"I didn't expect that the person who saved me was you, and the person who killed me turned out to be the ninja of our village." Samyi said, and passed out due to serious injuries.

Uchiha Qing was stunned, and quickly stepped forward and came to Samyi's side.

"Samui." Uchiha Qing looked at Samui's injuries. Although he was attacked by Lightning Style, he was still breathing after all.

"There is still a chance." Uchiha Qing raised his head, quickly picked up Samui's body, and started to go back to the village.

In the village, Lin Jiachen was stunned. Uchiha Qing came and went, but he caught their attention.

"What on earth is going on?" Lin Jiachen smiled bitterly.

Jujiro stared with big eyes and said, "Wow, why did Uchiha Ao god-tier hug Samui? Who was she hurt by?"

Apparently, after Uchiha Ao quickly came to the hospital, the medical ninja began treatment.

"How is the situation?" Uchiha Qing asked.

The medical ninja frowned and said, "Although my life has been saved temporarily, I haven't passed the dangerous period yet."

It is precisely because of this that Uchiha Qing took a deep breath, at least Samui survived.

"Uchiha Qing, what's going on? Why did you bring Samyi back if you didn't let him go?" Lin Jiachen was really puzzled and came to Uchiha Qing's side.

Jujiro and Cheng Mengmeng stared at Uchiha Qing, who was leaning against the wall 037.

"Samui rejected my request to stay in the village and was attacked by Cloud Shinobi Village Anbu on the way back." Uchiha Qing said.

"It's incredible that people from Cloud Shinobi Village would attack Samui," Jujiro said.

Uchiha Ao frowned and said: "They must have come here to assassinate Samui [they are afraid that we will find out many secrets about Weiyinkan from Samyi.

The world of ninjas is so cruel. Once you become a hostage of another village, you will most likely be assassinated by your own village.

But Uchiha Ao didn't expect that even Samui would not escape such a fate.

"Not even Samyi has escaped such a fate. Even God will help you this time. It seems that Samyi is destined to stay in the village." Cheng Mengmeng frowned and turned to leave.

Samui is the person Uchiha Qing likes, and it seems that no one can stop Samui himself now.

Uchiha Qing stood there, watching Cheng Mengmeng's back. He knew that Cheng Mengmeng was somewhat sour at this moment, but Uchiha would definitely find a way to explain it to Cheng Mengmeng afterwards.

"There is really (afai) nothing in this world that you can't do." Lin Jiachen smiled bitterly.

The door to the emergency room opened, and the medical ninja took Samyi into the ward.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, Samui wants to see you." The medical ninja said truthfully.

Uchiha Qing nodded slightly and quickly started walking towards the ward.

Samyi was still not out of danger because the attack was too severe and he bled a lot.

"Uchiha Qing." Samyi opened his eyes and his body trembled slightly.

Uchiha Qing walked to Samyi and said, "You haven't passed the critical period yet, why are you in a hurry to see me?"

Obviously, meeting Uchiha Qing at this time in Samui is not a calm thing.

Samyi laughed and said, "I just want to know why you like me?"

Samui is not a confused person. She knows that there must be a reason why Uchiha Ao wanted to keep her.

"Because of your talent." Uchiha Qing said with great certainty.

In Uchiha Qing's view, Samui in front of him is the village's most preferred commander-in-chief.

Is there no other reason?" Samyi bit his lip.

When Uchiha Ao kidnapped Vice Admiral Samui from thousands of troops, Samui, as a woman, was not moved at all.

"Yes, because of your beauty." Uchiha Qing said with great certainty.

Samyi was stunned and turned his head, looking hesitant.

"Can you tell me a reason for staying?" Samyi asked.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath, and Sam Yi could ask this, which proved that his heart was moved.

"Because this place can give you a warm home." Uchiha Qing said with great certainty.

Now that Samyi was assassinated by people in his own village, the pain involved can be imagined. It is precisely because of this that Ping Zhiqing grasped the most important point.

"You are really amazing, you can really see through my mind." Samyi stood up slowly, coughing, and his face looked pale. But he didn't agree to Uchiha Qing easily just because of Uchiha Qing's words.

"Can you tell me the reason why you don't return to Cloud Shinobi Village?" Samui continued to ask.

Uchiha Ao has passed the first two questions, and the next one is the most important reason.

"Because they no longer trust you, whether it's the movie or the people in the village." Uchiha Qing said.

Samyi was a little excited and said: "It's impossible. Even if the Anbu people in the village come to assassinate me, it doesn't mean that Mr. Raikage doesn't trust me."

In the ninja world, anyone who is caught will encounter such treatment. Since Samyi has become a prisoner of the Huaxia Hidden World Village, he has already been mentally prepared.

Uchiha Qing stepped forward and said: "Cloud Shinobi Village never asked to exchange you, and the failure of Raikage also placed the blame on you, which means that you became the scapegoat for Cloud Shinobi Village's attack on Huaxia Hidden World Village.

Samyi burst into tears, shook his head and covered his ears.

"Stop talking, I know this, can you tell me something I don't know?" Samyi said.

Uchiha Qing slowly sat on the hospital bed. Originally, Uchiha Qing didn't want to say it, but now he had to tell Samyi.

"When I fought with Raikage, I mentioned you, but Raikage's attitude was very cold." Uchiha Qing touched Samyi's face, wiped the tears from Samyi's face, and said: "You will only die if you go back. One piece."

"Is this why you said I would come back?" Samyi raised his head.

Uchiha Ao doesn't know things like a god, he just has a lot of information.

"That's right." Uchiha Qing said firmly.

Samui's whole body went limp. Now she has returned to Cloud Shinobi Village and fell heartbroken into Uchiha's arms.

"Why is this happening?" Samyi said unwillingly.

Uchiha Qing hugged Samui in front of him and said: "Because you are in a group without trust, and our Chinese Hidden Village will not be like this."

When Uchiha Qing established the Huaxia Hidden World Village, more ninjas joined. The increasingly powerful Huaxia Hidden World Village needed more talents to come in, so that it could compete with the five major villages.

Samyi didn't say a word, but hugged Uchiha Qing's body tightly. At this moment, her defense completely collapsed, and she could only believe in Uchiha Qing. .

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