During this period, Cloud Shinobi Village became quiet due to Raikage being suppressed by Uchiha Ao at the Five Kage Conference.

"Cloud Shinobi Village and Kirigakure have become quiet." Uchiha Ao laughed.

Now in the Ninja Alliance, it is starting to become noisy.

"Uchiha Ao has defeated Raikage in succession, and now I heard that the reward for Uchiha Ao in the basement has increased tenfold again." Players around the world became excited.

Although Uchiha Ao is powerful, after many battles, he has already become a god-tier figure in the Ninja League. If anyone can kill this person, he will naturally get a lot of rewards.

It is precisely because of this that many players in the Ninja League became excited.

"Uchiha Ao?" The Ninja Alliance began to unite in private.

In the Huaxia Hidden Village, Uchiha Ao was sitting in the room, tapping the table in boredom. Now that the shadow of the war had dissipated, Uchiha Ao felt that he had nothing to do.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier." Jujiro walked into Uchiha Ao's room, stepped forward and asked, "What did you ask me to do here?"

Uchiha Qing stood up and said: "Nothing, I just wanted to ask about the expansion of the Ninja School?"

Jujiro's eyes lit up and he said, "Are you suddenly concerned about this matter?"

Uchiha Ao snorted coldly and rolled his eyes at Jujiro.

"Tch, actually I have always cared about the village, but because of the fighting before, I didn't have the extra energy to do such things." Uchiha Qing said.

Jujiro laughed and looked at Uchiha Ao in front of him.

"So it turns out that the expansion of the Ninja School has been completed." Jujiro said proudly: "There are many ninjas in the school now."

Following Jujiro's response, Uchiha Ao turned to look out the window.

"Peace is short-lived. Although we have reached a peace agreement with the Five Shadow Villages, it will eventually be broken." Uchiha Qing knew it very well.

In the Ninja League, the Five Shadow Villages already have absolute say. If Uchiha Ao wants to lead the rise of the Chinese Hidden World Village, he must suppress the Five Shadow Villages.

"What do you mean?" Jujiro didn't understand.

Uchiha Qing said seriously: "We will definitely have a huge war with the Five Shadow Village in the future. This is inevitable."

Jujiro took a deep breath and said, "How are you going to respond?"

Uchiha Ao smiled bitterly, Cloud Shinobi Village has been completely offended, and there will be a lot less life and death battles in movies in the future. Coupled with Kirigakure's old woman, it seems that Uchiha Ao has long been disliked.

That is to say, Konoha's Hokage has some good feelings for Uchiha Ao privately, but they are all based on interests.

If Uchiha Ao's village is too powerful, the Hokage will not be able to tolerate Uchiha Ao's existence.

"Quickly expand the village, especially the ninja school and weapons depot." Uchiha Ao turned around and said.

Jujiro was stunned and said: "The weapons arsenal is being upgraded, but the school expansion has been completed.

"Take me to see it." Uchiha Qing said.

The school and weapons arsenal of Huaxia Hidden World Village are the most critical foundation for ensuring the stability of the village in the future. The Ninja School can continuously cultivate outstanding ninjas, and the weapons arsenal can provide weapons for the ninjas.

These two places are very important places in the village, and Uchiha Qing must personally supervise these two places to meet his requirements during this time.

"No problem, I'll take you to the school to check first." Jujiro said.

Jujiro took Uchiha Ao towards the village. The ninja school was currently active, and the ninjas who were selected at a young age were undergoing arduous training.

"It's Uchiha Ao god-tier." Even the children in the village knew Uchiha Ao himself.

Uchiha Qing laughed and cried. He only asked Jujiro to come to the school to check in private, and did not think of attracting everyone's attention.

"Yes, it's really Uchi god-tier. Why did she come here?" The female ninja in the school said with her hands in front of her chest, and she was filled with joy.

Uchiha Qing sighed helplessly. Judging from the recent expansion of the school, the school's area has doubled from before.

"The school is the most important place in the village. After we were attacked by Cloud Shinobi Village and Kirigakure last time, we already felt that the village's ninjas were lacking, so we expanded the ninja school overnight." Tajiro said.

Uchiha Qing nodded and said: "Well done, if we endure the expansion of the school, the number of ninjas trained will increase, and the power of our village will also expand."

"Uchiha Ao god-tier still wants to expand the village? Is it possible to compete with the Five Shadows Village?" Jujiro was stunned.

Nowadays, the power of Huaxia Hidden World Village is only higher than Wuying Village. Compared with other villages, Huaxia Hidden World Village has already surpassed the strength.

"How can you say such nonsense?" Uchiha Qing said very seriously.

Jujiro lowered his head as the children ran to Uchiha.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, give us ninjutsu." The children surrounded Uchiha Ao.

The teacher who led this class came to Uchiha Ao and said: "Uchiha Ao god-tier, I didn't know you would come, so I didn't supervise these naughty children for a while.

"It doesn't matter. I also heard that the school has just been expanded, so I came to the site to inspect it." Uchiha Qing said truthfully.

Suddenly, the school teacher was stunned and said: "You are really troublesome. After this expansion, our teaching environment has been greatly improved.

Both students and teachers here are very satisfied with the expansion of the school. After the expansion of the school in Huaxia Hidden World Village, the teaching environment has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Give it to me." The children didn't care about this, they just wanted Uchiha Ao to hand over their ninjutsu.

Uchiha Qing frowned. He was not here to show off to the children. They were all a group of ninjas who had not graduated. If he was too serious, he would appear too ungraceful.

"Leave it to us." The children looked pitiful.

Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly and touched the child's head.

"What moves do you want to learn?" Uchiha Qing became helpless. Now that he is here, he seems to be unable to leave here if he does not agree to the child's request.

The children started to make a noise.

"I want to learn Great Fireball!"

"Idiot, why are you learning Great Fireball? Read the ninja book yourself. You should learn S-level ninjutsu.

"What is S-level ninjutsu?"

The children started to quarrel, and Uchiha was shocked and had a headache. The children nowadays are really amazing, and they immediately knew how to let Uchiha use $-level ninjutsu.

"We have to learn Lightning Style: Kirin. This is the move to defeat Raikage." A boy came out and said. .

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