Powerful Uchiha Ao

"Not only that, if we don't use the incident in Takigakure to teach this group of people a lesson this time, there will be more and more people pretending to be me." Uchiha Ao said unceremoniously.

Suddenly, following Uchiha Qing's words, Cheng Mengmeng stood on the spot.

"Since you have decided on something, I will definitely support you." Cheng Mengmeng held Uchiha Qing's hand.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and turned to look at Cheng Mengmeng beside him.

"There are Seven Tails Jinchūriki in Takigakure Village now. In fact, Akatsuki has been paying attention to this matter." Uchiha smiled affectionately.

Cheng Mengmeng was stunned and said, "But didn't you promise Wuying Village not to capture tailed beasts again?"

"I won't arrest him personally, but it means I won't fight Akatsuki. Akatsuki is the enemy of our entire ninja alliance." Uchiha Ao said disdainfully.

Cheng Mengmeng lowered her head and said, "Nine-nine-three": "You have taken advantage of all the good things, how can you still let others live?"

For a moment, following Cheng Mengmeng's words, Uchiha Qing turned around and lifted Cheng Mengmeng's chin.

"You really know how to speak." Uchiha Qing laughed, looked at Cheng Mengmeng beside him, and said, "It's just that for now, I think we should just deal with the world of two people."

Cheng Mengmeng was stunned and looked at Uchiha Qing in front of him.

"What are you talking about?" Cheng Mengmeng said coquettishly: "I don't understand what you are saying?"

At this time Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly, Cheng Mengmeng was obviously pretending to be confused.

"I told you to pretend to be confused." Uchiha Qing picked up Cheng Mengmeng.

Cheng Mengmeng, who fell into Uchiha Qing's arms, suddenly panicked and put her arms around Uchiha Fei's neck.

"What do you want to do?" Cheng Mengmeng asked nervously.

Uchiha Qing snorted coldly and looked at Cheng Mengmeng in front of him.

"What do you think I want to do?" Uchiha Ao snorted coldly.

Obviously, Uchiha Qing and Cheng Mengmeng are going to do adult things.

Cheng Mengmeng bit her lip and looked at Uchiha in front of her.

"You bad guy, aren't you going to Takigakure Village tomorrow?" Cheng Mengmeng touched Uchiha Qing's face and asked.

Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes and looked at Cheng Mengmeng in front of him.

"So what?" Uchiha Qing said: "I can deal with the people of Takigakure Village with my eyes closed.

Uchiha Qing said with great certainty. Cheng Mengmeng's face turned red and she looked at Uchiha Qing beside her.

"You guys are really arrogant. You have forgotten that there is Ten Tails Jinchūriki in Takigakure Village." Cheng Mengmeng reminded.

Uchiha Qing smiled and said, "So what?"

In fact, if it weren't for the Seven Tails Jinchūriki in Takigakure Village, Uchiha Qingcai would not have gone to such a remote village.

"It's because they have Seven Tails Jinchūriki that I went to Takigakure Village." Uchiha Ao laughed.

In the house, after Uchiha Qing carried Cheng Mengmeng in his arms, he was suddenly still on the bed.

"You are so rude." Cheng Mengmeng frowned and said.

Uchiha Qing sneered and looked at Cheng Mengmeng in front of him.

A cold wind blew up, and Uchiha Qing's body pressed against Cheng Mengmeng. After a night, the two made happy sounds.

It is precisely because of this that after Uchiha Qing hugged Cheng Mengmeng tightly, the two slept at dawn.

After dawn, Uchiha Ao opened his eyes, and the mystery was still waiting for Uchiha Ao below.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, Xuan Miao has been waiting for you down there." Jujiro kept knocking on the door.

Following Jujiro's words, Uchiha Ao immediately stood up and stretched.

"This mystery is really impatient." Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly.

Cheng Mengmeng stepped forward to straighten Uchiha Qing's sleeves and said, "Who told you to agree to this?"

Uchiha Qing snorted coldly and looked at Cheng Mengmeng in front of him.

"It's really unpleasant to agree to something." Uchiha Qing said.

Uchiha Qing and Cheng Mengmeng walked out of the house and saw Jujiro alone outside.

"Who are you taking with you this time?" Cheng Mengmeng turned to ask Uchiha Qing.

Uchiha Qing was stunned and said: "Just me and Jujiro are enough."

Cheng Mengmeng said in shock: "No, there must be Seven Tails Jinchūriki in Takigakure Village. If you and Jujiro go there now, wouldn't you be asking for trouble?"

Uchiha Qing shook his head and looked at Cheng Mengmeng in front of him.

"What's wrong with those people in Takigakure Village? I'm enough to deal with them alone." Uchiha Ao said unceremoniously.

Originally, Uchiha Ao even didn't want to take Jujiro with him, but after thinking about it, he had to find someone to protect him because of his little skill.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier is right, it's enough to have me as your escort when you go to Takigakure Village..." Jujiro said.

Suddenly, following Jujiro's words, Cheng Mengmeng felt even more uneasy.

"No, I have to inform Sasuke and ask their team to follow you." Cheng Yinyin said.

Uchiha Ao waved his hand and said: "Sasuke has just recovered from his injury, so there is no need to trouble him."

It is precisely because of this that following Uchiha Qing's words, Cheng Mengmeng was stunned at this time.

"Let's go." Uchiha Ao and Jujiro walked out of the house.

Xuan Miao outside the house was waiting anxiously, and looked excited after seeing Uchiha Ao.

"Didn't you promise me something last night?" Xuanmiao said.

At this time, Uchiha Ao smiled.

"Yes, we are going to Takigakure Village now." Uchiha Qing said with certainty.

Suddenly, Xuan Miao looked around.

"Is it just the three of us?" Xuan Miao said in disbelief.

Jujiro said impatiently: "Then how many people do you want to mobilize? It's just a Takigakure village."

Jujiro was obviously a little impatient, so he grabbed Xuan Miao and asked, "Then you still want to go to Takigakure Village to avenge your village?"

Xuanmiao looked frightened for a while and said, "I'm afraid it's just the three of us who will never come back."

Although Takigakure Village is not as good as Gokage Village, it must be a regular village with regular ninja troops. If only three people go there now, it will definitely cause Xuan Miao to feel uneasy.

Uchiha Qing snorted coldly and said 1.4: "Three people are enough."

As soon as Uchiha Qing and the others left, Cheng Mengmeng quickly waved her hand and said: "Call Sasuke to come here immediately.

Cheng Mengmeng would not let Uchiha Qing and the others go forward just because of this. As Sasuke arrived, Cheng Mengmeng quickly stepped forward.

"Your brother Uchiha Qing went to Takigakure Village alone to settle accounts. You should follow him and help them secretly." Cheng Mengmeng said seriously.

Sasuke was stunned and said, "Why did my brother come to Takigakure Village?"

"Because people from Takigakure Village pretended to be Uchiha Ao himself and attacked Yangyan Village. Cheng Mengmeng went up and said, "I'm a little worried, you are following Uchiha Ao.

"Okay." Sasuke immediately ran out, summoned the Eagle Team, and started chasing behind the Uchiha trio.

Cheng Mengmeng felt relieved when she saw Sasuke going.

"What a reckless guy." Cheng Mengmeng snorted coldly. .

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