When Raikage lost to Uchiha Ao and fought against Cloud Shinobi Village in China Hidden World Village, Sasuke already wanted to fight Raikage.

Now that he finally had this opportunity, Sasuke's confidence skyrocketed the moment he appeared.

"Raikage, today I will defeat you like my brother." Sasuke said unceremoniously.

In Sasuke's eyes, Uchiha Ao has always been the object of his transcendence, and now Sasuke finally has such an opportunity.

Raikage snorted coldly. If Sasuke hadn't been in a small space and kept using Amaterasu to force Raikage to leave, Raikage might not have left the Five Shadows Conference Room.

"Just relying on your strength?" Raikage said disdainfully: "Except for your brother, I don't take anyone seriously."

Even among the Five Kages, Raikage is the most aggressive. Neither Hokage nor Tsuchikage is as powerful as Raikage.

"It is because you are the strongest person among the Five Shadows that I want to defeat you, so that there will be two people in our Chinese Hidden World Village who can defeat Raikage, the strongest among the Five Shadows." Sasuke showed great ambition.

Raikage narrowed his eyes. After Uchiha Ao defeated Raikage, the news spread throughout the Ninja Alliance.

"You really overestimate your capabilities." Raikage snorted coldly.

Sasuke used his ability to control the situation and aimed his arrow at Raikage.

"Raikage-sama, be careful." Iruka felt threatened.

Raikage was possessed by lightning and sneered.

"Boy, since you are so ignorant of your capabilities, I will kill you right here." Raikage said unceremoniously.

Sasuke roared angrily, and shot out an arrow from the left, attached with black flames.

Iruka was surprised and said: "If you are hit by an arrow shot by Sasuke's shonen, you will definitely die."

The guards around Raikage became alert and began to move around Sasuke.

With a "whoosh" sound, Raikage moved quickly and was behind Sasuke in an instant.

Sasuke was shocked. Although he had the blood ring eye and could see Raikage's movement clearly, he could not catch up with Raikage's speed.

"So fast." When Sasuke turned around, Raikage stepped forward and punched Sasuke hard.

Sasuke's body flew out and fell heavily against the wall.

"As expected of Raikage." Sasuke snorted.

At the same time that Sasuke was hit, Iruka, the bodyguard around Raikage, and others quickly dispatched to add insult to injury to Sasuke.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes and said, "You annoying guys."

After getting up, Sasuke aimed at Iruka and others. After several attacks, Iruka fell to the ground one after another.

"Damn, how could this happen?" Iruka fell to the ground, looked at Sasuke in front of him, and exclaimed: "How can Sasuke be so strong.

Sasuke smiled proudly and said: "You don't even think about it, who am I going to be with? How can I be with my brother Uchiha Ao if I'm not strong?"

"What a shameless guy." Raikage heard Sasuke's words and quickly attacked Sasuke with a figure.

Suddenly, Sasuke felt Raikage's attack and quickly covered his chest with his hands.

"Raikage, do you think I will be attacked by you again?" Sasuke said rudely.

Raikage narrowed his eyes and took a few steps back after colliding with Sasuke.

"Damn it, if we don't use all our strength, we may not be able to deal with this guy." Raikage stood there, and the strongest lightning appeared, gathering all the Chakra's Raikage, preparing to launch a final attack on Sasuke.

Sasuke stepped forward excitedly, and when Suneng couldn't help it, he shouted: "It's exactly what I want. I also want to test who is stronger between you and me."

Facing Lei's counterattack, the thunderbird among the main assistants kept screaming. Under Xu Nenghu's weight gain, the huge light could almost blind people's eyes.

"Sasuke, go to hell." Raikage roared.

Sasuke snorted coldly, and a figure appeared in front of Raikage.

"Don't be too proud." Sasuke struck directly in front of Raikage.

When the two collided, a bright light flashed out, and Sasuke and Raikage collided.

The aftermath of the power impacted, even Uchiha Ao in the Five Shadows Conference Room could feel it.

"My silly brother made such a big noise." Uchiha Ao rubbed his nose.

After Raikage and Sasuke's power disappeared, Sasuke covered his chest, and all the energy in his body gradually disappeared.

"Damn it, I still can't defeat Raikage." Sasuke overestimated his power. Although he didn't defeat Raikage, Sasuke also knew that Raikage was also greatly affected.

The two were tied for the time being, and in the dust, Sasuke's figure quickly moved away.

After a long time, the dust dispersed, and Raikage stood there and kept scanning.

"Raikage-sama is powerful, Sasuke will definitely die." Iruka stepped forward and said.

Raikage narrowed his eyes and remained silent.

Iruka stared ahead, Sasuke's figure was no longer there.

"What? Where are the Sasuke people?" Iruka said in surprise.

Raikage's eyelids twitched and he said: "Nonsense, of course I left. Find Sasuke quickly."

After Sasuke left the scene, he was about to leave here. On the way, a large number of samurai appeared. This was the weapon of the Iron Kingdom.

"Brother, I can't help you anymore." Sasuke frowned.

When coming to the Five Kage Conference, Uchiha Ao told Sasuke that if Sasuke encountered a battle and Chakra suffered serious losses, he would leave the scene immediately, and Uchiha Ao could escape in any way.

Obstructed by a large number of weapons, Sasuke picked up the long sword and killed the samurai in front of him with thunder and lightning.

"Report, leader, Sasuke has left." The samurai from the Iron Country hurriedly came to report.

The leader of the Iron Country was stunned and raised his head to look at Uchiha Ao.

"Uchiha Ao, even your brother left you, and now it's really hard for you to fly." Mizukage took a step forward.

Although Raikage did not kill Sasuke, he finally knocked back Sasuke next to Uchiha Ao, which made Mizukage start to gain confidence.

"It's hard to fly with (Zhao's good) wings? I don't think so." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes.

In addition to the condition that Uchiha Ao told the Five Kage before, that he would not take the initiative to capture the tailed beasts of the Five Kage Village, if he did not show some strength in front of the Five Kage, how could the Five Kage easily agree to Uchiha Ao's request.

"How arrogant, I can't wait for Raikage." Mizukage narrowed his eyes and issued a Lava Style.

Uchiha Ao stood up and dodged, and the wall behind him was immediately dissolved.

"Fifth Mizukage's Lava Style is really amazing." Uchiha Ao took a breath, Mizukage is a person with the blood inheritance limit, but it is more difficult to deal with than other Kages.

"Hokage, at this time, you must put aside your personal grudges and stand with our Five Shadows." As soon as Mizukage took action, Tsuchikage immediately flew up.

"Master Tsuchikage, your waist." The guard around Tsuchikage reminded.

Tsuchikage glanced at the two guards around him from the corner of his eye. .

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