"Master Killer Bee, it's better that you're not dead. I really don't know how to explain it to Raikage." Sam continued to die in Killer Bee's body.

Killer Bee's expression changed, and he looked like he was in pain, and his shoulder was burned by the Amaterasu flames.

"Idiot, how could I be killed by Uchiha Ao? I just didn't expect Sasuke and others to arrive in time, otherwise I would have stopped Uchiha Ao. Killer Bee said rudely.

At this moment, following Killer Bee's words, Samyi quickly retreated.

"You were also injured by Amaterasu, and Omui was taken away. This time when our Cloud Shinobi Village army came, we suffered heavy losses." Omui is the commander-in-chief of Cloud Shinobi Village. She was taken away by Uchiha Ao and looked at the army. It's a serious blow.

It is precisely because of this that Killer Bee touched his chin following Samyi's words.

"It seems that we can only deal with Uchiha Qing when big brother comes. I'd better leave here as soon as possible. Otherwise, if big brother finds out, he will definitely beat me to death." Killer Bee said.

"Master Killer Bee, how did you escape from Amaterasu? Is there anything wrong?" Ruika stepped forward and said, "Let the medical ninja take a look at you first."

Killer Bee said rudely: "Fool, what will happen to me?"

At this time, Eight Tails slowly appeared, and a tail rolled up Killer Bee.

"Killer Bee, if it weren't for my tail, would you have left Amaterasu safely?" Eight Tails said angrily.

The Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas present were shocked and some couldn't stand it. 720 It turns out that Eight Tails sacrificed a tail to escape from Amaterasu.

Uchiha Qing returned to the army of the Chinese Hermit Village. On the way, Sasuke said proudly: "Brother, Eight Tails Jinchūriki will definitely die if he is attacked by Amaterasu.

If Eight Tails Killer Bee dies, it will be a great benefit to the Chinese Hermit Village. After all, in the ninja world, only Killer Bee can perfectly control the tailed beasts.

"No, I don't think Eight Tails Killer Bee will die. Although we used two groups of Amaterasu to surround Eight Tails, with Killer Bee's strength, he should be able to escape." Uchiha Qing said with great certainty.

Sasuke was shocked and said: "How is it possible, how could Eight Tails escape from our Amaterasu fire?"

Sasuke couldn't believe it. At this time, after all, Sasuke still wouldn't believe that with the burning power of Amaterasu, there was no possibility for all things to leave.

"Eight Tails Killer Bee is the person in the Ninja League who completely controls the tailed beasts. His (afdi) strength is not the only one." Uchiha Qingya had no intention of killing Eight Tails Killer Bee at this time.

Killer Bee is Raikage's younger brother. If he dies in the hands of Uchiha Qing at this time, then Uchiha Qing believes that Raikage will use all means to destroy the Chinese Hermit Village. Even if both sides suffer, the movie will do this.

"The Chinese Hermit Village has just emerged. There should not be a war that will destroy all lives." Uchiha Qing turned to look at Omuyi beside him and said: "This is our hostage, the bargaining chip to force the Cloud Shinobi Village army to leave."

Once Cloud Shinobi Village takes the lead to leave, Uchiha Qing believes that those in Cloud Shinobi Village will not dare to act recklessly.

As for the Ninja Alliance members in other villages, they do not dare to become enemies of the Chinese Hermit Village. Now the current crisis will be lifted.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, do you want to sue for peace?" Jujiro was shocked, and this incident made everyone start to feel a little shocked.

Uchiha Qing shook his head and said: "Summary, the idea of ​​​​summoning has never been in my dictionary, but at this time, when we have to recuperate, facing a flanking attack from two villages will cause damage to us.

Just the Cloud Shinobi Village of the Five Great Nations is enough to severely weaken the Chinese Hermitage Village. What's more, it has been confirmed that Mizukage will lead Kirigakure's people. Now the two major villages have begun to surround the Chinese Hermitage Village's army, which will definitely cause destruction to the Chinese Hermitage Village. of blow.

"Now that our village has become stronger, are we still afraid of those who come to attack us?" Sasuke said rudely: "Just a few of us are sure to have an army coming in and out of Weiyin Village.

Uchiha Ao shook his head, that was because Raikage and his escort members were not present, even though Uchiha Ao took the opportunity to cause psychological pressure on the Cloud Shinobi Village army, causing their momentum to plummet. But it's not enough to kill these elite members of Cloud Shinobi Village in one go.

"This time Cloud Shinobi Village has an army of 30,000 people, plus Kirigakure's 10,000 people, and Mizukage is personally leading the army. Our Chinese Hermit Village is indeed facing great danger." Jujiro lowered his head.

Uchiha Ao laughed and said: "Omu is in our hands. Now Cloud Shinobi Village must have concerns. Deal with Kirigakure's people first and never let the two armies merge together."

For a moment, Jujiro and Sasuke were extremely paused by Uchiha Ao's words.

"Listen to Uchiha Ao god-tier." Jujiro said.

Sasuke laughed and said, "I will definitely do what my brother says."

Following Uchiha Ao's words, Uchiha Ao returned to the army with Omuyi in his arms.

Cheng Mengmeng took a deep breath when she saw Uchiha Qing coming back.

"You are finally back." Cheng Mengmeng took a deep breath and looked at Uchiha Qing in front of her.

Uchiha Qingjiang Omuyi was still on the ground and said: "Omuyi has been caught by me and I will take her and imprison her.

Cheng Mengmeng was stunned when she saw Omuyi's appearance.

"Didn't you go to assassinate this person? How come you captured him alive?" Cheng Mengmeng asked in confusion.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and looked at Cheng Mengmeng in front of him.

"Omui is the commander-in-chief of Cloud Shinobi Village. Both Raikage and the ninjas of Cloud Shinobi Village have some prestige. If we want to stop this attack on Cloud Shinobi Village, we must take her as a hostage.

Uchiha Qing looked at Cheng Mengmeng and said, "Mizukage has arrived at the border. This time, there are 10,000 elite Kirigakure troops."

When Uchiha Qing heard the news, he knew that the Chinese Hermitage Village was under an unprecedented threat this time.

"The two villages of Yunwu are really united?" Cheng Mengmeng frowned and said: "The two major villages are going to attack us. We are in a very bad situation."

Uchiha Qingya also knows about such a thing, but now that Raikage has not appeared, the matter is not as bad as it is.

"Where is Raikage now?" Uchiha Qing looked at Cheng Mengmeng next to him

Cheng Mengmeng shook her head and said: "We have not found the whereabouts of Raikage so far. There have been rumors that Raikage is behind the Cloud Shinobi Village army."

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and shook his head slightly.

"I don't think so. Even if I captured Omuyi, Raikage didn't appear when the army was walking in Cloud Shinobi Village, but Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee did." Uchiha Ao laughed.

Cheng Mengmeng was stunned and said: "So where is Raikage? Is it in Cloud Shinobi Village?"

"No, Killer Bee ran away secretly. There is a high probability that Raikage is not in the village." Uchiha Ao frowned. Raikage suddenly disappeared, which was quite confusing.

"No longer Cloud Shinobi Village, and no longer behind Cloud Shinobi's army, where will they be?" Jujiro touched his chin.

Uchiha Ao took a deep breath, this is what Uchiha Aoshima is worried about.

"That's right, I wonder where Raikage is?" Uchiha Qing said.

It is precisely because of this that following Uchiha Qing's words, Cheng Mengmeng quickly said: "I will investigate immediately."

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