Uchiha Qing was stunned and had a lump in his throat.

As the boy in the crowd shouted, the children around him kept saying: "Yes, we want to learn Qilin."

Kirin can be said to be a super S-level ninjutsu, but these kids can't use it at the moment because they don't have enough Chakra.

"You are really fooling around. You can't learn this kind of super S-level ninjutsu. Even if you master the essence, you can't do it." The teacher from the ninja school stepped forward and said.

The children reluctantly said: "No, we need school. Even if we can't use it now, we will use it in the future, because we will eventually grow up to become an excellent ninja."

For a moment, as the child responded, the teacher stood speechless.

"It's really hard to take care of children nowadays." Uchiha Ao chuckled.

The ninja teacher said guiltily: "Uchiha Ao god-tier, since the children have such a request, you can just show them a trick.

"Don't be casual, be serious, we are not joking." All the children said angrily.

Uchiha Ao turned to look at Jujiro beside him.

"If you don't teach your children this trick, it seems like these brats won't let you go." Jujiro looked like it didn't matter.

Uchiha Qing frowned, showing a helpless expression.

"If that's the case, then I can only teach these brats this trick very seriously." Uchiha Ao touched the head of the child in front of him.

The children jumped up quickly when they heard Uchiha Ao's words.

"That's great." The children looked excited.

Uchiha Ao stood there and said, "You guys step back a little."

The children took a small step back and asked, fearing that they were too far away and could not see the Uchiha seal.

"Stay further away." After Uchiha Qing urged several times, the children stood in a relatively safe place.

Uchiha's Green Blood Eye appeared, and the children looked excited for a while.

"It looks so awesome." "The children shouted loudly.

Uchiha Qing smiled slightly and said: "I will be very slow in forming the seals, you just follow me and just remember the movements.

"Just remember the movements?" one child said with a snot in his nose.

Uchiha Qing shook his head. Kirin is a super S-level ninjutsu. It is not enough to just master the essentials and movements. It must rely on one's own understanding.

"You will know when you grow up." Uchiha Qing said in a nonchalant way.

The children looked disappointed and said, "Oh, it's so good."

Uchiha Qing began to form the seals with his hands, and the child in front of him began to follow suit. Uchiha Qing patiently continued to form the seals in place.

The child began to imitate on the spot, looking very eager to learn.

"These naughty children have never been so serious," said the teacher at Renren School.

As the child imitated Uchiha Ao's movements on the spot, Jujiro took a cold breath.

"Hey, these kids really don't let go of Uchiha Ao god-tier. If this continues, we will have to stay here all day." Jujiro sighed and said.

It took Uchiha Qing three times to teach the children in front of him how to form seals. Originally, Kirin Ninjutsu seal formation was very cumbersome, and the children's understanding ability was still limited, so they learned it many times before they were convinced.

"I learned it." Suddenly a child jumped up and shouted excitedly.

Other children in the crowd also began to shout excitedly: "I learned it too."

A group of children have almost mastered the Kirin seal surgery, but now they simply cannot have a large amount of Chakra to use it.

Uchiha Ao sighed and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"They finally learned it." Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly.

The children enthusiastically hugged Uchiha and surrounded him.

"Uchiha Ao is so awesome, much better than our teacher, why don't you stay and teach us ninjutsu." A naughty child said.

Suddenly, the teacher standing aside turned dark.

"What are you talking about? Believe it or not, I will punish you by running to the playground." The teacher threatened.

The child suddenly lowered his head and became quiet.

Uchiha Ao helplessly picked up the child and said: "If you want to learn any ninjutsu, you can just come to me.

Obviously, in Uchiha's eyes, these children are the future of the village, so he will not be stingy with his ninjutsu.

"Really?" the children asked in disbelief.

Uchiha Qing said very seriously: "Of course it is true."

For a time, all the children became excited and kept clapping their hands in place.

Jujiro raised his head, and Uchiha Ao stayed with the child all day long.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, it's getting dark soon. Don't you still want to go to the weapons depot to check?" Jujiro asked.

The teacher also clapped his hands and said, "Okay, it's time to go home after class. That's it for today."

The ninja teacher took care of the children in an orderly manner, but the children seemed very reluctant.

Ah, I suddenly don't want to leave get out of class. "said the children.

Some children in the crowd almost cried and said: "For the first time, I don't want to leave get out of class." 117

Uchiha Ao took a deep breath. Children can be unrestrained, but Uchiha Ao cannot. These children have been at school all day, and it is time to go back and relax.

"I will come next time. If you do this, how dare you ask me to come to school next time?" Uchiha Ao squatted down and said.

The children were stunned and came to Uchiha Ao.

"Then will you come next time?" the children asked.

Uchiha Qing said firmly: "It will come."

The children suddenly became happy and kept clapping their hands.

"It's a deal, we're all waiting for you." the children shouted.

Uchiha Ao stood up, nodded, and walked out of the school with Jujiro. The children behind him kept waving to Uchiha Ao. (Hello Wang Wang) "Uchiha Ao god-tier, I'm not talking about you, you obviously came to school today to show off your power, even the teachers here were suddenly outdone by you." Jujiro laughed quickly.

Uchiha Qing frowned slightly and looked at Jujiro beside him.

"Are you good at talking now?" Uchiha Qing snorted coldly.

It is precisely because of this that, following Uchiha Ao's words, Jujiro smiled bitterly: "Look, it will get dark soon. Even if we get to the weapons depot, we will stay up until night."

Uchiha Qing said seriously: "We must go to the weapons depot. This is the most important place in our Chinese Hidden World Village."

Jujiro swallowed with a lump in his throat and said, "Yes, I didn't say I couldn't go."

At night, Jujiro and Uchiha Ao walked towards the weapons depot. Suddenly, a figure passed by furtively.

Uchiha's blue blood wheel eyes were revealed and he looked in front of him.

"Who is it?" Jujiro went up and asked. .

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