The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 365 Battle Against Killer Bee!

Uchiha Ao's Ao Sangan activated, and the powerful Suno Sahu appeared, wrapping Uchiha Ao's body tightly.

"That's right, in the Ninja League, there are only a handful of people who can fight with me now, but you are definitely not among them." Uchiha Ao said confidently.

Killer Bee's eyelids twitched and he said, "You underestimate me and Eight Tails."

"Xiao Ba, it seems that we have been underestimated. I will do my best to deal with this arrogant guy today." Eight Tails snorted, opened his mouth, and the powerful Tailed Beast Bomb appeared.

Uchiha Ao had already guessed that Eight Tails would use this move. The moment Tailed Beast Bomb appeared, the unicorn in Uchiha Ao's hand appeared.

"Taled Beast Bomb?" Uchiha Ao's body began to run, and the huge Susana made the surrounding earth begin to tremble.

The Tailed Beast Bomb came, but Uchiha Ao dodge it nimbly.

Eight Tails Tailed Beast and Killer Bee were shocked, they did not expect Uchiha Ao to be able to make the giant Sunō Sago so flexible.

"You can actually dodge it?" the Eight Tails tailed beast said.

The Tailed Beast Bomb exploded behind Uchiha Qing, a huge cloud of dust rose up, and the aftermath began to ripple.

The Kirin in Uchiha Ao's hand went straight towards the Eight Tails Tailed Beast and Killer Bee. After the two saw Uchiha Ao's attack, they quickly evaded it.

With a "boom" sound, Uchiha Ao was naked under Sunō Sago and hit the ground heavily with his Kirin. A huge crater was made on the ground. Uchiha Ao smiled. Do you think it's over?

The Eight Tails Tailed Beast and Killer Bee were separated. When the two landed, the kilin on the ground began to scatter, and thunder and lightning followed the two.

"Boom!" Uchiha Ao roared.

Under the thunder and lightning, Eight Tails and Killer Bee felt powerful attacks, and black smoke erupted from their bodies.

In the black smoke, the two people quickly left the place.

Uchiha Qing looked at the two figures from the corner of his eye, turned around and stood up.

"How is it?" Uchiha Qing snorted coldly.

At this time, Uchiha Ao looked at Killer Bee and Eight Tails in front of him.

"Uchiha Ao is so powerful, no wonder he can defeat Raikage." Eight Tails Tailed Beast said.

At this time, almost the Eight Tails tailed beasts and Killer Bee felt the pressure of Uchiha.

"Xiao Hachi, we can't be careless anymore. If we don't pay attention, we may lose our lives." Eight Tails Tailed Beast said.

Killer Bee jumped onto the Eight Tails tailed beast and said: "Uchiha Qing dare not kill me unless he wants to trigger the Five Shadow Village to jointly attack the Huaxia Hidden World Village.

Uchiha Ao is a little angry. Killer Bee always suppresses him for such reasons. What is Uchiha Ao afraid of now? If there is a big war, what will happen even if he fights with the Five Kages.

"Killer Bee, today I will not kill, I will give you the most unforgettable day." Uchiha's green figure began to move.

The seemingly huge Suno Sago, under the control of Uchiha Ao, appeared in front of Killer Bee in an instant with a light figure.

"Stop him," Killer Bee said.

Eight Tails Tailed Beast said: "I know, don't shout."

The Eight Tails tailed beast collided with Uchiha Aosu Nosaku, Uchiha Ao frowned, a blood chakra eye was constantly condensing Chakra.

It takes a while for Amaterasu to be released. The black flame is very lethal, but it consumes a lot of Chakra. Uchiha Ao must first prevent the Eight Tails and Killer Bee from launching large-scale ninjutsu at this time.

"Hachi, Uchiha Ao is condensing chakra, waiting for Amaterasu's good." Eight Tails Tailed Beast said.

Killer Bee said: "Interrupt Uchiha Amaterasu, otherwise we will get into trouble.

When Amaterasu comes out, both the Eight Tails and Killer Bee will turn into powder.

"I understand." The Eight Tails tailed beast's tentacles began to move, binding the Suno Sahu on Uchiha Ao's body.

Uchiha Ao frowned, feeling the entanglement of the eight tentacles of Eight Tails, even the Sunō Sahu on Uchiha Ao's body began to have cracks.

"Harder!" Killer Bee roared.

The Eight Tails tailed beast looked at Killer Bee above him and said, "How can you help if you stand above me and shout? Why don't you come and help me deal with him?"

Killer Bee was stunned and said: "Yes, we can deal with him together, how could I forget.

Uchiha Qing sneered, Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee is really funny. It's just that Uchiha Ao doesn't get the chance to kill Killer Bee.

Following Uchiha Ao's words, Uchiha Ao's whole body shook and he struggled to open Eight Tails' tentacles.

Eight Tails Tailed Beast takes a few steps back [Killer Bee standing overhead shakes his uncle.

"Hey, you let me attack you like this." Killer Bee said as he patted the Eight Tails tailed beast on its forehead.

The Eight Tails tailed beast broke out in a cold sweat and said: "Uchiha Ao's Chakra is too powerful, and I can't restrain him now.

Suddenly, Uchiha Qing's eyes opened. After a short period of Chakra storage, Uchiha Qing's Amaterasu finally recovered.

"Be careful, Uchiha Amaterasu's Amaterasu will be fine." The Eight Tails tailed beast said.

Killer Bee stood up and Hidou looked at Uchiha with serious eyes.

Uchiha Ao roared and yelled: "Amaterasu!"

In his eyes, Black Flame took action, directly Eight Tails the tailed beast.

Killer Bee broke out in cold sweat and said, "Does Uchiha Ao really want to kill me?"

As soon as Amaterasu comes out, everything in front of you will be reduced to ashes.

"Hachi, you said Uchiha Ao wouldn't kill you." Eight Tails roared.

At this time, Uchiha's blue eyes were firmly locked on the Eight Tails tailed beast, and the Eight Tails tailed beast was moving very fast.

"It would be terrible if we got caught," Killer Bee said.

Uchiha Ao snorted coldly, and countless Amaterasu appeared.

Even for Uchiha Ao, the power of his blood chakra eyes is limited. " Killer Bee said: "As long as we hold on, he can't do anything to us.

The Eight Tails tailed beast rolled its eyes at Killer Bee and said, "Why don't you try what it feels like to be chased by someone."

Killer Bee is sitting on the tail of Eight Tails (Lino's), and obviously can't feel the feeling of avoiding Amaterasu.

"Eight Tails?" Uchiha Ao's eyes began to bleed. This time Uchiha Ao was completely planning to teach Eight Tails a lesson.

Other ninjutsu would cause inevitable casualties to Eight Tails and Killer Bee. Now at this moment, Uchiha's eyes lit up. The moment Eight Tails moved, black flames appeared and swept over Eight Tails.

"I hit it." Uchiha Ao laughed.

Killer Bee lowered his head and said, "Hey, what do you think?"

The Eight Tails tailed beast's body fell to the ground and quickly began to be surrounded by black flames.

"Run quickly." Eight Tails Tailed Beast received.

In the black flames, Eight Tails and Killer Bee were constantly burning, almost burning them to death.

"Damn it." Killer Bee clenched his fists and moved away from the Eight Tails tailed beast.

Uchiha Ao's body walked towards the Eight Tails tailed beast and said: "No matter how fast you go, you can't avoid the attack of me, Amaterasu."

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