The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 343: Five Shadows Conference

"Did Raikage say that he was defeated by Uchiha Ao, so he convened a five-kage conference to deal with us?" Jujiro asked in confusion.

Uchiha Ao touched his chin, but Raikage would not do this. Since it is a Cloud Shinobi Village movie, at least he would find a valid reason.

"The reason must be the tailed beast." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly, everyone began to understand.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and looked at the people around him.

"Tailed beasts have always been under the control of the major villages. Now that I, Uchiha Ao, have two of them, they will definitely start to be wary. As the saying goes, a big tree attracts the wind." Uchiha sighed.

It is precisely because of this that Cheng Mengmeng became worried at this time.

"In other words, regardless of whether we attack the Cloud Shinobi Village border this time, Raikage will do it." Cheng Mengmeng said. "One-five-three" Uchiha Ao nodded and said: "Sooner or later Raikage will do this, but our attack on Cloud Shinobi Village tonight completely angered Raikage and made Raikage make such a decision early.

In fact, this is good, it is better to happen sooner than later. Now that the morale of the ninja army in Huaxia Hidden World Village has been greatly improved, it may not be a bad thing if war is really launched again.

"Where is the location?" Uchiha Qing looked at Lin Jiachen and asked.

Lin Jiachen didn't come back to his senses for a long time and said: "Where?"

"It's the place where the Five Kage convened. Uchiha Qing said.

Lin Jiachen said: "The Kingdom of Iron is a neutral country that does not rely on ninjas."

Uchiha Qing laughed and looked at Lin Jiachen and others in front of him.

"It really is the Land of Iron. Sasuke, get ready. Let's go to the Land of Iron." Uchiha laughed in his stomach.

For a moment, both Samyi and Cheng Mengmeng became very anxious and said one after another: "I'll go with you too."

Uchiha Qing was stunned when he saw the two women vying with each other and jealously.

Cheng Mengmeng couldn't take risks. After all, the Five Shadows were powerful. As for Samyi, who had just recovered from his injury, it was not advisable to travel far.

"You two wait for me in the village. Sasuke and I will go and be back soon." Uchiha Qing said.

After hearing Uchiha Qing's words, Samyi and Cheng Mengmeng were both disappointed.

The five shadows agreed to Raikage's request and held a meeting of the five shadows in the Kingdom of Iron.

"Raikage, you were just defeated by Uchiha Ao, is it necessary to convene a Five Kage Conference?" Tsuchikage sat on the conference table and said disdainfully.

At this time, Raikage's eyelids jumped and he patted the table and stood up.

"I said, I have no personal grudges. I convened the Five Shadows Conference for everyone." Raikage roared.

Tsuchikage sat motionless, facing a thunderstorm of character.

"It's still the same." Tsuchikage snorted.

Feng Ying put his hands on the table and said nothing.

"You said it's for us?" Hokage frowned and said, "What is it for?"

"Of course, it is to prevent Uchiha Qing and Huaxia Hidden World Village. Now it is difficult for our Cloud Shinobi Village family to deal with this guy alone. Do you want to watch Uchiha Qing and Huaxia Hidden World Village become more and more unruly? Raikage questioned.

Tsuchikage asked: "So what? Even you are no match for Uchiha Ao, let alone us?"

Following Tsuchikage's words, Mizukage took a deep breath.

"What Raikage said is correct. Now Uchiha Qing has obtained two tailed beasts. If things continue like this, I believe everyone in the village will soon be ignored." Mizukage said.

Hokage laughed and said: "So it's because of this. Although what you said makes sense, Uchiha Ao has just captured the tailed beasts of your two villages for the time being. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with us, right?"

As soon as Hokage's words came out, Raikage pointed to Hokage and said: "Hokage, I have always heard that your Konoha Village has a good relationship with Uchiha Ao. Are you still protecting Uchiha Ao at this time?"

"Hokage is right. Now Uchiha Aoya has only captured the tailed beast in your village. If we get involved rashly, the people of the Ninja Alliance will be stupid and say that when we are big ninjas, we will only bully small villages." Kazekage said.

For a time, the Five Shadows Conference seemed very lively.

Raikage pressed his hands on the table and said: "I received a message that Uchiha Ao is going to collect tailed beasts to launch a war. By then, all the countries in the Ninja Alliance will not be able to escape. Even so, will you ignore it?"

Hokage was stunned, Kazekage frowned, and Tsuchikage began to be shocked.

"What did you say? Is this happening?" Tsuchikage started to ask...

Raikage snorted coldly and said, "Would I lie to you?"

Hokage frowned and slowly lowered his head. Although Konoha maintained a friendly relationship with Uchiha Ao, now that Raikage said such words, Hokage would have to evaluate him.

"This kind of thing is not allowed to happen. No matter what relationship you have with Uchiha Ao, Hokage, our Ninja Alliance must be the priority at this time. Once the Five Shadows decide something, we must obey it unconditionally." Tsuchikage said.

Hokage took a deep breath and said: "Then what do you want? Do you want to start a ninja war, and we five shadows will gather together to deal with a small Chinese hidden village?"

"It's not a small village anymore. It already has two tailed beasts and a group of powerful ninjas. If we don't eradicate it now, we will be eradicated by Uchiha Aomura in the future." Raikage said angrily.

Mizukage added: "Raikage is right, I support Raikage."

Tsuchikage narrowed his eyes and said: "I don't like war at first, but in order to prevent our village's tail beast from being taken away by Uchiha Ao, we must strike first.

Among the five shadows, three shadows have already clearly agreed. At this time, even if Hokage and Kazekage disagree, they can no longer influence the decision of the five shadows meeting.

"It's not what Raikage said." In the darkness, Uchiha Ao's figure slowly appeared.

Fortunately, Uchiha Ao came in person at this time, otherwise 3.2 was really plotted by A Fei. Raikage was the person who received the news, Uchiha Ao guessed that it must be A Fei.

Because Akatsuki had such a purpose, he had been quietly implementing it, but Wutian Village didn't notice it at all.

At this time, facing the appearance of Uchiha Ao, the five shadows were shocked.

"Uchiha Ao, you dare to break into the Five Kage Conference." Raikage roared.

Uchiha Ao and Sasuke stood in front of the Five Shadows, smiling.

"Fuck me!" Raikage yelled at Darui beside him.

Darui stepped forward, Sasuke drew his sword and quickly blocked Darui.

"Sasuke, we are not here to provoke, just to explain clearly." At first, Uchiha Qing wanted to see how the five shadows gathered together to deal with him, but he did not expect that he would be plotted by A Fei. .

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