The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 354: Heading To Longyin Village

Uchiha Qing and Jujiro beside him, Xuanmei walked on the road, which is the road leading to Takigakure Village.

"With just the three of us, how can we seek revenge from the people in Longyin Village?" Xuan Miao kept questioning on the road.

Uchiha Qing snorted coldly, and faced the mystery in front of him, and said without any hesitation: "In Takigakure Village, there is only one Seven Tails Jinchūriki who is somewhat capable, and I don't take anyone else seriously."

Not to mention Seven Tails Jinchūriki, even the movie is no match for Uchiha Ao.

Xuan Miao took a deep breath and looked at Uchiha Qing in front of her.

"You put it lightly, but Takigakure Village has regular Yin-nin troops after all. If we encounter them, wouldn't we suffer a big loss?" Xuan Miao said.

Uchiha turned pale. The old man in front of him was very stubborn and made no sense at all.

"Hey, you old man, we are helping you teach the people of Takiyin Village a lesson for free, and now you still despise this and that." Jujiro couldn't stand it anymore.

At this time, Xuan Miao rolled his eyes at Jujiro and Uchiha.

"If you can't fulfill my wish this time, I will definitely tell people in the world about your faults in the future." Xuan Miao said politely.

Jujiro became furious after hearing this and grabbed her collar.

"What did you say?" Jujiro asked.

Xuanmiao said without any flinching: "I am telling the truth. Who told you to agree to this old man like me?"

Jujiro's eyelids twitched. Now Uchiha Ao has long known that Xuan Miao would have this attitude. Uchiha Ao knew this when he saw Xuan Miao in the weapons depot.

"Forget it." Uchiha Qing put his hands on the back of his head and said disdainfully: "Who told us to agree to Xuan Miao."

Since he agreed to Xuan Miao, Uchiha Qing will not go back on his word, and will at least help Xuan Miao get justice.

"Now that Yang Yan Village has been destroyed, even if Xuan Miao teaches Takigakure a lesson, he can only express his inner dissatisfaction." Uchiha Qing took a deep breath.

Suddenly, as the three people walked in front, it started to rain heavily.

"This damn weather, it will be sunny and rainy the next." Jujiro snorted coldly.

Uchiha Ao, Jujiro, and Xuan Miao were hiding from the heavy rain under a tree, and only saw people returning from the front.

"These people are wearing ponchos. They seem to be the people who passed by us just now." Uchiha lived nearby.

Jujiro felt something was wrong and quickly stepped forward to ask.

"What happened in the front?" Jujiro stepped forward and asked.

At this time, the returning crowd began to say: "The bridge in front has collapsed. If you want to move forward, please find another way around.

As the pedestrians answered, Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes. Under the heavy rain, many people turned out to be walking back.

"What about us? Do you want to take a detour?" Xuan Miao looked at Uchiha Qing.

Uchiha Qing shook his head, but the bridge was broken and could not stop him from moving forward at all.

After a long time, the heavy rain stopped, and Uchiha, Ao, Xuanmiao, and Jujiro continued to move forward. After walking by the river, they saw that the bridge in front of them collapsed.

"If that's the case, why did I come here even though I knew it was a dead end? I'm really stupid." Xuan Miao said.

Uchiha Qing turned to look at Jujiro and said, "I'll leave this old guy to you. I can't stand hearing his nagging."

When Uchiha Ao flew out, he touched the water lightly and quickly came to the opposite shore.

Jujiro grabbed Xuanmiao's sleeve with one hand, pulled him up on the spot, and brought him to the shore. After his feet fell to the shore, Jujiro held Xuanmiao still on the ground.

"What a nagging old man. If you are nagging, I will be rude to you." Jujiro always felt that Uchiha Qing took him with him this time for another purpose.

When Uchiha Qing saw Xuan Miao coming to the other side of the river, he turned to leave.

Jujiro chased after Uchiha Ao and said: "Uchiha Ao god-tier, are you bringing this person because you want me to take care of this old man? You are not someone who will help you deal with Takigakure at all?"

Jujiro felt that something was wrong. If Uchiha Qing really needed help, why should Song take Jujiro ten people with him?

Uchiha Ao rubbed his nose, Jujiro was quite smart, and he immediately understood what Uchiha Ao was thinking.

"You guessed it right." Uchiha Qing looked at the mystery behind Jujiro and said, "Since the first time I met this old man, I know that he has a stubborn personality and it is extremely difficult to get along with him."

It is precisely because of this that Uchiha Ao brings Jujiro with him.

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Jujiro's forehead, and he said with some complaints: "I was just wondering why you were kind enough to take me with you. It turned out to be just for this.

Xuan Miao stood up and saw An Easy coming to the other side of the river and said, "What an incredible group of people."

Suddenly, a stone came over, and Uchiha gently raised his green hand to catch the stone.

"Who?" Uchiha Qing frowned.

At this time, a boy jumped down from the tree.

"Since you are so powerful, why don't you repair the collapsed bridge? This will also allow people coming and going to pass?" the boy said rudely.

Jujiro was stunned and said with a smile: "We are just passers-by, how can we have the ability to do such a thing."

Obviously, Jujiro, Uchiha Ao and the others have left the territory of Huaxia Hidden World Village, and there is no need to pay attention to this kind of thing.

"Don't you ninjas have the ability to reach the sky? Why can't you even repair 690 bridges? Look at the people on both sides. They have no way to pass because of the damaged bridges." The boy said as he walked behind Uchiha Ao.

Jujiro said rudely: "Hey, what do you know, little brat?"

"I am indeed a brat, but that doesn't mean I don't understand anything. You are just a follower and you are not worthy of talking to me." The boy pushed Jujiro away as he approached.

Jujiro was a little angry, picked up the boy in front of him, and said: "You little brat, I don't think you can do it without teaching me a lesson.

Following Jujiro's actions, the boy was violently pulled up.

"Let me go." The boy continued to struggle and said, "You ninjas from the Hidden World Village in China are useless. I really underestimate you.

Uchiha Ao stopped and turned around.

"Why bother with a child? Let's get on the road." Xuan Miao saw Uchiha Qing's expression change and quickly stepped forward to remind him.

Uchiha Qing ignored the mystery around him and stood there and asked: "How do you know that we are ninjas from the Hidden World Village in China?"

Jujiro was stunned, a little surprised, and the boy took the opportunity to escape from Jujiro's hands.

"How could I not know? Of course I can tell from your forehead protector." The boy said rudely.

Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes, and the boy said disdainfully: "Not only do I know, I also know who you are."

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