In the afternoon, when the sun set, Omuyi stood in front of the Huaxia Hidden Village, staring at Killer Bee and others.

At the end of the day, Killer Bee and others suffered heavy losses and were forced to withdraw from the battlefield of Huaxia Hidden Village. Lin Jiachen, Cheng Mengmeng and others finally defended the entrance of Huaxia Hidden Village.

"Killer Bee and the others must be waiting for reinforcements from the Huaxia Hidden World Village." Lin Jiachen said bluntly.

Cheng Mengmeng frowned and looked at the sun that was about to set.

"Why hasn't Uchiha Qing come back yet?" Cheng Mengmeng started to say worriedly.

Jujiro stepped forward and said: "The battle between Uchiha Ao god-tier and Akatsuki must be very brutal. With our current strength, we are enough to withstand the invasion of Killer Bee and others.

In the Hidden World Village of China, Uchiha Qing cultivated a group of powerful people. Whether it was Jujiro, Lin's retainer, or Omui, they were all powerful people.

"Jujiro was right this time. Killer Bee is no match for us." Sasuke stepped forward and said.

Suddenly, people in Cheng Mengmeng's camp began to cultivate themselves. They knew that behind Killer Bee and others, reinforcements from each village were coming.

"Whether it is Cloud Shinobi Village or Takigakure Village, reinforcements are bound to come, and there will be a big 05 battle by then. We must keep our spirits up." Lin Jiachen stepped forward and said.

Following Lin Jiachen's words, Cheng Mengmeng and others in front of them stepped forward and said: "That's right, we must keep our spirits up at this time."

"It's better to go up and carry out a sneak attack before Killer Bee and his reinforcements arrive to create some difficulties for them. Sasuke stepped forward and said.

Jujiro's eyes lit up, showing an expression of approval.

"Sasuke is right. Killer Bee and others must have been demoralized just after their defeat. According to our spies' reports, the NPC players who came to support have already left." Jujiro said, "If we carry out another sneak attack now."

"No." Omuyi narrowed his eyes and said, "Killer Bee and the others returned after defeating them during the day. Although they did not evacuate, they must be well-defended. If they go for a sneak attack tonight,

We will fall into passivity. "

Omuyi was once a ninja in Cloud Shinobi Village, and he knew the tribe of Cloud Shinobi Village very well.

"What Omuyi said makes sense, Sasuke, Jujiro, you are not allowed to act rashly." Cheng Mengmeng said.

Sasuke and Jujiro nodded and gave up their plan to sneak attack Killer Bee's camp on the spot.

In the Killer Bee camp, everyone began to wait quietly. At this time, everyone was waiting for reinforcements to arrive.

The members of Akatsuki are even gathered in the Killer Bee camp, Hidan, Kakuzu, Inigangaki Kisame, Abi and Zetsu.

Nagato and Konan left, Uchiha Itachi healed, and almost all Akatsuki members were dispatched, waiting for Killer Bee to launch an attack to completely destroy the Chinese Hidden World Mandarin.

"To destroy a village, why gather so many of us? Just let me take Samehada alone to destroy the Huaxia Hidden World Village." Hoshigaki Kisame laughed.

Uchiha Qing is no longer here, and at this time Hoshigaki Kisame feels that with his own strength, he is enough to destroy the Huaxia Hidden World Village.

A Fei sat in his seat with a cold look in his eyes.

"If you go alone, there will always be fish that slip through the net and the work is not thorough. This time after we kill Uchiha Qing, we must eradicate the roots and completely eliminate the influence of Huaxia Hidden World Village." A Fei said.

Immediately, following A Fei's words, Kisame Kisame and everyone in front of him began to agree.

"What are you going to do?" Jue asked.

A Fei raised his head and said: "The ninja armies from Cloud Shinobi Village, Takiyin Village and other villages are coming soon. With the help of their troops, we will first eliminate Huaxia Hidden World Village, and then...

There was silence in the room. After A Fei finished speaking, the Xiao members already knew it.

"It's really a good plan, kill two birds with one stone." Kisame Kisaki laughed.

A Fei showed a smile and said: "Killer Bee and his group couldn't have imagined that we would do this, so we just waited quietly. Jue, go check around and beware of people from the Huaxia Hidden World Village coming to sneak attack at this time. .”

He definitely has terrifying investigative capabilities, and precisely because of this, A Fei is deeply afraid that if the people from Huaxia Hidden Village succeed in sneaking up on Killer Bee at this time, it will cause a serious blow to Killer Bee and the others.

"Yes." Jue left.

Killer Bee and others began to rest, and they waited anxiously all night. Whether it was Hidden World Village or Takigakure Village, the ninja army was coming. In less than a few hours, they will gather in front of the Huaxia Hidden World Village.

"The ninjas from the village will be coming soon. Master Killer Bee should take this opportunity to rest." Darui stepped forward and said.

Killer Bee frowned and said rudely: "If we rest now, it will give the people of Huaxia Hidden Village an opportunity to take advantage of us. "Tonight we must be careful to prevent Samyi and others from sneak attacks."

Samui is a ninja from Cloud Shinobi Village, and he knows very well how Cloud Shinobi Village behaves.

"You don't have to worry. You Jue is monitoring the surroundings. You can rest." A Fei's figure came forward.

Killer Bee raised his head and looked at Akatsuki's leader, Fei.

"A Fei, why are you coming to my place so late?" Killer Bee asked.

A Fei smiled and said: "I'm worried that you haven't gotten enough rest because you are on guard against the people in Huaxia Hidden World Village."

Killer Bee stepped forward and said: "You don't need to worry about my affairs. You said you would definitely scout around?"

Ah Fei stepped forward and said: "That's right, with Jue's detection ability, if a fly flies in, it will be detected.

At this time, Killer Bee took a deep breath, and 217 began to look a little happy.

"There is such a thing." Killer Bee stepped forward and said, "Since you said so, I think it is necessary for me to tell others."

Killer Bee thought so, and Shenmu and others must have been afraid of a sneak attack from the Hidden World Village in China, and would not be able to rest well all night.

"Darui, tell the leaders of each village this news and let them rest in peace." Killer Bee said.

Darui lowered his head and said, "Yes, Lord Killer Bee."

Darui spread the news that Killer Bee had obtained, and people in Killer Bee's camp began to show tired expressions and began to fall asleep one after another.

After a night passed, on the second day, all the troops from Cloud Shinobi Village and Takigakure Village came, and Killer Bee and others were in high spirits.

"Finally, our entire ninja army has arrived." Killer Bee from Cloud Shinobi Village said.

Darui and others looked very excited and stepped forward to stare in the direction of the Chinese Hidden Village in front of them. At this time, even if Sasuke and others blocked it with all their strength, they could not stop Killer Bee and others.

Because at this time, the Killer Bee camp has been joined by Akatsuki. At this time, no one can become a more powerful person than Killer Bee.

"Killer Bee." A Fei's figure came forward.

Killer Bee looks energetic after a night's rest. .

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