The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 387 One Move Determines The Outcome

"In order to prevent you from returning to the village as soon as possible, I will hold you here. This is your own choice." Orochimaru's eyes were firmly locked on Uchiha Ao himself.

Jujiro, Sasuke and others left the mountain and rushed to the Huaxia Hidden Village. When passing through a narrow road, Sasuke suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Jujiro was stunned.

Sasuke looked around and said, "I feel like someone is ambushing me here.

Jujiro did not notice it and said: "If there was someone, we would have been attacked long ago. Don't think too much, leave here quickly and return to the village to provide support.

Sasuke nodded slightly and quickly returned to the Tian team.

After Jujiro, Sasuke and others left, A Fei's figure appeared, with several Akatsuki members around him.

"What's going on? The person who came here is not Uchiha Ao himself?" A Fei frowned.

Jue slowly appeared and came to A Fei's side.

"The fight started, and the fight in Huaxia Hidden World Village was really fierce. The eight Jinchūriki Killer Bee and the two-tailed Jinchūriki Fu put great pressure on Huaxia Hidden World Village." Jue laughed and said: "It just looks like Huaxia Hidden World Village The defense is very strong, and those people may not be able to break in easily."

"What do you want to explain? Jue?" A Fei asked.

Jue said: "I'm thinking that if our Akatsuki members launched an attack, Huaxia Hidden World Village would have fallen long ago."

"What's the use of a village? Our target is Uchiha Ao." A Fei said: "Orochimaru alone is definitely no match for Uchiha Ao. We are just waiting here to work."

Uchiha Ao will definitely pass by here. "

This is the only way back to the Hidden World Village of China, where A Fei wants to stop Uchiha Ao himself.

"Does Orochimaru know?" Zetsu laughed.

A Fei said: "If we, Akatsuki, really want to start a war against the ninja villages, a Chinese hidden village is simply not enough. Even the entire village of the Ninja Alliance combined is not our opponent. Orochimaru? He should be able to think of it." "

Orochimaru and A Fei once discussed that if Orochimaru could not keep Uchiha Ao, let A Fei send one or two Akatsuki members to stay here to stop Uchiha Ao himself. In this way, Orochimaru would also attack from both front and back, and Uchiha Ao would definitely be defeated.

But the situation was not what Orochimaru expected. Uchiha Qing did not choose to leave immediately, but stayed to block (afcd) Orochimaru.

"Jue, go check on Orochimaru and the others." A Fei said.

Zetsu laughed and said: "I'm going to take a look now, but Orochimaru probably didn't expect that all our Akatsuki members are here, waiting to kill Uchiha Ao himself."

Akatsuki did not send people to attack the Huaxia Hidden World Village as Orochimaru said. In Akatsuki's eyes, if they really wanted to destroy a village, all the members would have such strength.

It's not yet time for the ninja war, and A Fei doesn't want to make such a move.

Zetsu left, and Ah Fei suddenly sat on the ground on the cliff, waiting for Uchiha Ao himself to come.

On the mountain, Orochimaru and Uchiha Ao were still confronting each other. Orochimaru kept avoiding him, which gave Uchiha Ao a headache.

"This abominable Lion Majesty neither challenges me head-on nor gives me any chance to leave." Uchiha Qing snorted coldly. He would hardly show any mercy to Orochimaru in front of him.

"Orochimaru, let's compete." Uchiha roared angrily.

When Orochimaru was dodging, Uchiha Ao swung his long sword, and the mountain was destroyed and completely cut off. Orochimaru sneered.

"Do you want to defeat me like this?" Orochimaru dodged, and the rocks on the mountain kept falling, and the Snake King easily dodged it.

Dou was standing in the distance, his eyes were surprised, and his whole body was dull.

"Orochimaru-sama, be careful what you're doing," Kabuto yelled.

Orochimaru didn't notice it at all. Just above Orochimaru's head, a huge creature appeared. It was none other than Uchiha Ao himself.

"Kirin!" Uchiha Ao roared.

Orochimaru was shocked and said: "How is it possible? He actually used Clone Technique."

Together with Suno Sahu, he used Clone Technique. How much Chakra did this require? Orochimaru had no idea that Uchiha Aomi would use this move.

With a "boom", Uchiha Qing's Kirin flew down from the top of Orochimaru's head, and the Kirin hit the King of Ten Thousand Snakes hard.

The King of Snakes screamed in pain on the ground. Orochimaru turned around and saw Uchiha Ao himself covering the sun. He quickly dodged away, but was still hit by the Kirin's aftermath.

"Uchiha Ao, you attacked me with such a big Chakra, how much Chakra do you have left? Even if you return to the hidden village of China, what can you do?" Orochimaru's shoulder was bleeding.

Although Orochimaru avoided the fatal damage, the power of the Kirin still injured Orochimaru.

"You don't need to worry about this, do you want to continue now?" Uchiha Ao fell to the ground, and his Shadow Clone quickly disappeared.

Even Uchiha Ao himself feels a lot of pressure when he uses Shadow Clone.

"Continue?" Orochimaru laughed.

Kabuto took the opportunity to come to Orochimaru to check the injury and said: "Master Orochimaru, your injury is too serious, you'd better leave here as soon as possible."

The power of the Kirin is not small, even if Orochimaru is hit, he will inevitably suffer a big impact.

"Orochimaru, you are such a hateful guy, you have caused me to be injured again, and I am not done with you." The snake king was seriously injured and disappeared from the spot after saying this.

Uchiha Ao watched as Orochimaru used Earth Style and started to leave.

"Uchiha Qing, let's meet again in the Hidden World Village of China. I think when you go back, Ganzi will be in a state of disarray." Orochimaru showed an evil smile before leaving.

Uchiha Ao took a breath and watched Orochimaru leave without stopping him. He raised his head and looked into the distance.

Huaxia Hidden World Village?" Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and said: "It seems that there is not much time, but with Jujiro and Sasuke returning in time, it should be able to start to work. I hope Lin Jiachen and the others can persevere. "

Uchiha Qing thought of this, and quickly left a figure, heading towards the hidden village of China.

In the Huaxia Hidden Village, a fierce battle was taking place. Under the command of Lin Jiachen and Sam Yi, the ninjas in the village continued to fight with Killer Bee and others outside the village.

"Killer Bee, as a ninja from Cloud Shinobi Village, you actually teamed up with Orochimaru, Akatsuki and others to attack our village. It's really abominable." A figure of Ichiro came forward.

Because the ninjas in the village were under the command of Sami and temporarily blocked the ninja army of Killer Bee and others.

"Jujiro? Sasuke?" Killer Bee frowned, and the Beast-turned-Eight Tails Killer Bee looked worried. .

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