Ah Fei stood in front of Sannin and sneered.

"Konoha's Sannin?" A Fei said: "I have no intention of fighting you.

After A Fei brought Uchiha Ao into his space, his body began to disappear.

"Is this the end?" Kisame Kisaki showed a rude expression, quickly started to form seals, and left the scene.

Nagato and Konan also left, leaving only Sannin in the canyon.

"Damn it." Tsunade stepped forward and said.

Jiraiya was helpless for a while, and turned to look at Tsunade beside him.

"They have all left, let's get out of here." Jiraiya said.

Tsunade stubbornly turned his head and stared at Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru, where can we find these bastards?" Tsunade cursed on the spot.

Orochimaru smiled and looked at Tsuna in front of him.

"How can they find A Fei "080"?" Orochimaru looked helpless and said: "No one will find the whereabouts of the members of the Akatsuki organization.

Tsunade grabbed Orochimaru's collar, looking extremely impatient.

"Tell me, how to find them? You must have a way." Tsunade asked angrily.

Kabuto looked at Orochimaru in front of him, looking at a loss.

"Orochimaru." Kabuto said as he stepped forward.

Orochimaru stopped Kabuto with one hand, looked at Tsunade in front of him, and said, "Do you really want to find Fei and the others?"

Tsunade stepped forward and said: "Of course, tell them their whereabouts."

Orochimaru laughed and said: "A Fei and the others must be heading towards the Huaxia Hidden World Village."

Chinese Hidden World Village? Tsunade froze on the spot and let go of Orochimaru's collar.

"It's a pity that Uchiha Qing can't leave A Fei's time and space, and no one can break in," said the snake.

Tsunade narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists tightly.

"I don't believe Uchiha Qinghui will die so easily." Tsunade turned around and said, "I'm going to the Huaxia Hidden World Village now."

Outside Huaxia Hidden World Village, under the resistance of Sasuke, Omuyi and others, Cloud Shinobi Village and others were blocked in front of the village entrance.

"After fighting for a whole day, we didn't gain any advantage at all." Darui turned to look at Killer Bee beside him and said.

Killer Bee stood there, staring at the Chinese Hidden Village in front of him.

"I didn't expect them to be so stubborn." Killer Bee narrowed his eyes and asked, "When will our army arrive?"

Darui stepped forward and said: "Lord Killer Bee, we have reached the border of Huaxia Hidden Village, but now their village's defense is impregnable. Do we really want to attack their village at this time?"

Darui sneered and stared at Darui in front of him.

"So what?" Killer Bee said: "Now we in Cloud Shinobi Village have no way out.

"You crazy people don't have the strength to conquer Cloud Shinobi Village, so you still have to show off your strength." Many players began to come forward, showing disdain.

It is precisely because of this that the NPC players who came to support began to retreat one after another.

No one noticed that at this time, NPC players left the scene one after another. Even without Uchiha Ao himself in the village, Killer Bee, Shibaki and others would not be able to conquer the village.

"Even if Uchiha Ao is not here, you can't help this village. It's really a waste." The players left.

Whether it is an island country or an American country, players from the Bangzi Country have left one after another, leaving only the coalition forces of Killer Bee, Shibuki and others.

Killer Bee and others have stopped attacking. No matter how they attack, they will suffer heavy casualties and cannot attack the Huazhen Hidden Village in front of them.

"Even without Uchiha Ao himself, we still can't attack their village?" Shibuki frowned and said.

Killer Bee snorted coldly and said: "We are just not as numerous as Huaxia Hidden World Village. Now as long as reinforcements from our village come, they will definitely give Huaxia Hidden World Village a heavy blow."

Shibuki stepped forward and said: "Killer Bee, are you going to attack Huaxia Hidden Village again? What if Uchiha Qing comes back?"

In fact, the ninja troops of Takigakure Village had already gathered in the Huaxia Hidden World Village, but they did not dare to enter the village entrance because they were worried about Uchiha Ao's return.

"Uchiha Qing will not come back." A Fei's figure came to Killer Bee.

Killer Bee stepped forward, showing an angry expression.

"Ah Fei, you actually broke your promise and came to attack the Chinese Hidden Village." Killer Bee pointed at Ah Fei.

Zetsu came out and looked at Killer Bee's angry look.

"Stupid group of people, if it weren't for us Akatsuki, Uchiha Qing would have arrived a long time ago, and now Uchiha Qing has been killed by us..." A Fei said.

Killer Bee was shocked and looked at each other with surprised expressions with the people around him.

When A Fei put Uchiha Ao into his dimension, he knew that it was impossible for Uchiha Ao to come out of his dimension.

"Uchiha Qing is really dead?" A Fei asked in confusion.

A Fei nodded and said seriously: "That's right."

In A Fei's eyes, Uchiha Qing would not leave his space and would only wait to die. As for Orochimaru, A Fei immediately spoke out.

"Orochimaru betrayed us and joined forces with Konoha Tsunade and Jiraiya. They have already sided with Huazhen Hidden World Village." A Fei said with a cold expression.

Suddenly, Killer Bee was shocked. They were contacted by Orochimaru and began to besiege the Chinese Hidden World Village.

In the Ninja Alliance, there are no fixed friends or fixed friends. Only the drive of interests will bring everyone together.

Orochimaru is an unreliable person to begin with, and we at Cloud Shinobi Village didn't expect him to contribute much. Killer Bee said disdainfully.

Orochimaru summoned everyone to attack the Huaxia Hidden Village, but did not send a single soldier or spend any financial and material resources, which has already caused everyone's dissatisfaction.

"It would be best if Orochimaru quits. We don't care about this guy at all." Everyone started to talk.

A Fei laughed and said: "Now that Uchiha Qing is dead, we Xiao are willing to attack Huaxia Hidden World Village with you.

Killer Bee's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that Akatsuki 1.0 would still be willing to attack the Chinese Hidden Village, which made Ah Fei feel very good.

"Xiao plans to attack the Chinese Hidden World Village at this time?" Killer Bee asked.

A Fei spread his hands and said with a confident expression: "Uchiha Ao is no longer here. We Akatsuki will not only kill Uchiha Ao, but also destroy his village.

Suddenly, the Killer Bee crowd began to get excited.

"Tonight our ninja troops from Cloud Shinobi Village will come. At that time, I believe we will be able to break through the defense line of Huaxia Hidden World Village. Killer Bee clenched his fist tightly.

The group of people standing at Killer Bee began to get excited and said, "We can finally defeat the people from Huaxia Hidden World Village."

At this time, with Xiao's joining, Killer Bee saw hope, and many forces that wanted to leave changed their minds. .

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