The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 403 Konoha Sannin’S Support

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and turned to look at Konoha Sannin behind him.

"Tsunade and Jiraiya?" Uchiha Ao was a little shocked.

Tsunade stepped forward and watched as Pain Six Paths came forward.

"Uchiha Ao, the three of us have helped you share a lot of the burden, you have to survive~" Tsunade said.

Jiraiya was furious where he was.

"Damn Uchiha Ao, I'm going to kill you!" Jiraiya said.

Tsunade slapped Jiraiya rudely and said: "What nonsense are you talking to me about.

Obviously, Uchiha Ao is not a very important person to Tsunade.

"What?" A Fei narrowed his eyes.

It turns out that Tsunade likes Uchiha Ao. It seems that it would be difficult for the Akatsuki organization to kill Uchiha Ao now.

"Pen left, it doesn't look so chaotic." Kisame Mikigaki said with a smile.

Each member of the Akatsuki organization is an S-level ninja, and they almost do not have their own attack routines.

More people will restrict their abilities. It is precisely because of this that after Payne Six Paths left, Hoshigaki Kisame became a little excited.

At this time, Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly.

"It seems you brought Jiraiya here." Uchiha Qing looked at Tsunade.

The Hokage is in retreat, so in Konoha, no one can restrain Tsunade's actions.

"That's right, this guy is from Immune to Death anyway." Tsunade said.

Jiraiya touched his face and looked pitiful.

"Damn it, I got beaten up." Jiraiya said.

Uchiha Qing smiled and said: "Thank you very much. If you hadn't appeared in time, maybe I wouldn't be able to leave here."

Now there are only two people left, Fei and Inogaki Kisame. Fei only has space-time ninjutsu and cannot use other powerful ninjutsu at all.

Hoshigaki Kisame is also a guy with brute strength, so Uchiha Ao doesn't take the two of them seriously at all.

"Hoshigaki Kisame." A Fei said: "Cover me."

Now Ah Fei's body started to retreat, and Sharingan started to activate.

Uchiha Ao was stunned. He had continuously activated Sunō Sahu and was no longer able to activate such a powerful ninjutsu.

"Okay." Hoshigaki Kisame said obediently.

A group of S-level people followed Fei to prepare for an unprecedented ninja war. However, when Uchiha Ao Hengkong was born, Akatsuki's plan was repeatedly destroyed.

A Fei naturally hates Uchiha Ao very much, and precisely because of this, A Fei will spare no effort to kill Uchiha Ao himself.

"Are you going to use space-time ninjutsu?" Uchiha Ao was stunned.

Kisame Kisame, armed with a hand-held weapon, began to attack Uchiha Ao.

At this time, Uchiha Ao showed disdain and looked at Hoshigaki Kisame in front of him.

"There is such a powerful power." Kisame Mikigaki can still use his power now, which is beyond Uchiha Ao's expectation.

"Eat me with a knife." Kisame the dried persimmon roared.

Uchiha Ao narrowed his eyes and quickly dodged away.

"Hoshigaki Kisame himself?" Uchiha Ao snorted coldly.

Under Hoshigaki Kisame's attack, Uchiha Ao himself continued to dodge, and where the Hoshigaki Kisame sword struck, many holes were made on the ground.

"You can still dodge it." Hoshigaki Kisame laughed, and under repeated attacks, Uchiha Qing's body began to dodge.

Uchiha Ao himself looked at Hoshigaki Kisame beside him and said: "Dried persimmon Kisame."

In addition to using brute force, Kisame Kisaki seems to have no courage to use the Water Style ninjutsu that he is proud of.

"What's wrong?" Kisame Kisame said rudely: "Aren't you suppressed by me now?"

Uchiha Qing just focused most of his attention on Fei.

After all, after Ah Fei used the space-time ninjutsu, he was already ready to attack Uchiha Qing himself at any time.

"Uchiha Qing." A Fei suddenly appeared behind Uchiha Qing.

Uchiha Ao was stunned, Kisame Kisaki kept attacking from the front, and Uchiha Ao himself was blocking Uchiha Ao's retreat behind him.

"What a troublesome guy." The unicorn in Uchiha Qing's hand appeared, turned around and attacked A Fei.

A Fei's body was evasive, showing a proud expression.

"Uchiha Qing, it seems you are going to suffer a big loss." A Fei said.

Uchiha Ao was stunned, and A Fei's Sharingan appeared and began to absorb Uchiha Ao himself.

A flash of light disappeared, and Uchiha Qing himself was brought into A Fei's space.

"This is your space?" Uchiha Qing was stunned.

0…Please give me flowers…………

A Fei laughed: "That's right, now that your chakra is limited, just die in my space.

A Fei left, leaving Uchiha Qing alone.

Uchiha Ao smiled bitterly and stared at the unprecedented situation in front of him. Uchiha Ao himself was in an endless desert.

"A Fei's space is activated." Uchiha Qing was always on guard, but finally failed to take precautions.

A Fei moved slowly, and after leaving the space, he came outside and stared at Konoha Sannin.

"Fei, where did you take Uchiha Ao?" Tsunade roared.

A Fei laughed, spread his hands and said politely: "Of course it is my space, Uchiha Ao will die in my space.

Uchiha Ao, who has been fighting with Uchiha Itachi, Inikaki Kisame and others for a long time, is in the Abi dimension and may not be able to come out.


"A Fei, I will fight with you." Tsunade looked angry.

Orochimaru grabbed Tsunade's wrist and said, "Tsunade, don't be impulsive. It's better to evacuate here. It seems that Uchiha Ao is hopeless."

Orochimaru also didn't want Akatsuki members to kill Uchiha Ao himself, but after this period of time, Uchiha Ao had fallen into A Fei's hands.

"No one can enter the Ah Fei space. Once Uchiha Ao himself falls into the Ah Fei space, he cannot come out." Orochimaru said.

Tsunade clenched his fist tightly and said: "Even so, I will kill A Fei to avenge Uchiha Ao."

Jiraiya said reluctantly: "Hey, Tsunade, you have lost your mind. Can Uchiha Ao himself make you pay such a high price?"

Jiraiya didn't understand that he was always protecting Tsunade, but Tsunade didn't consider Jiraiya's feelings at all.

"I'm willing to pay any price, even if it's my life." Tsunade roared angrily, turned on his magic, turned to look at Jiraiya and said, "Jiraiya, if you want to leave, I won't stop you."

Jiraiya was stunned, showing a helpless look, and said: "How could I leave you at this time? In this case, I will deal with this group of people rudely."

Jiraiya gathered his hands together and started to perform the flower mode. Two of the Konoha Sannin were already fighting to the death with Akatsuki.

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