The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 388 The Crisis In The Hidden Village Of China

Sasuke stepped forward, and after killing the ninjas around him, he looked at Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee, Takigakure and others.

"Cloud Shinobi Village, Takigakure Village, you have united with members of the Akatsuki organization. We will not let you go easily this time." Sasuke said fiercely.

Suddenly, following Sasuke's words, Killer Bee was stunned.

"Sasuke, Jujiro? Aren't you going to be stopped by Orochimaru and Akatsuki members? Why did you come back here?" Killer Bee was shocked and obviously shocked.

At this time, Sasuke and Jujiro said proudly: "Stop? With Uchiha Ao god-tier here, how could we be stopped by them?"

Obviously, at this time, even Jujiro and Sasuke would not notice it. It turned out that Akatsuki and Orochimaru were blocking them on the road, but Uchiha Qing did not show up. Akatsuki organized the round group and did not show up.

"Sasuke, you didn't notice one thing. There are no members of the Akatsuki organization among these people." Jujiro was shocked when he came outside the village.

He originally thought that the village had been attacked by outsiders, but at this time, even Jujiro could see some clues.

"I know." Sasuke understood immediately and said, "Brother must have known that Orochimaru and Akatsuki would stop him on the way, so he stayed alone. Otherwise, how could we come here so easily?"

In Sasuke's opinion, the reason why they could easily reach the Huaxia Hidden Village was obviously because of the arrival of Uchiha Qing.

Uchiha Ao smiled bitterly, he didn't know it, just because he felt that there must be something fishy about someone like Orochimaru taking the risk of entangled Uchiha Ao himself.

"There is no Akatsuki, so it means that Akatsuki ambushed my brother on the way." Sasuke panicked and was about to go back and tell Uchiha Ao himself.

Jujiro grabbed Sasuke's arm and said, "Maybe it's the one in the canyon you mentioned, but it's a pity that it's too late."

In Jujiro's view, it is too late for Sasuke to go back now. Jujiro and others who have returned to the Hidden World Village in China must resolve the crisis in the village as soon as possible.

"What are you doing here? Why don't you quickly resist the invasion of Killer Bee and others." Kimimaro roared.

Killer Bee roared and said: "It's too late, Akatsuki didn't stop Sasuke and others at all, we must attack the Huaxia Hidden World Village as soon as possible.

Not to mention the people coming from forces such as Cloud Shinobi Village and Takigakure Village, plus the mix of many NPC players, it seemed a bit difficult for everyone to invade the Huaxia Hidden World Village as soon as possible at almost this time.

The second-tailed Jinchūriki Fu showed an angry look, and she kept moving through the crowd with a brisk figure.

"Get rid of these people." Fu roared and said, "Let these people know how powerful we are.

Fu's figure quickly passed through the eyes of the people in the Huaxia Hidden World Village and entered the Huaxia Hidden World Village.

Suddenly, as the people from Huaxia Hidden World Village came to stop him, Fu used the power of the tailed beast and knocked away the ninja in front of her.

"Open a breach and rush in." The Killer Bee coalition began to enter the village.

Sasuke and Jujiro looked shocked and began to stare at the enemy in front of them.

"It's not good, these people are going to enter the village." Jujiro said.

Sasuke gave up the idea of ​​reporting back to Uchiha Qing and quickly turned around and headed towards the hidden village of China.

A breakthrough was opened in the Huaxia Hidden World Village. After Fu, Killer Bee and others broke through, they began to engage in an extremely cruel battle.

"Kill!" Killer Bee roared.

Killer Bee's ninja army seemed to be the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, and they began to invade the hidden village of China.

At this time, Lin Jiachen's figure appeared in front of Fu and began to wave a kunai.

"As long as I, Lin Jiachen, are here, I will not let you enter the village." Lin Jiachen stood in front of Fu alone.

Fu sneered, and with her brisk figure, she quickly dodged away, bypassing the Lin retainer in front of her, wanting to enter the village and destroy it immediately.

Back then, Uchiha Ao tightly led Jujiro, Sasuke and others to destroy Takigakure Village beyond recognition. Now at this time, as Fu began to enter the Chinese Hidden Village, he began to fight back.

"I will destroy the Huaxia Hidden World Village!" Fu said with vengeful eyes.

Suddenly, following Fu's words, a stream of cold sweat broke out on Lin Jiachen's forehead, and he kept moving in front of Fu.

"Asshole, I won't let you leave." Lin Jiachen kept waving kunai.

After Fu escaped the attack from Lin's retainers, she took a few steps back and the ninjas who entered Huazhong's Hidden World came one after another.

"Are you here?" Lin Jiachen took a deep breath.

0…Please give me flowers…

Facing the people who invaded the Huaxia Hidden Village, Lin Jiachen seemed a little weak.

"Come in!" Fu took two steps back.

Just when the invaders of Huaxia Hidden Village were about to enter the village, Ichiro and Sasuke quickly arrived at the entrance of the village.

With a "boom", thunder and lightning sounded, Jujiro's sword stopped, Mei was stunned, and the advancing ninja began to fall to the ground.

"What?" Fu was stunned.

Suddenly, following Fu's words, Jujiro and Sasuke snorted coldly.

"Lin Jiachen, you are not fighting alone, you have us." Jujiro said bluntly.

Sasuke showed his arrogant head and said: "That's right, my brother gave me the task of protecting the village, and I will not let these people enter the village.


For a time, the morale of Huaxia Hidden World Village was greatly boosted.

"Killer Bee, what are you doing?" Fu turned around and saw that Killer Bee was surrounded by Kimimaro, Cheng Mengmeng and others, unable to free his hands at all.

Killer Bee roared angrily: "Darui, those who want to help Longyin Village must enter the Chinese Hidden Village."

Darui left quickly, and Kimimasu and others were unable to stop Darui's behavior.

"Damn it." Darui said, "I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

For a moment, as Darui came again, the elite ninjas from Cloud Shinobi Village came to support.

"It seems that there is a tough battle to be fought. We cannot allow an intruder to enter the village." Jujiro said.

Following Jujiro's words, Sasuke said disdainfully: "I will definitely not let anyone in here. As for you, it's hard to say."

After Sasuke finished speaking, Tajiro seemed very unconvinced.

"Sasuke, Jujiro, now is not the time to argue. Whether you can stop this wave will determine whether our village is invaded." Samyi stood on the high wall.

This time only Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee and Erwei Fu appeared. If one or two Akatsuki members were to appear, then the door to the Chinese Hidden World Village would have been opened long ago.

If the situation drags on any longer, it will only be harmful to Huaxia Hidden Village. Following Samyi's words, Jujiro and Sasuke showed rude expressions at this time. .

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