The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 376: Capture The Thief First And Capture The King First

The exercise will begin in two days, and everyone is looking forward to it.

The attackers are Jujiro and Kimimaro, and the guards are Sasuke and Samui.

"Sasuke?" Jujiro laughed and said, "I will make you lose miserably this time."

Sasuke was stunned and looked at Jujiro in front of him.

"You are very confident this time, but the reality is cruel." Sasuke said rudely: "You have never been able to win against our Eagles."

The members of the Eagle Team looked at Jujiro, who snorted coldly and said, "This time is different."

Jujiro will not feel any fear even if he faces the Eagle Team this time.

"Are you prepared this time?" Sasuke frowned.

It turned out that Jujiro was really prepared this time. Three new members came on stage and stood beside Jujiro.

"That's inevitable. Sasuke, you will be convinced that you will lose." Jujiro said with a smile.

Sasuke snorted and said, "What a stinky guy."

Samui showed a worried look. Originally, Uchiha Qing divided the troops into two groups and became tense. Now Jujiro and Sasuke are competing in private, which naturally makes the scene even more tense.

"What's wrong?" Jujiro said rudely.

Samyi called to Sasuke and said: "Sasuke, this time we are not here to quarrel, but to discuss serious matters.

Sasuke came to his senses and started to return to Samui.

"Uchiha Qing, the two groups of people seem to be at war with each other. I really don't know what will happen after the exercise starts?" | Cheng Mengmeng said worriedly.

Uchiha Qing took a deep breath and looked at the situation below.

"We can't make a conclusion yet. We'll wait until the exercise starts." Uchiha Qing said.

Sasuke has Samui here, she is a shrewd and smart person, even Uchiha Ao suffered a loss last time.

Now, in Uchiha Qing's opinion, as long as nothing happens to Sasuke and Samui, they will definitely win.

In fact, Uchiha Qing still hopes that the Samui side can win. They must be the defending side, which will make the people in the village feel more stable.

"Let's go back." Uchiha Qing felt very satisfied after watching the scene.

Two days later, in front of the Huaxia Hidden World Village, the two teams began to stand ready, and Jujiro's side, as the attacker, took the lead in launching the attack.

The exercise began, and many people began to observe. Uchiha Qing even stood on the observation deck, watching the situation below.

Jujiro launched a tentative attack and sent a small number of ninjas to test. Naturally, these became cannon fodder and were knocked out before they stayed in the defensive area for long.

"Out?" Kimimaro was shocked.

Jujiro frowned, and after a moment's effort, their previous troops had lost contact, proving that they had left the exercise area.

"Samyi's defense is still impeccable." Jujiro said, touching his chin.

Kimimaro narrowed his eyes and said, "There is no other way but to move on to the next plan."

The three attacking teams began to advance, constantly testing Samyi's defensive area.

On the defensive side, Samui smiled. This exercise was divided into the defensive side and the offensive side, but Jujiro and Kimimaro seemed to have forgotten one thing, that is, the Samui troops on the defensive side would also attack Kimimaro. force.

With a "boom", as Kimimaro and Jujiro were still waiting for news of the three raiding forces in the camp, they heard an attack horn coming from behind.

"It's Sasuke's Eagle Team leading people from behind our people." The ninja quickly ran to Jujiro's side and said.

Jujiro was shocked and looked at Kimimaro.

"This must be Samyi's idea. We underestimated this woman." Kimimaro broke out in a cold sweat.

Jujiro picked up the sword with one hand and said, "Follow me."

Sasuke's attack was sudden. Neither Jujiro nor Kimimaro responded in time, and the attacker's ninjas suffered heavy losses.

It was not until Jujiro and his team arrived that the situation was stabilized.

"Jujiro." Sasuke's eyes lit up and he ran towards Jujiro.

Jujiro's team and Sasuke's Eagle Team began to fight, and the two teams had a small-scale battle.

"Wonderful, Samui really caught Kimimaro and Jujiro off guard." Uchiha Ao showed a satisfied smile while watching the battle.

Cheng Mengmeng stepped forward and said, "Jujiro and the others also responded in a timely manner."

Uchiha Ao touched his chin and looked at Jujiro and Sasuke in front of him.

"It's a pity that Jujiro has strengthened his team this time. Otherwise, Sasuke still hopes to go deep into the enemy to carry out destruction." Cheng Mengmeng said with a smile.

Uchiha Qing leaned on the chair, nodded and said: "Jujiro did not lie. It seems that after Jujiro stabilizes the situation, Sasuke and others will retreat."

In the exercise area, Sasuke and Jujiro were inseparable, and the attacking ninjas rushed to support Jujiro's team.

# Sasuke, their people are coming, let's leave quickly. "Shuiyue shouted.

Sasuke raised his head with a look of disdain.

"Tch, the support is so fast, let's withdraw." Sasuke's team began to evacuate. If they stayed here any longer, they would be surrounded by Jujiro's ninjas. At that time, Sasuke's team might be judged dead at any time and they would be expelled from the exercise area.

Sasuke and others left, Jujiro stopped the people around him.

"Don't chase after poor bandits." Jujiro said extremely seriously: "If Sasuke and others had been dissatisfied with the trap along the way, we would have suffered heavy losses.

The people on Jujiro's side began to stop. With the attack by Sasuke's team, Jujiro's side suffered heavy losses, and the three raiding teams were all annihilated because they did not receive timely support.

"Awesome, you really deserve to be Samui." Jujiro's eyelids twitched.

Kimimaro narrowed his eyes. After a day of fighting, it was obvious that Jujiro's side had suffered heavy losses. (Hello, Wang Wang)

"Stop attacking." Jujiro walked into the camp.

Kimimaro nodded and said: "I have asked people to pay attention to the changes in the surroundings, and report quickly if any defending ninjas come.

Jujiro stepped forward and said: "Sasuke and his team are not scary. This is an exercise after all, and it is impossible to actually fight each other. The really powerful person is Samui."

Kimimaro nodded and said: "That's right, I have an idea."

"Capture the thief first and capture the king first. We will assassinate Samui tonight." Jujiro turned to look at Kimimaro and said.

Kimimaro laughed and said, "You and I seem to have the same idea."

In this exercise, Kimimaro and Jujiro missed the opportunity. At this time, they must eradicate Samui first.

"Samui." Kimimaro narrowed his eyes.

Jujiro was stunned and said: "Do you want to assassinate Samyi personally?".

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