Kimimaro nodded and said: "It is difficult for others to eliminate Samyi, but for me, it may be possible.

Jujiro was shocked and said: "No, even if you succeed, you will be eliminated. 17

In this exercise, once surrounded by everyone, even if there is a chance to break out, they will be restricted because they cannot use extremely lethal ninjutsu, and will eventually be eliminated.

"As long as Samyi can be eliminated, it's worth it," Kimimaro said.

Jujiro was stunned and stepped forward and said: "Let me go, at least my hope is greater than yours."

Kimimaro said: "Your assassination skills are not as strong as mine. How can you say you are better than me? Also, have you forgotten the competition between you and Sasuke?"

Jujiro hesitated and stared at Kimimaro in front of him.

"Kimimaro," Jujiro said.

Kimimaro said: “The next action depends entirely on you.

Kimimaro went there this time just to die with Samui, without any thought of escaping.

Uchiha Ao quietly watched the movement of Jujiro's side from the observation platform and said: "It seems that there is no movement on Kaijiro's side.

Lin Jiachen said: "Could it be that 433 became discouraged after suffering a blow?"

Uchiha Qing touched his nose and smiled: "Jujiro and Kimimaro are not such people. I think they have other reasons."

Uchiha Qing guessed that being so quiet at this time must have some big plan.

This plan must be related to this exercise, and even Uchiha Qing was curious about how Kimimaro and Jujiro would fight back.

As night fell, Kimimaro began to lead a few ninjas towards Samui's camp.

Under this raid, Kimimaro was full of confidence, and Sasuke's side would surely achieve many victories from the very beginning of the exercise.

At the end of the day, Kimimaro and others' tactics seemed to be seen through by Samyi, and they suffered heavy losses.

"You're finally here." When Kimimaro and his men broke into the Samui camp, they saw that the camp's defense was weak, but after entering, ninjas appeared all around.

Samyi, Sasuke and others stood in front of Kimimaro, and Samyi stepped forward and said: "I have guessed your tactics."

Kimimaro took a few steps back, looking surprised.

"Have you actually been seen through?" Jun (afdg) Maru said.

Samyi said: "I don't know what move you want to make."

Suddenly, a kunai appeared behind Samyi, hitting Samyi, the kunai fell to the ground, and there was a silver light powder behind Samyi.

"Samyi was eliminated first." Cheng Mengmeng stepped forward.

Uchiha Ao was surprised that Kimimaro turned out to be just a bait, just to cover Jujiro's assassination of Samui himself.

"Is there such a thing?" Uchiha Qing laughed.

Samyi turned around and looked at the kunai on the ground.

"Samui, you were successfully eliminated." Kimimaro sneered and tore off the blue mark on his arm.

Obviously, Kimimaro knew that he could no longer leave, so he simply surrendered. Of course, if on a regular battlefield, Kimimaro might be able to take away some of the enemy's people if he used ninjutsu.

It's just that this is an exercise, a matinee exercise with no casualties.

"I didn't expect that he would be the real assassin." Samyi turned around, and at this time a ninja from Kimimaro's side began to escape.

Sasuke was angry, quickly opened his hand, and chased after him. After a competition in the woods, the ninja who assassinated Samyi was eliminated, but Samyi could no longer stay at the exercise site.

"Intense." Yu never thought that this exercise would be so intense.

If it comes to a real battlefield, the ninja force in Huaxia Hidden World Village can show even greater strength.

"Kimimaro, Samyi is out." Judge Lin Jiachen sent out ninjas to announce.

At the end of the day, Samui from Sasuke's side was eliminated, and Kimimaro from Jujiro's side was also eliminated.

"Wonderful, is this really the powerful strength of Huaxia Hidden World Village?" Some people from other villages who were watching the battle began to be surprised.

The battle during the day and the assassination at night highlighted the wisdom of both sides' command capabilities. On the first day of this exercise competition, the two sides were almost indifferent.

"What will happen next?" The ninjas around began to discuss.

Huaxia Hidden World Village has designated a specific area for watching the exercise. In the exercise area, no one else is allowed to break in, otherwise they will be listed as targets to be killed on the spot.

"Samui." Sasuke frowned.

Samyi took a deep breath and looked at Kimimaro beside him.

"It seems that we underestimated Kimimaro and Jujiro, and it will all depend on you from now on." Samui patted Sasuke on the shoulder.

This exercise is not over. Although Samui is eliminated, Sasuke is still there, as are most of the ninja troops.

"I know that I will not lose to this guy Ichiro." Uchiha Sasuke said.

In one night, Sasuke's side lost Samui. This elite commander was the wisest. She could change the entire battlefield situation.

However, he was listed as the most assassinated target by Jujiro and others. It was precisely for this reason that Samyi was eventually assassinated first.

At this time, with Samui's end, Sasuke's side became passive this time.

"Samui was killed." Jujiro sneered and said, "The only one left is Sasuke. Sasuke's commanding ability is not as good as Samui himself."

In terms of ability to command an army, Tajiro knew that he was definitely superior to Uchiha Sasuke's own team.

Uchiha Sasuke stood in the camp, looking at the people in front of him.

"Jujiro is really despicable, but now I didn't expect Samyi to be assassinated." Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes.

"Then what should we do next?" Shuiyue asked.

Samui judged the tactics during the day, which also caused Jujiro, Kimimaro and others to suffer a lot.

Now at this time, Samyi is not here, and the overall morale seems to be low.

Uchiha Sasuke narrowed his eyes and said, "Proof confrontation with Jujiro."

The defender is no longer just a defender, Uchiha Ao has to take a preemptive strike.

"What?" Shuiyue stepped forward and said, "Are we going to be the first to launch the attack?"

Uchiha Ao Sasuke nodded and said: "That's right."

Uchiha Qingfang began to prepare, and after dawn tomorrow, he took the initiative to launch an attack.

Jujiro thought the same thing at night. After a night of preparations, the next morning, Jujiro led the ninja troops and started to move forward.

"Are we going to decide the winner today?" Uchiha Ao stood up.

It seems that Jujiro is the same as Sasuke. They don't have the resourceful tricks like Kimimaro and Samui, and they only compete with brute force.

"There is such a thing." Cheng Mengmeng laughed and said: "It was a wonderful offensive and defensive battle the first day, but now it's a fierce battle."

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