Killer Bee turned to look at Ah Fei and said, "What's wrong?"

A Fei laughed and said: "When our members are mixed in your team, we must not expose our existence first. Hidan and others will be caught off guard by Jujiro and others."

Killer Bee was shocked and smiled.

"It's really a good idea." Killer Bee said.

For a moment, following Killer Bee's words, A Fei and others looked very shocked.

It was A Fei's idea that Killer Bee and others began to wave their hands and said: "Send action immediately.

Killer Bee led a group of people and began to move towards the Huaxia Hidden World Village. At this moment, everyone seemed extremely excited.

"Report, the Killer Bee army has begun to launch an attack." People from Huaxia Hidden World Village began to step forward to report.

Samyi stepped forward and began to look shocked.

"Did Killer Bee and others start an attack?" Samyi narrowed his eyes.

The spy from Huaxia Hidden World Village said: "That's right."

Samyi laughed and looked at the people around him.

"Sasuke, it seems that we must resist with all our strength to stop the attack of Killer Bee's army." Samyi said.

While Samui was speaking, Orochimaru appeared from the ground and said, "It's useless. Even if you resist with all your strength, you can't be a match for Killer Bee and the others."

"What?" Samui was shocked. After Jujiro and others saw Orochimaru, they began to attack one after another.

The scene seemed fierce, and everyone began to attack Orochimaru. No one could have imagined that at this time, the big snake would appear here.

"Wait a minute." Kabuto stepped forward and said, "We are here to help you."

In front of the gate of Samyi Camp, Tsunade and Jiraiya came and broke into the camp without waiting for the ninjas of the Chinese Hidden Village to report back.

"Sir, Tsunade and Jiraiya broke in." Samui's men stepped forward and said.

Tsunade said rudely: "Get out of my way."

At this moment, Tsunade pushed the ninja in front of him away with one hand, showing disdain.

"You?" Samyi narrowed his eyes. The Konoha Sannin actually gathered together, and things seemed a little strange.

Orochimaru laughed and said: "Actually, I don't want to help you and get involved in such a troublesome thing. I only did this when Tsunade asked me to help."

Tsunade stepped forward and said: "Samyi, listen to me, something happened now."

In Samyi's opinion, the arrival of Konoha Sannin is not a good sign.

"What's going on?" Sammy asked.

Tsunade stepped forward and said: "The members of Akatsuki have arrived. They are mixed with Killer Bee's army. If you don't take precautions at this time, then wait until the battle to deal with it, and Huaxia Hidden World Village will definitely suffer heavy losses."

"Xiao!" Cheng Mengmeng was immediately shocked. When she heard that Xiao was coming, her first thought was where is Uchiha Ao himself?

If Akatsuki hadn't stopped Uchiha Ao, how could Akatsuki members appear now?

"You must be wondering, then what exactly is Uchiha Ao himself doing?" Orochimaru asked.

Cheng Mengmeng and others stepped forward, revealing Tian's extremely solemn expression.

"What happened to Uchiha Ao god-tier?" Jujiro asked.

Orochimaru laughed and said, "Unfortunately, he has been killed by Akatsuki members."

Tsunade Orochimaru, come on.

"That's nonsense. He clearly entered A Fei's space and wasn't killed at all." Tsunade shouted.

Following Tsunade and Orochimaru's words, Cheng was stunned.

"Uchiha Qing was captured by Ah Fei, and took him into the same space and time as Ah Fei?" Cheng Mengmeng was stunned.

Everyone became depressed when they heard the news.

Tsunade narrowed his eyes and said, "Even if we don't say it, they will tell it when the Akatsuki members appear.

Even if Tsunade doesn't say anything, the Akatsuki members will show up when they see Cheng Mengmeng and others.

At this moment, following Tsunade's words, Cheng Mengmeng stepped forward and said, "Is the purpose of your coming here just to tell Uchiha the news?"

"No, we are not that boring." Tsunade said bluntly.

In Tsunade's view, now that she is here, she is the one who helps the Chinese Hidden World Village.

Facing the Chinese Hidden World Village to deal with Killer Bee and his group, Tsunade knew that Cheng Mengmeng and others were definitely no match, so Sannin from Konoha came to help the Chinese Hidden World Village resist Killer Bee's ninja army.

"We are here to help you." Tsunade stepped forward and said.

Suddenly, following Tsunade's words, Samui and others stood there with worried expressions.

"Such a thing happened. Now that there is no support from the Uchiha Ao god-tier, and members of the Akatsuki are here again, how can we defend the Huaxia Hidden World Village?" Jujiro asked.

Lin Jiachen stepped forward and said: Village W does not belong to Uchiha Qing god-tier alone, it belongs to all of us. "

At this time, following Lin Jiachen's words, everyone began to be shocked.

Sam Yi raised his head and said, "What Lin Jiachen said is right. Now we must defend the village with all our strength."

"Guard the village." Cheng Mengmeng stepped forward and said, "Tsunade is right, Uchiha Qing was just trapped by A Fei, so we must wait for his return.

Because of Cheng Mengmeng's words, Samyi nodded at this time.

"Since there is such a strong force of unity?" Orochimaru looked surprised.

Uchiha Qing was controlled by Ah Fei's space-time ninjutsu, and there is no news now. At this time, everyone almost looked shocked.

"Report, Killer Bee and his ninja army have arrived at the entrance of the village." Samyi's men reported.

Orochimaru smiled and said: "The Akatsuki members are hidden among the Killer Bee people."

Suddenly, following Orochimaru's words, everyone seemed extremely nervous.

"A member of Xiao?" (Li Hao) Sam Yi snorted coldly.

After being reminded by Orochimaru, Samui understood the purpose of Akatsuki, Killer Bee and others.

Samyi stepped forward and said: "It seems that Xiao is planning to destroy your Chinese Hidden World Village."

In the Ninja League, the Hidden World Village of China rose rapidly, and Uchiha Ao even captured two tailed beasts, becoming Akatsuki's target.

"There is such a thing." Samyi stepped forward and said, "Are you Sannin here to help us?"

"Of course, what else do we do here?" Orochimaru said politely.

Following Orochimaru's words, Samui stepped forward and said, "In that case, you will hide in our ninja army."

In the ninja army, everyone began to advance as Samyi came.

"Samyi." Cheng Mengmeng said when leaving the village: "No matter what, we cannot allow Akatsuki members to invade the village.

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