in Killer Bee's mind no longer able to stand it anymore.

Killer Bee stood up slowly, with an angry look on his face.

"Uchiha Ao, you have completely annoyed me." Killer Bee said.

The power of Eight Tails appeared, a tail appeared, and all the Chakra in Killer Bee's body emerged, and he began to focus on Uchiha Ao.

"The power of Eight Tails finally appeared." Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly.

In the confrontation with the Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee just now, Uchiha Ao found that even one of his hands was enough to compete with the Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee who had perfect tailed beast power.

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