The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 331: Eight Tails Tailed Beast!

One of Eight Tails' tails appeared, and Killer Bee roared angrily, punching the ground hard on his mature face.

"Lightning Style." Killer Bee roared.

A flash appeared directly in front of Uchiha Qing, while Samui and Ruika kept watching from the side.

"Samyi, Uchiha Qing will definitely throw away the Omuyi in his hand later." Ruika said: "We will definitely take the opportunity to rob him later.

Samui stepped forward and said: "You are right, we have to wait for Uchiha Qing to put down Omuyi."

Uchiha Qing frowned, but still hugged Omuyi with one arm. With only one hand, he seemed a little restrained.

"There is really no way. It seems that we can't wait for the full power of Eight Tails to appear." Uchiha Ao quickly formed the seal with one hand, and the hand speed of the seal was so fast that others could not see clearly.

But Killer Bee, who possesses the power of Eight Tails, frowned.

"The hand speed of the seal is really fast. Killer Bee raised his head.

A figure of Uchiha Ao jumped up, the fire in his mouth appeared, and shouted: "Great Fireball Technique."

A ball of fire appeared and hit Killer Bee directly.

Killer Bee didn't move and was in the fire.

At this time, Samyi frowned, why didn't Mr. Killer Bee avoid it?

Uchiha Ao was stunned, his Great Fireball Technique was just to make Killer Bee move so that he could launch other attacks continuously.

But Killer Bee didn't seem to do anything else, he was just a man on fire.

"Xiaoba, it looks like you're coming out?" Killer Bee was frowned upon.

After the fire, Killer Bee and Eight Tails communicated.

"You care so much about Uchiha Ao in front of you. He still has Omu Yi as a hostage. Do you want me to show up?" Eight Tails asked in confusion.

Killer Bee snorted coldly and said: "Uchiha Qing's strength is more terrifying than we imagined. If you don't show up in time, even I may be left by him at any time.

Killer Bee doesn't want Uchiha Ao to leave here with Omuyi. Now Killer Bee will completely stop Uchiha Ao even if he uses the power of Eight Tails.

"All right"". "Eight Tails laughed.

Suddenly, in a ball of fire, eight tails behind Killer Bee appeared, and the fire was torn open.

"Eight Tails?" Uchiha Qing's face was shocked and he quickly took a few steps back.

In front of Eight Tails, Killer Bee stood on Eight Tails' forehead and pointed at Uchiha Ao.

"Xiaoba, kill him." Killer Bee roared.

Eight Tails shouted irritably: "You are not qualified to give orders to me.

Killer Bee was slapped in the face on the spot, squatting on the spot and patting Eight Tails, and said: "Didn't I just agree that I would let you out to deal with Uchiha Ao?"

Uchiha Qing was sweating all over his body. He thought that Killer Bee Eight Tails had not been fully released yet, so he quickly left the scene.

But Killer Bee didn't seem to give Uchiha Ao any chance. When Eight Tails completely appeared, Uchiha Ao knew that it would be extremely difficult for him to leave the scene.

"Asshole, how dare you touch my face." Eight Tails roared angrily, and a Tailed Beast Bomb appeared.

"Eight Tails is angry, Killer Bee seems to have angered the Eight Tails tailed beast." The ninja from Cloud Shinobi Village shouted.

At the moment when Eight Tails kept shaking his body, his mouth suddenly pointed at Uchiha Ao.

Eight Tails and Killer Bee are completely integrated, and it is very common to have fights and fights.

"Sure enough, Eight Tails and Killer Bee were just joking." Uchiha Ao laughed.

As Uchiha Ao frowned, the Tailed Beast Bomb began to attack him.

At this time, a powerful Tailed Beast Bomb exploded not far away, spreading to the surrounding areas, and the ninjas of Cloud Shinobi Village almost died on the spot.

"Let everyone stay back and not get involved in the battle between Master Killer Bee and Uchiha Ao." Samui said to the men around him.

For a moment, at Samyi's words, the ninjas around him began to take action.

At the scene, Eight Tails and Killer Bee worked together to almost force Uchiha Ao into a blind corner.

"Is there no other way?" Uchiha Qing looked down at Omuyi in his hand. Because he was holding Omuyi in his arms, he could not fully use his strength.

If Omuyi is put down, Samyi and Rufoka may come at any time.

"So that's it." From the corner of his eye, Uchiha looked at Samui and Ruika not far away, looking at the scene, and knew that he couldn't put Omuyi down.

"It seems the only option is to kill him." The Chakra in Uchiha Qing's hand gathered together, preparing to kill Omuyi on the spot.

Killer Bee was shocked and yelled: "Uchiha Ao, if you dare to touch Omuyi, I will never be done with you."

Suddenly, as Killer Bee stepped forward, Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes and raised his head to look at Killer Bee.

"Killer Bee, I never thought about killing Omuyi." If Uchiha Qing wanted to kill Omuyi, he would wait until now.

Killer Bee was shocked, Uchiha's green pupils became larger, and he roared: "Amaterasu!"


Two Amaterasu were launched at the same time. In the middle of the Cloud Shinobi Village army, Killer Bee's expression changed with shock, and he was surrounded by the flames of Amaterasu.

"No!" Samyi suddenly felt that the matter was getting serious.

Eight Tails and Killer Bee were burned by two balls of Amaterasu fire, and Eight Tails shouted as he felt the breath of death.

"Killer Bee!" Eight Tails shouted.

Killer Bee looked around, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Xiaoba, I was reckless. Are we all going to die here?" Killer Bee frowned.

In the sky, several figures appeared. Sasuke was holding the Kusanagi sword and standing there with an extremely proud look on his face.

"Brother, we finally arrived in time." Sasuke said.

In the Cloud Shinobi Village army, Sasuke, Jujiro, and Kimima appeared, and Samui looked surprised.

"It's Uchiha's reinforcements." Samyi stepped forward and said, "Support Master Killer Bee immediately."

Killer Bee and Eight Tails are both surrounded by Amaterasu flames, and may die at any time. (woo money)

"Let's go." Uchiha Ao looked at the Cloud Shinobi Village army behind him. Although they were powerful, they seemed extremely small in front of the four Sasukes led by Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Ao snorted coldly and looked at Kimimaro Chi next to him.

The bones in Kimimaro's hand began to appear and sprayed out continuously. The ninjas from Cloud Shinobi Village who came were hit and fell to the ground.

"Damn it." Samyi said, "We will try our best to save Mr. Killer Bee first."

Under the fire, everything was burned, and Samyi and others were stunned.

"Did even Master Killer Bee die?" Samui felt that something was wrong, and Omuyi was taken away by Uchiha Ao.

If even Killer Bee dies, then Samui doesn't know what to do to Master Hokage.

"Fool, how could I be killed?" Killer Bee appeared with a gloomy look on his face.

At a critical moment, Killer Bee uses the power of Eight Tails to escape. .

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