Uchiha Qing suddenly hugged Cheng Mengmeng who was out of balance. Cheng Mengmeng raised his head and bit his lip.

"Why are you like this?" Cheng Mengmeng was about to hit Uchiha Qing with both hands.

Uchiha Qing held Cheng Mengmeng's wrist in front of him with both hands and said: "People in the village are sitting nervously and nervously. If we come to inspect with a straight face, it will definitely make them feel even more stressed."

Cheng Mengmeng rolled her eyes and said rudely: "I know you have the most clever ideas in a day."

Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly, looked at Cheng Mengmeng in front of him, took Cheng Mengmeng's hand, and walked forward.

In the hidden village of China, Cheng Mengmeng lowered his head. In public, Uchiha Fei god-tier rarely said this.

At this time, Lin Jiachen was stunned.

"It's almost there." Cheng Mengmeng was very panicked. He was worried that Uchiha Qing would throw away his hand in front of people.

But Uchiha Qing didn't do that. He slowly took Cheng Mengmeng's little hand and started walking forward.

"Uchiha green god-tier." Lin Jiachen took a deep breath and glanced at Cheng Mengmeng, who had a somewhat rosy face next to him.

Uchiha Qing smiled and said, "How are the preparations going?"

The Huaxia Hidden World Village was divided into two groups. Sasuke and Samui started training to defend the village, while Kimimaro and Jujiro were training to attack the Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"The grouping has been completed and they are discussing." Lin Jiachen laughed.

Obviously at this time, both Kimimaro and Jujiro, as well as Sasuke and Samui were extremely nervous, and they launched the most intense discussion stage.

"Discussion stage?" Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes.

Lin Jiachen said: "The two groups of people began to become at war with each other."

"A tense situation?" Uchiha Qing touched his nose and said, "This is a good thing. This exercise is the largest exercise in our Huaxia Hidden World Village. It is the best thing that they can take it seriously.

Lin Jiachen smiled bitterly, but don't you still know what those people in the world say?

Uchiha Qing sighed, he didn't need to care about what others said, but at the moment, there was no way to escape this exercise in Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"We don't need to pay too much attention to what others say. As long as we do the drill well, we don't let outsiders make fun of us." Uchiha Qing said.

Lin Jiachen nodded and said: "Uchiha Ao god-tier is right. After our village sent out the news of the exercise, the entire Ninja Alliance began to pay attention. Whether it is Gokage Gan or Anbu from other villages, they gathered here."

Uchiha Qing nodded, this is also expected. At this time, the strength of Huaxia Hidden World Village must have become stronger.

"Huaxia Village is so powerful that no one else can stop it." Uchiha Qing raised his head and looked at the elite ninjas in the village below, and said: "From now on, they will be the biggest weapons to protect the village.

In the Ninja Alliance, whether it is Wuying Village or other villages, ninja troops are the village's largest conventional weapon.

In addition, Jinchūriki and Shadow Ninja can only show their power when fighting alone. During the ninja war, although Hanzo, the leader of Rain Shinobi Village, defeated the legendary Sannin of Hokage, he ultimately lost the overall battle.

So no matter what, the regular ninja troops are the most powerful weapons in the village.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier." Lin Jiachen stepped forward and said: "Although we ignore the actions of other villages, what should we do if ninjas from other villages come into our exercise during the exercise in our village?"

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and said: "No matter which ninja is from any village, once he breaks into our training area, he will be killed immediately.

This is the largest exercise in Huaxia Hidden World Village, and it is also the time when the village begins to display its largest weapons after the war.

Now Uchiha Ao does not allow anyone to disturb the village's exercises.

"I understand." Lin Jiachen said.

Uchiha Qing raised his head and said: "Tell the other village ninjas around you before the exercise.

Lin Jiachen said: "Yes!"

Following Uchiha Qing's instructions, Lin Jiachen began to go down.

"These are the ninjas of our Huaxia Hidden World Village. The guards of our village will depend on these people in the future." Uchiha Qing said with a smile.

Cheng Mengmeng stepped forward and said: "I never thought that after years of hard work, one day we would be able to carry out ninja exercises openly."

Uchiha Qing snorted coldly. One person's strength is nothing. The real ability is to raise the strength of the entire village to a level that cannot be underestimated.

Today, Uchiha Ao stood on the city wall, watching the discussion between the two groups below, and felt the true power of the village.

Even at this time, anyone who comes to Wuying Village at any time may not be the opponent of Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"Both armies under the cloud and fog were beaten to a pulp by us. It seems that no one in the Ninja Alliance has any idea about our village?" Cheng Mengmeng said proudly.

Uchiha Ao smiled and said: "You are right, no one in the Ninja League is our opponent now. That's right."

Cheng Mengmeng took a deep breath and said, "But the Wuying Village uniting together is a terrible signal."

Uchiha Aoya is worried, after all, the true extent of the five shadows joining forces can be imagined.

"Five Kage Alliance, this is difficult to do." Uchiha Qing said.

After all, in Konoha Village, there is still a favorable impression of Uchiha Ao, and after Uchiha Ao's continued strength, there is still no excessive hostility in Konoha.

Hokage and Kazekage are together. At least two major villages among the Five Shadows will not really go into battle, so Uchiha977 Ao is not worried about the Five Shadows uniting together.

"It is difficult for the Five Shadows to unite, unless we do something that makes the Five Shadows very angry." Uchiha Ao laughed.

In Uchiha Ao's view, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to capture the tailed beasts in Gokage Village, they have no reason.

"Uchiha Ao god-tier." While the ninjas were discussing with each other below, someone saw Uchiha Ao and Cheng Mengmeng in the distance.

Sasuke looked up, stunned.

"Brother is here too." Sasuke said in surprise.

Uchiha Ao laughed and saw the ninja below waving his hands. At this time, Uchiha Ao kept saying hello to the ninja below.

"Uchiha green god-tier." Jujiro took a step forward.

Uchiha Ao nodded. This exercise was very large in scale. Ninjas from the entire village were mobilized, but the scene was extremely grand.

"I will definitely defeat you in two days." Jujiro said excitedly.

Sasuke said disdainfully: "Not for myself, but also because I can't lose to you, brother."

Sasuke is on the defensive side. If Jujiro and the others break into the village, the exercise will definitely fail.

The code name of the exercise is to defend the Chinese Hidden Village. The success or failure of the exercise is not only watched by Uchiha Ao, but also the entire Chinese Hidden Village, and even the entire Ninja League. .

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