A broken soul flowed out of Kakuzu's body and he began to fall to the ground, looking miserable.

The moment Uchiha Qing got rid of Kakuzu, A Fei came forward with a time and space ninjutsu, holding a kunai.

"Uchiha Qing." A Fei roared.

Did Ah Fei even come? Uchiha looked at Ah Fei out of the corner of his eye, and Ah Fei's kunai hit Sunō Sago.

A Fei is the leader of Akatsuki, and he knows that it is impossible to attack Uchiha Ao with ninja tools.

"Uchiha Ao." At the moment when A Fei attacked, a figure suddenly appeared behind Uchiha Ao. The obviously dead Kisame Kisaki stretched out his fist and hit Uchiha hard on the back.

Uchiha Ao was shocked, wasn't Hoshigaki Kisame dead?

A Fei's mouth showed a smile. The moment Kisame Kisaki attacked Uchiha Ao's back, Pain Six Paths began to attack, and he kept taking out the black stick in his hand, directing Sunō Sauri

Uchiha's green nerves trembled, and Sunen Zuohu began to become weak. After a long time, Payne Six Paths immediately knocked out Sunen Zuohu.

"Disappeared." The moment Uchiha Ao's feet landed on the ground, he immediately took dozens of steps back.

Although Payne Six Paths' attack did not harm Uchiha790 Ao himself, it did break Suno Sagi.

"Penn Six Paths." Uchiha Ao frowned.

In fact, Payne Six Paths has been watching Uchiha Ao's every move. When Uchiha Ao was attacked by Kisame Kisaki, Payne Six Paths knew that the time had come.

Uchiha Ao snorted coldly and stared at Hoshigaki Kisame in front of him.

"How long can you hold on without Suneng Zuohu's protection?" A Fei stepped forward and asked.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and turned to look at Kisame Kisaki.

"You're not dead?" Uchiha Qing asked.

Kisame Kisaki laughed and said, "You think you can kill me? Your strength is not enough to kill me."

Uchiha Ao understood that it turned out that Hoshigaki Kisame used the Body Replacement Technique at the moment when Hoshigaki Kisame spit out black ink. Even after death, Hoshigaki Kisame did not reveal his true form, making Uchiha Ao think that he had been killed.

"Awesome." Uchiha Ao laughed. He had never been wary of Kisame Kisame himself, so under his sneak attack, Uchiha Ao's Sunō Sahu was knocked out by Pain Six Paths.

Pain Six Paths stood there, staring at Uchiha himself.

"Uchiha Ao, now that you are surrounded by some of our most powerful Akatsuki people, you will definitely die on the spot." A Fei laughed.

Orochimaru on the mountain was shocked, and while avoiding Hidan's attack, he raised his head and looked at the surrounded Uchiha Ao.

"Oops, Kisame Kisaki turned out not to be dead. It seems that no one can save Uchiha Ao himself this time." Orochimaru said.

Immediately, following Orochimaru's words, Kabuto began to step forward and said: "Master Orochimaru, it seems that the situation is over, let's leave here."

Kabuto has always wanted to leave here. If Uchiha Ao is killed, all Akatsuki members will flock to Orochimaru.

Then Orochimaru will definitely suffer the biggest attack. No matter what, Orochimaru will definitely not have any chance to escape.

"Is it really not possible?" Orochimaru's eyes rolled.

Hidan heard A Fei's words on the mountain and said, "A Fei, what do you mean? Am I not a powerful member of Akatsuki?"

Hidan, Scorpion and others are actually the lowest in Akatsuki, followed by Kakuzu, Konan and others. The only really powerful ones are Nagato, Inogaki Kisame and Uchiha Itachi. Now Fei has Nagato, Inogaki Kisame and Kakuzu beside him. help.

No matter how powerful Uchiha Ao is, he has lost too much Chakra before and is unable to deal with the four pervert guys in front of him.

"Uchiha Ao, it seems that your experience is not good!" At this moment, Tsunade quickly ran out, passed by Orochimaru, and hit Hidan directly.

Hidan was instantly knocked away and hit the mountain.

With a "boom", Hidan's whole body felt like it was falling apart. In the dust, Hidan moved his muscles.

"Who (affa) dares to sneak attack on me?" Hidan asked.

Orochimaru shuddered all over and turned to look at his former companion Tsunade.

"It turned out to be Tsunade." Hidan walked out with a look of disdain.

Tsunade clenched his fist and said: "Members of Akatsuki? Do you dare to act unscrupulously here?"

Obviously, everyone in the entire Ninja Alliance regards Akatsuki as their enemy.

A figure of Jiraiya flew out and stood on Tsunade.

"And I, the legendary handsome man Jiraiya-sama." Jiraiya kept shouting.

For a time, the atmosphere at the scene became different.

Kakuzu was stunned, Jiraiya suddenly appeared on the mountain, and Tsunade came.

"The situation has changed, Kakuzu, go deal with the three Orochimaru people." A Fei said.

Kakuzu didn't hesitate and started flying towards Jiraiya and the other three.

Tsunade showed a look of disdain and said: "Orochimaru, we are not here to help you this time, we are here to help Uchiha Ao himself.

Orochimaru said unceremoniously: "I don't care about such things at all. I only care that Uchiha Aobu dies in Akatsuki's hands."

Following Orochimaru's words, Tsunade laughed.

"It seems that our goals are the same and we can become partners for the time being." Tsunade said.

Kakuzu flew over, and the three Tsunade colleagues began to form seals.

"Summoning Technique!" Tsunade and the three of them shouted together

With a bang, the three tailed beasts appeared again. This was the legendary Sannin.

Sannin was riding Summoningmon, and without any hesitation, Jiraiya started to step forward.

"Leave this guy to me." Jiraiya said: "Fire Style!"

Bunta also spit out oil, and together they attacked Kakuzu in mid-air.

Kakuzu stepped back dozens of steps to avoid, and Tsunade jumped up and stepped hard towards Hidan.

Hidan was stunned and stood up to avoid Tsunade's attack.

Tsunade raised his head and roared: "How naive."

Tsunade punched Hidan hard, and Hidan's face became frightened, and he kept flying behind him.

The body collided with Kakuzu's body, and the two flew out of the canyon.

"What?" A Fei was shocked and looked at Hidan and Kakuzu in front of him.

Kisame Kisaki frowned and said, "Is Sannin dead in Konoha?"

For a moment, following Kisame Inikisaki's words, A Fei froze on the spot.

"Uchiha Itachi was hit hard, Hidan and Kakuzu were also repelled, and we may not be Uchiha Ao's opponent now." Nagato said.

Following Nagato's words, A Fei laughed and said: "No matter what, we have wasted so much energy and must kill Uchiha Ao at this time, otherwise we will not have such a good opportunity in the future."

"Nagato, go and stop Konoha Sannin, leave Uchiha Qing to me and Hoshigaki Kisame." A Fei said.

Immediately, following Nagato's words, Pain Six Paths immediately attacked Konoha Sannin. .

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