The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 346: Kage-Level Other Battles

"You guys stand down, this is another Kage-level battle, just watch it from the sidelines." Tsuchikage reminded.

Suddenly, Tsuchikage's isolation technique appeared and launched towards Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and looked at Hokage and Kazekage out of the corner of his eye while avoiding the attacks of Mizukage and Tsuchikage.

"Uchiha Ao, I can't help you this time. Today you are going to be our Five Kage's opponent, so I will play with you." Hokage Third Generation threw away his hat, threw a shuriken with one hand, and made a seal with both hands , the shurikens became numerous.

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Uchiha Ao's forehead. What he was most worried about was the Hokage's participation in the war. The Third Hokage was an encyclopedic ninja. Fighting against such Kage-level characters even Uchiha Ao Shinju felt a burst of pressure.

"Three shadows have already taken action, so I won't be polite." Fengying raised his hand, and a gust of sand came forward.

In the Five Shadows conference room, the situation between the Four Shadows and Uchiha Ao finally broke out, and Uchiha Ao passively defended himself.

"Uchiha Ao, you have no way out today." Mizukage roared: "Hand over Three Tails if you have the sense."

Uchiha Ao snorted coldly. The woman in front of him was still very nagging. She only knew that she was thinking about Three Tails in their Mizukage Village.

"Three Tails will not be delivered to you." Uchiha Qing said bluntly. 990

In Uchiha Qing's view, Three Tails and Two Tails should now belong to the Hidden World Village of China. It is precisely because of this that Uchiha Qing never thought of handing them back.

"Then go to hell." Mizukage began to form seals.

Uchiha Ao was shocked. Mizukage possessed two rare attributes of Chakra. When Lava Style could not attack Uchiha Ao, she finally used Mist Ninjutsu.

The moment Mizukage activated his ninjutsu, thick fog appeared around the Five Kage Conference Room, and Uchiha Ao stood there.

"It's really a fog ninjutsu." Uchiha Ao snorted coldly.

In the thick fog, Uchiha glanced around.

"Fifth Mizukage, what on earth are you doing?" Third Hokage asked.

Mizukage said rudely: "Uchiha Qing can't even think of leaving in my thick fog."

"But, we can't see clearly what's going on around us." Hokage and the others stepped back and came to Mizukage.

Mizukage said politely: "It's enough for me to deal with Uchiha Ao by myself."

Uchiha Ao captured Three Tails, which made Mizukage very angry. Now that Uchiha Ao broke into the Five Shadows Conference alone, Mizukage took the opportunity to kill Uchiha Ao.

Hokage has a friendship with Uchiha Ao, and even when they fight, they will not use their full strength. Tsuchikage will not use his full strength because of his age.

Kazekage is too young and is no match for Uchiha Ao, so Mizukage knows that she is the only one who wants to completely obliterate Uchiha Ao.

Uchiha Ao stands in the mist and will gradually melt away from the mist.

"Fifth Mizukage's ability is really a bit tricky." Uchiha Ao laughed, and his blood eye began to rotate.

"Show up, Suneng Zuohu!" Uchiha roared.

Sunenzuo appeared. Compared with Sasuke, Uchiha Ao's Sunenzuo appeared to be more powerful. Under the powerful Chakra, it was like Jinchūriki without a tailed beast.

Mizukage was stunned, raised his head and looked in front of him.

"What?" The room began to shake, and a figure of Uchiha Ao jumped up and flew out through the eaves.

Mizukage frowned, and Uchiha Ao left the mist.

"Uchiha Ao escaped from your mist?" The Third Hokage frowned.

Fifth Mizukage said disdainfully: "Did Uchiha Qing see my ninjutsu?"

It is precisely because of this that Mizukage raised his head at this time.

We are still here, and it is about to collapse. "The leader of the Iron Country ran out and said.

Outside the house, the moment Uchiha Ao left, Raikage had already ambushed him and gave Uchiha Ao a hard blow.

Uchiha Qing's body took a few steps back, his feet landed on the ground, and he took dozens of steps back.

"It seems that my silly brother has consumed a lot of your Chakra." Uchiha Ao laughed.

With the protection of Sunou (affj), Uchiha Ao didn't feel any pain at all after being attacked by Raikage.

Under the obstruction of Raikage, the remaining four Hokage quickly appeared, including the four guards around Hokage, who also followed closely.

"The fight started. It finally started. It seems that Fei was right. As long as he provokes the five shadows to fight Uchiha Ao, the thorn in our side will be removed." Black Zetsu laughed.

White Zetsu said rudely: "Isn't it the end? Don't jump to conclusions too early.

On the Five Shadows Conference Building, Uchiha Qing stood there, looking at the Five Shadows in front of him.

"Five Shadows?" Uchiha Ao frowned.

All of a sudden, he had to fight against the Five Kages together, which really made Uchiha Ao feel even more stressed.

"Uchiha Ao, if you hand over the tailed beast, Raikage and Mizukage will not let you go." Hokage stepped forward and said.

Although Hokage wanted to stand by Uchiha Ao, he could not openly stand with Uchiha Ao in the face of four people from Kagemura.

Besides, Hokage doesn't want Uchiha Ao to get the tailed beast. Now that Huaxia Hidden World Village has become stronger, if it continues to develop rapidly, it will definitely pose a threat to Konoha Village.

"What if I don't hand it over?" Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes. He would never think of handing over the tailed beast, even in front of the Five Shadows.

Mizukage took a step forward and said: "If you don't hand over, you will face the attack of our Five Shadows."

The attack of the Five Kages is not something that ordinary people can withstand. Even Uchiha Ao may not be able to compete with the Five Kages.

"The Five Shadows must know how powerful I am. There is only one chance." Uchiha Qing started to think with a serious look on his face.

This is the first time that the Five Shadows have joined forces. Although Hokage, Tsuchikage, and Kazekage have no intention of killing Uchiha Ao, they will not let Uchiha Ao go easily and will always cooperate with Mizukage and Raikage.

Raikage raised his head and snorted coldly.

"Mizukage, you cover me, Uchiha Ao's armor can be broken with one punch by me." Raikage said disdainfully.

Mizukage took a step back. Originally, Mizukage was not good at melee combat. What Raikage said was in line with what Mizukage was thinking.

"Okay, I'll cover you." Mizukage took two steps back and began to form seals continuously.

Raikage's figure moved, and Hokage, Kazekage, and Tsuchikage also began to attack Uchiha Ao in the center of the field from different angles.

Uchiha Ao took a breath and looked at the five shadows in front of him.

"Okay, let me see the strength of your five shadows together." Uchiha Qing roared, and the unicorn appeared in his hand.

The Qilin appears to be frightening under the increased power of Suneng Zuohu. Even if the Raikage is protected by lightning possession, it will still be hit if it is hit. .

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