The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 342: Distribution Of Cloud Shinobi Village’S Military Power

Distribution of military power in Cloud Shinobi Village

After a long time, Uchiha Qing supported the sleeping Sam on the bed. At this moment, the room became quiet.

"Are you asleep?" When Uchiha Qing walked out of the house, Lin Jiachen smelled Uchiha Qing.

Uchiha Qing nodded and said: "Cloud Shinobi Village sent Anbu to assassinate Samui this time, so he helped me.

According to Uchiha Ao's original plan, he planned to wait until Samui returned to the village and felt the warmth and cold before he came to the rescue.

However, Samui was assassinated by a member of the Cloud Shinobi Village ninja Anbu just after he left the village, which surprised Uchiha Ao.

"Actually, you can take this opportunity to get more secrets of Cloud Shinobi Village from Samyi's mouth." Lin Jiachen stepped forward and said.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes, Samui was an extremely smart woman, but precisely because of this, she was very sensitive.

"I will not force Samui to do this kind of thing, but after she recovers from her injuries, I will let her guard the border and lead all the ninjas in the village." Uchiha Qing~ said.

Suddenly, Lin Jiachen was shocked.

"No, now Samyi has not become ours wholeheartedly. "How can you appoint such an important position." Lin Jiachen said with some objections.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and said: "Don't doubt the people you use, and don't use them. That's how it's decided.

Lin Jiachen was stunned on the spot and snorted coldly.

"You are so arbitrary." Lin Jiachen left.

In the room, Samyi was lying on the bed with tears in her eyes. She had already woken up just now when Uchiha Ao helped her lie down on the bed.

But hearing the words of Uchiha Qing and Lin Jiachen outside the door, Samyi was completely moved.

"Uchiha Qing, now I know why so many people are willing to follow you." Samyi said.

In Samui's eyes, she didn't expect Uchiha Aoki to be so touching.

In Raikage's office, Raikage was furious after Anbu was killed.

"What? All the Anbu we sent are dead." At this time, Raikage stood up.

Cloud Shinobi Village not only lost troops and generals in the attack on the Hidden World Village in China, but the shadows also lost to Uchiha in this battle.

Such news has spread throughout the Ninja League, and with Raikage losing face, he is now grumpy.

"Yes." Raikage's guard said.

Raikage stood up, a lump in his throat.

"It's not good, Samyi knows the distribution of many of our ninja troops." Raikage frowned.

Raikage guard said: "I heard from the people who came back to report that a large amount of Samyi's Bloodline was found at the scene. Maybe she had died in Anbu's hands."

In the dark night, Jujiro, Uchiha Sasuke, Cheng Mengmeng and others led by Uchiha Ao began to rush to the ninja troop camp on the border of Cloud Shinobi Village.

"This is it." Uchiha Ao smiled.

Under the attack of a small number of people, the troops at the border of Cloud Shinobi Village began to become chaotic.

"There are enemies." The ninjas of Cloud Shinobi Village panicked. They did not expect that Uchiha Ao and others had evaded many spies set up by them.

Uchiha Qing took a breath and looked at everything at the scene.

"Lightning Style, Kirin!" Uchiha Ao roared, and there were a lot of casualties. The troops stationed at the border of Cloud Shinobi Village disappeared overnight.

When Cloud Shinobi Village received the news, Uchiha Ao had already led people to attack the ninja troops deployed in several places in Cloud Shinobi Village.

"Raikage, something happened." Raikage's bodyguard Darui came to Raikage and said, "We encountered Uchiha Ao's crazy revenge."

"Madman, this madman, does he want to completely provoke a ninja war?" Raikage clenched his fist tightly.

Uchiha Ao's actions are obviously provoking Cloud Shinobi Village.

Cloud Shinobi Village was beaten by Uchiha Ao at this time, and everyone turned away when they saw Uchiha Ao.

"Do you want your subordinates to take action?" Darui raised his head and looked at Raikage.

Raikage snorted coldly and said: "Even I have been defeated by Uchiha Qing. If you go, won't you become Samui?"

Darui shed cold sweat on his forehead and said, "My subordinates will never do that."

Raikage naturally believes in Darui's words. As Raikage's guard, Daru Dharma is trusted by the movie.

"Go and convene a meeting of the Five Shadows." Raikage shouted.

Raikage is completely angry, and he wants to summon the Five Shadows to deal with the Chinese Hidden World Village.

"Yes." Darui left quickly.

Cloud Shinobi Village announced the meeting of the Five Shadows, and this matter spread out one after another.

"Uchiha Ao is going to face the impeachment of the Five Shadows." Many jokes whispered.

In the world, more people are gloating over misfortunes.

0…please give me flowers 0

"Huaxia Hidden World Village is going to be in bad luck. This time Raikage is going to take action for real." Everyone said.

Konoha, Kirigakure, Iwagakure, and Sunagakure all received the decision to convene a meeting of the Five Shadows at Cloud Shinobi Village Raikage.

"It seems Raikage is angry." Konoha Hokage laughed.

Hokage narrowed his eyes and said, "This guy Raikage is going to get serious."

"Raikage, Raikage, you will lose to Uchiha Ao, and you still have the nerve to convene a meeting of the Five Kage." Tsuchikage snorted coldly.

Feng Ying frowned and looked outside.

"Raikage convened the Five Kage Meeting this time. It seems that he is going to deal with Uchiha Ao." Kazekage said.

In the Huaxia Hidden Village, just after Uchiha Qing returned with everyone, Lin Jiachen and others were not happy, but looked sad.

"What's going on?" Uchiha Ao was very happy, because this time Samui told the location of the Cloud Shinobi Village troops at the border of Cloud Shinobi Village, and overnight, Uchiha Ao killed many Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas.

"Did you know? Raikage held a meeting of the Five Shadows. This time we seem to have completely angered Raikage." Lin Jiachen stepped forward and said.

Samyi said with a guilty look: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you so many secrets of Cloud Shinobi Village and caused you to get into such a big trouble."

Uchiha Ao doesn't care too much about it.

"What if we convene a meeting of the Five Kage?" Uchiha Qing said.

Lin Jiachen took a deep breath and said: "Don't you still know that if Wuying wants to deal with you, it means dealing with our Huaxia Hidden World Village? How should we get along with each other then?"

The strength of the five shadows is obvious to all. If Uchiha Ao can deal with one or two shadows, it will be okay, but if the five shadows gather together, Uchiha Ao may not be an opponent.

"Five Shadows Conference?" Uchiha Ao rubbed his nose and said, "I would like to see it with my own eyes.

Following Uchiha Qing's words, Lin Jiachen was stunned at this time.

"Brother, I want to go too." Sasuke said.

"Madman, we have offended Raikage, now you still want to cause trouble at the Five Shadows Conference?" Lin Jiachen asked.

Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes and said: "It depends on the situation, but I want to see how the movie wants to deal with me?"

The Five Shadows Conference is extraordinary, and Raikage will not convene it for no reason. .

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