Suddenly, everyone in the audience began to prepare.

"Yes, Uchiha Ao god-tier!" Kimimaro and others said.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes. He did not expect that after the Five Kage Meeting, the Five Kages began to practice in seclusion. If they waited until they came out of seclusion, wouldn't they be targeting Uchiha Ao and the Huaxia Hidden World Village?

Of course Uchiha Ao cannot sit still and wait for death at this time. It is normal for the ninja village to launch an exercise.

Kimimaro and others went back to prepare. The teams had been divided, Kimimaro and Jujiro were in a group, and Sasuke and Samui were in a group.

This time Uchiha Qing will be the judge, as will Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng. In three days, a large-scale ninja exercise will be held in Huaxia Hidden Village.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the Hidden World Village of China. It is precisely because of this that the whole world began to question it.

"What is Uchiha Ao trying to do? Is he going to start a war with the Ninja Alliance?" People around the world began to ask.

Following Uchiha Ao's words, people began to talk a lot at this time. Uchiha Ao, who had been well received in the world before, became a controversial person again.

"Does Uchiha Qing really want to compete with the Five Shadow Village?" the world asked.

Cheng Mengmeng frowned and walked to Uchiha Qing beside him.

"Faced with so many doubts, do we need to clarify?" Cheng Mengmeng asked.

Uchiha Qing leaned back on his chair, and those who had been slandering him in the world also came out one after another.

"It seems that this group of people has always wanted something to happen to me. Since they slandered me, let's come out and clarify. Let's say that this exercise is just a routine exercise and does not target any village, let alone provoke a ninja war. "Uchiha Qing sat calmly on the chair.

Cheng Mengmeng kept nodding. At this moment, Uchiha Qing showed an extremely quiet expression.

"Uchiha Qing god-tier." Jujiro appeared in front of Uchiha Qing and Cheng Mengmeng.

Uchiha Ao was stunned, and everyone else went to prepare for the drill, but Jujiro came to him. Something must have happened.

"What's the matter with you?" Uchiha Qing asked.

Jujiro asked: "If I really defeat your brother in this exercise, will I make you angry?"

Uchiha Ao laughed. Sasuke was used to deal with wooden tubes. If Jujiro could really defeat Sasuke, Uchiha Ao would be very happy.

"If my silly brother really loses to you, then treat him as a lesson. This will also increase his ambition to make progress." Baozhi Boqing said.

Jujiro said: "Is that true? Then I can rest assured that I will not lose to Sasuke this time."

Uchiha Ao frowned. Jujiro's strength was indeed great, and he was on par with Sasuke. It was just that the teammates around Sasuke were more powerful than Jujiro's teammates.

Following Uchiha Qing's words, Jujiro turned around at this time, showing a look of victory.

"Jujiro seems to be very sure this time, Sasuke is going to be in trouble." Cheng Mengmeng laughed.

Uchiha Ao sat on a chair, holding up his hands with a very quiet expression.

"Jujiro?" Jujiro and Lin Jiachen, both trained by Uchiha Ao in the Hidden Village of China, are Uchiha Ao's right-hand men. Uchiha Ao is quite satisfied with Jujiro's performance.

"I bet Jujiro must have some secret weapon." Cheng Mengmeng said extremely seriously.

Uchiha Ao smiled, he was also looking forward to Jujiro's performance in this exercise.

"Let's go out and walk around the village." Uchiha Qing showed a very serious expression.

At this time, Cheng Mengmeng nodded.

Huaxia Hidden World Village became extremely proud because of this exercise.

"Our village has started conducting exercises. This is a big event." People in the village said.

The exercise not only shows the power of Huaxia Hidden Village, but also makes the people in the village feel safe. This is Uchiha Qing's real idea.

When the villagers saw Uchiha Ao, they looked in admiration.

"It's Uchiha Ao god-tier and Cheng Mengmeng." People in the village began to come to the two men.

Cheng Mengmeng started waving to the people around her, looking extremely calm, while Uchiha Ao looked even more helpless.

"You can't see the real situation outside if you stay in the house, but you will encounter so much trouble when you come out." Uchiha Ao is a person who doesn't like trouble, not because of this

He would not often leave village affairs to Lin Jiachen.

Cheng Mengmeng glanced at Uchiha Qing beside him and said: "If you hadn't often ignored the village's affairs, would I be so busy with Lin Jiachen? You really have no conscience.

0…Please give me flowers…

Uchiha's green eyeliner turned dark [Cheng Mengmeng started to complain about him.

"Hey, I've been busy with things outside all day. Besides, I'm in charge of the big things in the village." Uchiha Qing said deliberately angrily.

Cheng Mengmeng was stunned and stopped, looking aggrieved.

"I was just joking with you, why did you take it seriously?" Cheng Mengmeng asked.

How could Uchiha Qing not know that Cheng Mengmeng was joking, so he walked up and touched Cheng Mengmeng's face and said, "I was joking too, I didn't expect to really fool you."

Cheng Mengmeng originally felt aggrieved, but after hearing Uchiha Qing's words, she showed a look of resentment.

"Uchiha Qing." Cheng Mengmeng roared.

In the Huaxia Hidden Village, only Cheng Mengmeng dared to yell at Uchiha Qing himself like this.

Uchiha Qing sighed, when Cheng Mengmeng lost his temper, it would be quite scary.

"Hey, pay attention to your image, this is a village." Uchiha said.

Cheng Mengmeng ignored Uchiha Qing's words and kept chasing after him. At this moment, Uchiha Qing felt that this moment was very dangerous.

"Uchiha Qing." Cheng Mengmeng kept shouting.

The people in the village looked at Cheng Mengmeng and Uchiha Qing chasing each other with extremely helpless expressions.

"What are Cheng Mengmeng and Uchiha Qing doing? We are preparing nervously, but they are falling in love. Doesn't it mean that showing affection will kill you quickly?" Lin Jiachen looked at Uchiha Qing and Cheng Mengmeng. .

Cheng Mengmeng felt a little tired and started to stop behind Uchiha Qing while chasing him.

Uchiha Qing turned around and looked at Cheng Mengmeng.

"That's it for today." Uchiha Ao smiled.

Cheng Mengmeng still couldn't forgive Uchiha Qing. She stood up and was about to hit Uchiha Qing, but she didn't pay attention to her steps and fell down in front of Uchiha Qing.

"Uchiha Qing." Cheng Mengmeng shouted.

Uchiha Qing was stunned. Originally, Uchiha Qing wanted to dodge, but when he saw Cheng Mengmeng flying towards him, he quickly responded nervously.

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