The people of Cloud Shinobi Village began to mobilize. Under the leadership of Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee, Cloud Shinobi Village launched an unprecedented attack.

"Raikage is practicing?" Uchiha Qing snorted and looked at the surrounding Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas.

If Raikage wasn't practicing, how could Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee dare to appear in front of Uchiha Ao.

"Brother, leave these smashers to me." Sasuke snorted and quickly led the members of the Eagle Team to fight back.

Uchiha Ao stood in the center, surrounded by the ninjas of Cloud Shinobi Village. If he didn't break out as soon as possible, it would be difficult for even Uchiha Ao to leave here.

"It seems that the people in Cloud Shinobi Village are serious this time." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes, and the blood chakra eyes appeared in front of him.

In the woods, another small-scale battle broke out between Uchiha Ao and others and the people of Cloud Shinobi Village. This time it was not Raikage who was dispatched, but his younger brother Killer Bee, who quietly appeared to lead the Cloud Shinobi Village while Raikage was practicing in seclusion. People come to take revenge.

"Uchiha Ao, you have brought shame on my brother, I will kill you today." Killer Bee said with an extremely serious face.

Uchiha Ao snorted and curled his lips slightly. The reason why Killer Bee dared to appear in front of 05 Uchiha Ao at this time was because Uchiha Ao had promised in front of him not to touch the tailed beasts in Wukage Village.

In other words, Killer Bee has the advantage in this attack. If Uchiha Ao kills Killer Bee, it will completely anger the people of Five Shadow Village.

In the Ninja Alliance, Wuying Village still controls the vast majority of resources. Whether it is human resources or wealth, no one can compete with Wuying Village.

"Big countries will sacrifice the interests of small countries." Uchiha Qing said: "It is a pity that our Chinese hidden village has risen. Now our village is not afraid of the invasion of any big country."

. "Commit

Killer Bee said rudely: "So what, you shouldn't set foot on our Cloud Shinobi Village ground this time. Even if we kill you here, there will be no problem. But you are different. If you are If you kill me here, it will definitely cause quite a stir, won't it?"

Uchiha's blue eyes darkened and he looked at Killer Bee in front of him.

"You are right, Killer Bee, you have become smarter this time. No matter what, I am at a disadvantage." Uchiha Qing said calmly.

Killer Bee pulled out the Eight Swords. Facing a master like Uchiha Ao, he never thought about taking any chances.

"It's good to know that if you let go, you and your men can die easily." Killer Bee said.

Uchiha Ao took a deep breath and looked at Killer Bee in front of him.

"Capture without mercy? There is no such word in my dictionary." Obviously, in Uchiha Qing's view, he will not surrender no matter what disadvantage he is in.

Killer Bee jumped up and glared at Uchiha Ao.

"If you don't surrender, I will kill you with my own hands." Killer Bee quickly attacked Uchiha.

Uchiha Ao's body keeps dodging, and Killer Bee is very fast. With the help of Eight Tails, Killer Bee is above ordinary people in terms of speed and strength.

"Brother." Facing the double-team of Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas, Sasuke turned to look at Uchiha Ao in the center of the field.

Jujiro even looked at Uchiha Ao in the center of the field and said: "Uchiha Ao god-tier."

Uchiha Ao said with a very cold expression: "You guys, hurry up, I think there will be a lot of elite ninjas coming from Cloud Shinobi Village."

This is the boundary of Cloud Shinobi Village, and ninjas who can come to Cloud Shinobi Village continuously are extremely disadvantageous to Uchiha Ao and others.

Sasuke frowned and roared: "Brother, what will you do if we leave?"

Uchiha Ao showed a calm smile while hiding from Killer Bee.

"With their strength, they won't do anything to me." Uchiha Qing narrowed his eyes.

Even if Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee uses Eight Tails, Uchiha Ao can easily dodge it.

"Hachi, your Eight Tails is of no use to Uchiha Qing." Eight Tails said to Uchiha Qing.

Uchiha Qing took a breath, and after Killer Bee used eight swords in a round, his body began to change.

"I was just warming up." Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee said.

Following Eight Tails Jinchūriki's words, Uchiha Qing's lips curled up slightly, as if Killer Bee was about to use the power of Eight Tails.

"Come out." Killer Bee roared, and the power of Eight Tails burst out.

Eight Tails tailed beast, Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes, and in the blood wheel's eyes, the Eight Star Beast seemed to roar.

"Come out, Xiaoba, you finally let me out for some air." Eight Tails said.

Eight Tails and Killer Bee stood in front of Uchiha Ao, who smiled bitterly.

"Two against one?" Uchiha Ao touched his nose.

Killer Bee said rudely: "Stop talking nonsense, you are the enemy of our entire Cloud Shinobi Village. Now at this time, if I can kill you, my brother will surely recover."

After Raikage suffered continuous blows from Uchiha Ao, he became taciturn. In the past, after Killer Bee provoked Raikage, the movie would teach Killer Bee a lesson.

But now the movie seems very cold. Killer Bee, Raikage's younger brother, wants to change everything.

"You want to avenge Raikage?" Uchiha Ao sneered.

Killer Bee narrowed his eyes and said, "That's right, I want to avenge my brother."

From Killer Bee's perspective, the enemy is now standing right in front of him.

In the woods, Sasuke, Jujiro and others fought their way through 960 and began to move forward.

"Hachi, there are too many people here, forcing Uchiha Ao to an open area." Eight Tails said.

Uchiha Ao stood there and heard Eight Tails' words.

"Want to get out of here?" Uchiha Ao laughed. Eight Tails and Killer Bee's ideas were exactly what Uchiha Ao wanted.

The green figure of Uchiha moved on its own initiative, and Eight Tails and Killer Bee were shocked.

"Uchiha Ao, are you going to run?" Killer Bee said, "Catch up."

In the woods, Killer Bee and Eight Tails chased Uchiha Ao. After a brief chase, Uchiha Ao stopped.

This is an open area outside the woods. There are no ninjas from Cloud Shinobi Village around, let alone Sasuke, Jujiro and others.

"You have no way to escape." Killer Bee took a step forward.

The cold wind blew, and Uchiha Ao flipped his hair, looking calm.

"I never thought about running away." Uchiha Qing sneered: "If I don't teach you a lesson this time and let you remember it, won't I become very troublesome every time you challenge me in the future?"

Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee is different from others. In the Ninja League, Killer Bee's power to control tailed beasts is superior to all Jinchūriki.

"Really?" Killer Bee snorted. .

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